Lakeshore Advance, 2011-11-02, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Maintaining septics a theme for seventh Adhoc meeting
Lyda 1111Imart-Rapiey
Lakeshore Advance
The Lambton Shores north end sewer advi-
sory board (Adhoc) had their seventh of ten
meetings on October 24th with a report going
back to council before the end of the year.
There have been five groups working at alter-
natives to a sewer collection system and review
sewer issues for Zones 3 and 4 that go from
Southcott Pines to the Ausable Cut. Each meet-
ing the committee give verbal draft updates as
to what their groups have accomplished. There
will be a public meeting this month to allow
the people in these two zones to ask questions
and get clarifications with backup reports with
sources for all their findings. The meetings
have all been at the Grand Bend Community
Ilealth Centre with time for questions at the
end. This group, being a committee of council
is required to follow the same rules of proce-
dure as council does.
At the last October meeting, committee
member Ernie Lewis talked about education
for septic users. Ile said with strong active
conununity associations, a key element to this
team is to educate people on how to maintain
the existing infrastructure. Lewis said his
team's information would be compiled in his
report to the conunittee when it is complete.
Member Adrian Vrolyk said the septic edu-
cation part is important for new homeowners,
who are coming from the dty and buying prop-
erties - and have never worried about septic
system before. "They need an education on
how it (septic) should work- people don't know
they can't throw everything down the toilet or
that you can't dtunp a can of Draino down the
pipes, " said Vrolyk said adding people also
don't know the difference between a tertiary
system and the basic system that most people
have. "'They won't know what system they
need when the one the have breaks down"
Chair Carl Belke said the public meeting is
scheduled for November 28th at the Legion.
lie asked for a consensus as to what the format
should be. Ile thought maybe a power point
and then open up the floor for questions.
Council member Doug Bonesteel said they
(municipal leaders) have experienced that
40 The Municipality of Lambton Shores
LIVING IN LAMGTON SHORES....mot/ toss ol »wsosE,.nes wuOs.w,r,
AdnNnlstrsbon Department - 75SJ Amteeeoom Parkway, Forest. Ontario NON 1J0
1st: 141r•t 5575, 5I9.7t1 -211(5, Fax 519-786-2135. Email admwstaeonfilemEla»hon* ca Asa our Web See at www Iwmbknstraes ca
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING • Development Charges
The Ooucl of Me hkunxxpaAly of Landon Snores ell hold a public mestrhg, puts/ant to Sedkn 12 of the Deveiopmert Chargee Ad 1997 to proem and
aeon pu bhc Input on the proposed 1 yeei • deneiorl of tee current development charges by tow
All interested ponies are tweed to Mord We Public Masenp of 0Jundl i d any person who attends the meeting may make i attexnta•hrts reline to the
proposed by -tor and bactigrould study The meet is 10 be held
Monday, November 7, 2011 ® 7:00 p.m.
stow Thedlord Vamps Comptes, Corn d Pearl b Main Steels, Medford
In order Inas sufficient rnlormslkn Is made minable 10 Ihe pubic copes M the proposed bylaw and the becagnxnd study are bona mads owlets* as on
October 20 at the Municipal Oakes
Slbreeksd pawns may express tisk comments e1 Mme PUNIC Meeting Written ct>rnmenb plot to the messing can be sen to the Caen 7e91 Amphc0m
Ptolemy, Forest, Orteno NON 1,10
Plants we underway for sw 2412 Municipal pan Mantimence
Program aid property owners watwh M Municipally of lanblon
Stores are asked lo mit* Municipal Caws on their property, and
submw mimes for any darn repair and maintenance plot lo
Oscamtx+t 02 2011
Forma am available al P9 1wmbinn Stews Wren* O1%. at
9575 Port Franks Road or on the lsmbton Shiesseesaw
Fu1Mr kNonmahon can be pxovtded by c is Ing Al lee.
Drainage SuperI tendst at 519.243.1400
Mean *Wren tegueets M
M nic paety of t smbfon Snores
9575 Port Francs Road An el
Medford Ontato NOM ?NO
Anenton Al l ate, garage Sy rinnte dent
Volunteer Firefighter
The t emblem Shores' Volunteer Fire Department
Thedlord rs seeking apphcabons hon probationary or
firefighter ter 1r•Ih•e apptloafhfe
Reference oh be given to those apphcats win Swing
and oert iceeon n CPR Feel Ad end D or D2 diver s
loons* cohikhwton **A be an sew
Appacaeax and a lob deentpeon can be picked up at ne Mum -pato 01
lamb1n Snores Pores Admneasson Office haled wasters is the Snores
Re,xe.Son Centre. 7893 Arnl*ec>Drn Parkway
Interested candidates we asked to aubmi application and mune by nand or
mal ndudng raiment experience by 430 am. Novara.' 11, 2011 to
Mr John Byrne (]tie Adrnnesative Office
Muhtc*<wsy 01 t anblm Shores
7863 Amlelecom Parkway
Only Moo appkwrs erred ed for an a1HA hew eta OV confac to d
Living and Playing In Lambton Shores Winter
Please submit the events your ofpantzatlon would like featured
in the next publtcabon of LMnQ and Playing in Lafnbton Shoes
to Rytai:s lapli2tt?!l0tt,,d or by fax 519.2493500 by Frldav,
thioMalllb& 1i1.f011,
The flea lora rkwleael i4 for Residential, ComaNrttat, IneuMiM
a MulMdbstrbMl* hapset/ le Was Wed., Noveoress 301h, 2011
Payments may be made by mat intermit or telephone banking ,n
person M any of the 3 offices or by Pre-AMmred whWdawwi
Omit we available at the Municipal (rheas or on out *Mee
www I.mblMfhor s Cs
Attention Community Oroupst
The lambkin Shores Comm soy (Sat ApphcgWn ione q row anlatfs on Me Municipal *.bele a1
fC'A11.IittlLi:N y:1M9 vJ Appruawn forma w oho messes n two copy at any Lamblon Snores
Municipal office
Con1hted apefratssh krms nx41 0e autandled by feCembet 31 2011 and can dropped M1 a1 any
amblon Shotes Municipal 0l • or mailed 1n The kkaw,tiality M lamnion Servs Comn'uwy Serene
AIS1 tootles" M Rwveatehn and t ensue
ore, rs r r1 Frank% Road. fill
ihedbed ON NOM2Fah
M you have any puolions or concerns OW Mie prat applcaeon tom ger the WWI &W a att n prow,
ph••s contact the Commix* Services Detainment at 1 Pee 943 14W
Notice of
Upcoming Meetings:
f ore Hoed - flea;frodhled
December 1 2011 MISonars Cenh•
Regula Council Mssling
Upcoming Schedule:
Meese cows the *,base tot criaryes
n slat &mitt
Monday. November 7, 2011 al 7prn
Tuesday, November 15 2011 at ?pm
Mkxday, November 21.2011 a1 spm
type of infornwtlon insemination in the last cou-
ple of years and personally he would like to go to
the workshop format. "This is complex. lb have
a power point and open up for questions, we will
set ourselves up as experts. No one here a
hydrologist- we risk doing that; he said explain-
ing some people won't contribute to a format
like that. "There may be people who want a col-
lection system and we have to hear from them.
We have to hear from everyone"
"We are not an inquiry, we are not a commis-
sion and are not in a position where we are an
authority on this," said Bonesteel. Ile said this
body would like to hear from as many people as
possible. "lhe (collection system) is a big issue
here and there are perspective buyers who are
afraid to move in because of the uncertainty- we
have to have closure.
Committee member Ron Rohe said they are
not professionals "but we have dug up stuff and
if people have questions we do have
answers." Ile said, " 1 want questions. i don't
want sermons. I have heard enough sermons. If
we don't have answers we can dig it up. That
might also help us," We have to get rid of the
sermons. We have heard them all."
Hoke said there are a lot of people here who
have never said a word. "I used to be one, And
there are a lot of people 1 don't want to hear
from. " It was suggested there are many ques-
tions asked again and again and they need to
have answers. Lewis suggested something could
be posted on line so residents could ask their
questions ahead Of time. Wilke also suggested
people can jot down their questions before the
meeting and that could be collated and then
answered at the meeting. Deputy mayor Eliza-
beth Davis Dagg also suggested a survey mon-
key on the municipal site so people could voice
their concerns. Belke said the committee of
whole could he involved in this process so " no
one person takes the heat."
in question period Wee Lake resident (:ani
'ihylor asked why the municipality couldn't have
a by-law that every house sold has to have an
inspection done or the sale can't go through.
1 )avis 1)atgg said they learned through (real estate
broker) Bob Shawn there is an inspection before
a sale. She explained this is done to protect the
agent from litigation if something goes
wrong. Bonesteel said he did not think it was
mandatory but usually on resale a Ovist' buyer
will ask for that in the conditions.
St. Anne's welcomed
Madeleine Itiggkis
Special to Lakeshore Advance
Dating this week at St. Anne's, the school wel-
comed grade eight students from each of out
partner t'lt'rllelltaly schools to our Alllltlal'tl't'I1-
nology l)ay. 150 elementary students e'xpe11
enroll the technology sectors within the school
to get a "taste" of what is to conte in high school
and exlx'lience skilled trades.
The field hockey team hosted a game at St.
Anne's this week anti played their hardest. The
girls' basketball teams attended a tournament at
South 1101011. On Ihuratlay ( )(Tobe! 2"', the Ix)ys
volleyball teams played at 510010/11 Central and
tilt' cross r()tllltly team travelled 1e) Exeter t()r the
Wel )SSAA meet.
Also 011'lhursday, student cabinet hosted the
annual Halloween dance, where students and
"The problem is—there is no one who does
more than a cursory look at the system. What
does inspection mean? Digging up the tile bed -
send snake down? It is expensive and that is the
issue. he said adding it is the county who is
Senior Planner Patti Richardson has explained
to council and the media that Lambton Shores
does not have a requirement that a septic system
be properly ftulctioning when a property is sold.
She says the municipality does not always know
when a property is sold,
If there is property subject of a Planning Appli-
cation (Consent, Official Plan and Zoning
Amendments, Variance) have a properly func-
tioning septic system, through the placing of
conditions 011 any approval of the application.
"We work with the County and they are the
approval authority for septic systems making
sure the system is upgraded or replaced," she
Arthur lake, a SCP resident said they %Vould
do well to design a welcoming committee for
new people coming in to town/ Ile suggested it
include a handout on how to maintain your sep-
tic systems, Belke said SCP are taking the model
of 1 luron Woods and have created a welcome
committee with information in regards to their
Schedule A, covenant issues and sewers.
11111 Billington a Zone 4, Deer Run resident
asked how this committee plans on dealing with
issues where they don't have an associa-
tion. Bonestt't'I suggested Meet and Greet events
and that is up to councilors right now to have
meetings. "We should not art like a city here- we
should he able to get information out to our tax
payers in a fairly expedient planner, Again Bill-
ington asked, "What do you, as a group, plan to
do to get the information to me'? Vice chair Rich-
ard Faber said there are on-line and notice
resourves. 1 ie said that was something they were
currently working on. " Stay tuned and we will
get that answer to you;' he told Billington.
A new resident to Southcott Pines said he was
pleased with how organized the municipality is
when it conies to getting the information out the
residents on the website. 1 le said they should
continue doing that and from their association
executives can disseminate, that information to
their membels.1 le said people from the city may
not know nl(u•h about septics -but they certainly
know how to Ilse at website.
the next meeting is November 15.
grade eight students
their guests were encouraged to dress in their
scariest costume's, relating to the "illonster plash"
the',ne. Atom' were (11 attendance, from grades 9
through 12,
Several of our staff and students attended the
Faith meets Pedagogy conference in 'furon(0,
where keynote speakers 1)r. Phomas (i1'ooint'
shaved his passion for Catholic Education with
the audience.
'111(' school will hold an open house on 'Tues
slaty, November I" for all sttl(1e'llts 111 Grade tt alld
their parents. 'I his is a great evening for parents
mid their children to learn about St. Anne's Cath -
olic Second: \' School. Families will have an
()ppututility to attend a welcome assembly and
then branch ()flint() smaller workshops and learn
111)011111w Imam' extra curricular activities and
specialized classimins and shops that the school
has to otter.