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4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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Marathon shopping in the Bend this weekend
The Grand Bend Chamber of
Commerce Christmas Comes Early is an
event that I am sure was structured for
anyone who does not want to leave home
but wants, just as badly, to get holiday
shopping finished, spend some time with
friends and check out the year-round
businesses. Last year, I went from store to
store and was able to get everything I was
looking for. It was so successful; the
Chamber of Commerce continued the
momentum. Parking is free in the Bend
this time of year and that is a bonus for
determined shoppers. There is something
for everyone close to home, with a whole
lot of sales going on. Holiday outfits, gifts
and personalized gift baskets, baking stuff
including cookie tins, food items and
ideas, holiday dkor - it is all here. This is a
great time to check out the local restau-
rants and take some time to see what this
area has to offer. And don't limit your
shopping to Grand Bend... See pages 2
and 31 in this week's Lakeshore Advance
for area specials and shopping ideas.
Businesses are open Friday until Sunday
and they have stocked up to make sure
this will be a great shopping experience for
everyone. Get some rest- this could be
marathon shopping. But don't worry if
you can't buy everything you need. Most
of these businesses are open year round
and you can certainly come back.
Lynda Ilillnutn-Rapley
letters to the editor
County council pay hike outrageous
1 wish to comment on the article which
appeared in the Sarnia Observer and LPF
on Nov 3, (in Nov. 9 Lakeshore Advance
Page 7) regarding the proposed pay hike
for County Councillors.
Proper remuneration for those persons
performing public duties is important so
that we will have quality candidates
running for office.
There is an expectation that those
fulfilling those duties will be in touch with
the reality of the world .
The suggested increase in the report far
exceeds present day salary increases even
though County Council has held the line
since 2008 .
With many stakeholders in the County
losing their jobs , receiving salary cutbacks
or living on fixed incomes , it is inconceiva-
ble that Council would consider such an
Maybe the authors of the report are
attempting to use the tactic of coming in
with a high figure and then ending up with
a lower figure to appease the critics.
(A poor strategy in this day and age.)
Salary increases and remuneration
should be reflective of increased work
load, productivity, the fiscal climate in the
community and message you wish to send
to the taxpayer. Increases based on a
ranking with another community just
does not cut in with this author.
1 hope the Lanlbton Shore's representa-
tive votes against such an outrageous
increase and expresses a concern
regarding the type of massage being sent to
the stakeholders in the community should
such an increase be passed.
Respectfully submitted
William Billington
Grand Bend
Spooky start at St. Annes
Madelaine Higgins
Lakeshore Advance
'Ibis past week at St. Anne's began with a
spooky start, with llalloween Monday on
October 31st. Many students, especially
those who are a part of the "Me to We"
group, participated once again in the
Halloween for 1 lunger food drive, where
instead of "trick or treating" for candy on
llalloween night, canned goods are
collected and donated to local food hanks.
This year, the students achieved one of the
best turnouts to date - hands up!
On the evening of Tuesday, November
1st, St. Anne's held an open house for pro-
spective students of grades 6, 7 and 8 from
local elementary schools. Local families
had an opportunity to tour the school, meet
and greet with present students and staff
members, (earn more about the school and
the special facilities it has to offer, as well as
the variety of extra -curricular teams and
clubs offered at St. Anne's.
Sports wise, on Monday, swine team
practices began in preparation for the
upcoming season, the senior girls had the
basketball quarter finals at South 1 luron 00
Wednesday, and the junior and senior boys
hosted a volleyball game at the school on
Thursday, November 3rd. On Friday,
November 4th, the PA day gave students
some time off of school.
We are getting ready for our Remem-
branee Day assembly and look forward to
hosting many of our local veterans at
Si, Anne's. We are grateful for the freedom
that we have and make a commitment to
express our gratitude in our words and in
our actions. We remember!
From the countryside
John Russell
Lakeshore Advance
While attending my grandsons' hockey
game last week, I noticed in my wanderingf:
that there were three youngsters, kindergar-
den age, playing on Ipads. Being nosey, I
stopped at each and watched their little
hands manipulate Images, games,puzzles
and drawing with great ease. They were
absorbed and quiet, intent on their tasks. l
thought &eve Jobs would be proud,
1 have always been a Mac person, Since
being forced to take Fortron, Cobol on
punch cards as punishment for not taking
grade eleven math seriously, I knew the lan-
guage of computers was not my forte. When
the Mac was introduced with its ease of use
with a mouse, its graphic interface and
smart and seamless response to dumb,old
me, I knew this was for me. As years went
on, I realized after comparing notes with
others, the basic advantages.No priesthood
to get my computer re-somethinged. No
bad viruses that plagued others. Just plug
and play. Almost like driving a car. Another
tool for my kit.
At the museum, the Macs revolutionized
a lot of our exhibit work and our advertising.
We still have the original files from the
mid -eighties with the clean graphics of the
labels showing off the edge Macs had in that
creative world. The really great thing was
that so much of the software was out of the
box user friendly, seamlessly integrated into
the other things you were using and we
didn't have to spend precious time learning,
re -learning or for that matter rebooting. 1
like to tell my PC friends that our first Mac at
home went down twice in nine years. Both
times to replace the internal backup
The one I am on now has not burped in
four years. Sort of like a Chevy. like a rock.
Jobs' passing had the effect of bringing
out the writer in many. The accolades are
well deserved but have been a bit over the
top in my estimation. He was a genius of
sorts but contrary to rumour, his walking on
water had to do with a really ,really good
orange micro -dot alone. His legacy in
changing the way we do business in our
electronic world, whether it be computing,
music or creating as a whole is for real. 11i! 3
status as cult figure will pass.
I believe Steve Jobs did one thing really
well. Ile was able to get inside our brains
and know what we wanted and needed
before we had a clue that this was the case.
1lis ability to withstand the marketing and
business advice to the contrary in building u
sole proprietor operating system that went
across media and integrated all forms of
devices was based on stubborn belief in his
rightness. His leadership should be looked
to for an example of not going with the flow
and reaping the harvest of being persistent
and lucky. Is it right or wrong? Not really
either, just unique in our Bines. I will miss
the showman while the little ones fly high
on new machines, even he couldn't
And that's how I see it this week.