HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-26, Page 1616 Lakeshore Advance * Wednesday, October 26, 2011 classifiedextra.ca Cdnddda's Lit (lest (Ind most trusted print ,ind online cI(1 — ItIeds network Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone:/ -888-786-7821 Online: lakeshoreadvance.classifiedextra.ca Antiques & Art Collectibles OLD WOODEN Medi- cine Cabinet, $25.00. Solid oak, round coffee table $300.00. Brass swing arm wall light $15.00. Canadian Es- kimo walrus Soapstone carving with Ivory tusks $75.00 All items In great con- dition. Call 519-238-6946 after 6 p.m. Grand Bend. Furniture STORAGE SALE Saturday, October 29, 2011, 10 a.m.to2p,rn. Unit 12, Grand Self Storage, 60 Ontario St. Grand Bend, living room, bedroom and miscellaneous pieces of furniture and acces- sories. Kitchen odds and bits, mirrors, pic- tures, carpets, picture frames, wall hangings, lots of ladies clothing, shoes and boots and costume Jewelry. Like new hip flop` bed/set- tee, upholstered chaise lounge, lamps artificial decorative tree, large vase with bamboo shoots and much more. Auto for Sale 2010 Toyota Matrix 13,400 kms, blue, no smoker or animals, like new $16,950. Phone 519-440.5157 Dogs PROTECT and Winter- ize Your Pet. Locally designed dog jackets, limited Inventory, wa- terproof, Xsml•Ig. Available at The Pet Stop or call 519.671.3785 after 6 pm. Business Services "HONEY DO" property maintenance • Home repairs, odd jobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 HANDYMAN Need an odd lob done? No fob too small. Bob Dietrich, 12 Mary St. Zurich. Phone 519.238.4989. Please leave mes- sage. STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fest drying. Cali Nits Swenson 519-296-4721. Doors & Windows WINDOWS & DOORS Cull for a free esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Goderich, 524-1520, e- mail salesObluewator- windows.ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -Door (3667), e-mail bluewa- tersalos0hay.net, www.bluewaterwin- dows.ca Musical/Dance Instruction GUITAR LESSONS Basic cord Instruction to sing along to, and advanced rhythm tech- niques (lazz cords). Call dick Powell 519-243-4016 for ap- pointment. EARN EXTRA CASH! CLASSIREDS Cleaning GENERAL house- cleaning services, will cover Grand Bend and area, four spots open, 10 years experience. References available. Call Anne 226-423-2011 Restaurant/Hotel SERVERS required for busy restaurants. MacPherson's Restau- rant and Grogs Pub & Grill are hiring full-time and part-time positions year round employ- ment. Fax resume to 519-243-4035. =MI Classified Advertising Delvers! 111111111 Auction Sales Auction Sales PROPERTY AUCTION 48.25 acre farm at 7418 Lakeshore Rd., Lambton Shores (near Ravenswood) Sat. Nov. 5th 1 l a.m. 1 mile from Lake Huron, consists of 48.25 A+/- w 40 A+/- workable, approx. 1/2 systematically tiled. In- cludes 2 story alum sided house & older fruit pack barn. Mun. water in house. Call for info pkg. Murray McLean Auctions 519-232-4213 murraymcleanauctions.com Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals BEAUTIFUL Arizona House for Rent. This 2500 sq ft house is situated In Maricopa - only 30 minutes south from Phoenix Sky Har- bor Airport. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 0 bath -all new furnishings in and out. Lovey land- scaped private back yard. Minutes from 'The Duke' golf course. Many attractions -- Phoenix BasebalV Hockey, Barrett Jack- son Car Show - 0 hr, California/Mexico or Beautiful Sedona 2 0 hours, Skiing Flagstaff Area 3 hours, Grand Canyon 4 hours, Las Vegas 6 hours. $700/wk. Some weeks still available. For more Information or to request pictures con- tact Ron Merner by email; ruthmern 0 hay.net or phone 519.237-3510 Storage Space for Rent BOATS and cars. 7 1/2' high door. $10.00 per foot. 74698 Goshen Line, Varna. 519-263-2637 L. Becker STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square feet of stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and long term rates, pickup and delivery. Call TTK Transport Inc. Goderich, Ontario. 519-524-4331 Condo%/Lofts /Twnhse-Rent 2 BEDROOM condo tor rent In Grand Bend. Call 519.494.9691 $950.00 plus utilities. Hour' For Sole Houses for Rent GRAND BEND 2 bed- room house in Grand Cove. Some furnish- ings • negotiable. Available Dec.1, 2011 Call 519-238-6075. Ap irt1111'11t5 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St., Dashwood. Newly decorated. Newty painted and hardwood floors $650.00 per month for 2bd. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage included. Call 519-237-3510 GRAND BEND 2 bdrm apartment. Year round, utilities and parking in- cluded, no laundry, first and last. Call Liz 519-238-2512. GRAND BEND Iwo bedroom apartment for rent yearty. Close to downtown, utilities ex- tra. First and last, $750 per month. Laundry and parking. Call 519-238-5802. GRAND BEND, 3 bedroom with office space. Mid -Town. $750.00 month, utilities included. Yearly lease with 1'1 and last. 519-871-7535 SPACIOUS one bed- room in Dashwood, high ceilings, secured building. Available im- mediately. $500/month plus utilities. Phone 226-218-4444 1 In The Classifieds/ Houk For Salle General Help Wanted BETAMARSH INC. is looking for a part-time child and youth worker for an awake night staff position (week- end, nights and possible afternoon shifts), 33-40 hours bi-weekly. If interested please contact Connie Pond, Human Re- source Manager, by email at cpond0beta- marsh.com or by fax 519-524-6537 by Nov. 1, 2011. CASHIER/FUEL AT- TENDANT positions available at MacPher- sons Restaurant, daytime and evening shifts. Drop resume and application forms at MacPhersons, Port Franks. PART TIME/FULL- TIME, commercial cleaning positions available in Port Franks area. Fax re- sume and references to 519-243-4035 WE HAVE an immedi- ate opening for a part- time contract position fpr a music director. We would like some- one who is proficient in the use of the organ, piano, and directing choirs. The music di- rector should have a strong background and commitment to both traditional and contem- porary music styles. This position is ap- proximately 10 hours per week. Salary will be commensurate with skills, abilities and ex• perience. Please send resume and refer- ences by Nov. 9, 2011 to Forest United Church, 21 James St. North, Forest, ON, NON 1J0, or email tunitodoffce0 exoculink.com Hosie For Sale Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Email: placeit.sunlc classifiedextra.ca General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Lambton Elderly Outreach Is Now Hiring PSW's in Lambton County Quultlirazions; • Completion of Grade 12 • Completion of PSW from a recognized college or institution • Ability to communicate effectively, oral and written • Ability to work independently • Valid driver's license • Knowledge of needs for elderly, physically disabled & their Caregivers • Clear criminal reference check • First Aid and CPR Please send resume Attn: Brigitte Bosilj Email: brigitte@lambtonelderlyoutreach.org Fax: 519-845-1364 Mail: 4486 London Line Wyoming, Ontario NON 1TO Closing date: Oct. 312011, We thank all that submitted resunies; however only those chosen for all interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted St. Francis Advocates is a non profit organization sup- porting people with autism and/or a developmental dis- ability and arc looking for enthusiastic and outgoing support personnel. A diploma and/or experience in the developmental services field are preferred. We are look- ing for part time and casual personnel to fill daytime, af- ternon and overnight positions in our Forest, Arkona, Port Franks and'1'hcdtord locations. Please send your resume to kkeldersstfrancisadvocatcs.ne1 Attn: Karen. For further information please visit our website at w w w.stfrandsadvocates Jnet House F Sale 71014 't, OAK ST., GRAND BEND - S189000 Close to beaches and shopping, this 2 bedroom year round home has a private back yard, partial basement and a spacious master bedroom. DALTON SUBDIVISION -1:274,800 Just south of Grand Bend this 3 bedroom home features a treed double tot, spacious Great Room, open concept design and new sundeck. RUNAWAY, SICK, IN DANGER, IN TROUBLE