HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-26, Page 1212 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Scrapbooking weekend a huge success
Carmel Sweeney
Lakeshore Advance
The annual scrapbooking weekend
was held again at the Dashwood Com-
munity Centre from Oct. 21 to 23 with
girls coming from various places far and
Be sure to come to the St. Boniface
parish bazaar this Sat., Oct. 29 from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Tea room serving drinks
and beef on a bun. Lots to see and do
for both the young and old. Plus lots of
chances to win things. Everyone is
Children will soon be getting ready
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for Halloween and coming
around door to door for treats
on Mon., Oct. 31. Be sure to
have your porch lights on
ready for thein.
'the Golden Ages held their
monthly card party at the
Maple Woods Aptartments
on Oct. 24 with a good
'the Ladies Auxiliary Meet-
ing at the Rest home is on
Thurs., Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m. in
the sunset dining room with
a musical program by our
friends Tom and Rose Merri-
gan. President Carmel
Sweeney will conduct the
business. Members are asked
to bring canned goods for the
draw at the resident's family
dinner at the home on Sun.,
Nov. 20. The Memorial Angel
'free ceremony will also be
that night at 7 p.m. in the
chapel. $5.00 for The Auxil-
iary members will be col-
lected for 2012.
The next meeting for the
Angel Wings is on Thurs.,
Nov. 3 at 1:30 p.m. at the
Lutheran Church. For more
information call Michele
Haberer at 519-236-4905,
Daylight saving time comes
to an end on Nov. 6. Be sure
to turn your clocks back 1
hour before going to bed on
Saturday night.
In spite of the cold, wet
and windy day last Saturday.
The scouts along with their
leaders and some parents
went around town for "Apple
I lay kids! Be sure to go trick
or treating at "Stone
Meadows" subdivision as the
club house will be' open for
visitors that night. Just follow
the pumpkin faces on the
lamp post.
Six members of the Zurich
Agricultural Society attended
the annual district dinner
meeting held in Belmore at
the Community Centre on
'lues., Oct. 18 which also had
a bake sale and craft table as
a fundraiser. Also, several
quilts were on display with
1st prize going to the Strat-
ford Society. Seven ambassa-
dors were present from vari-
ous fairs along with Miss
(:.N.1; from last year. Guest
speaker was Bill Trought who
showed slides on country fair
baking and home craft which
he started at all the 139 fairs
in Ontario through Fleich-
nuuns. Those attending from
Zurich were Joan, Diane,
Hilda, Carrel, Mark and
Claire. A get well card was
signed for Margaret 1)eichert
who is in the hospital. Mitch-
ell Agri. Society will be host-
ing the annual meeting in
'ihe Precious Blood C.W.I.
in Exeter are getting ready for
thier annual Christmas
penny sale to take place in
their parish hall on Wed.,
Nov. 2 starting at 5:00 p.m.
Some members of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church will
be traveling to Aylmer,
Ontario on Sat., Oct. 29 to
attend the London Fall Con-
ference that will he held at St.
John's Evangelical Lutheran
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The Quilters Guild get together again
on Mon., Oct. 17 in the afternoon at the
Lutheran Church hall with those cont- —)
ing from the area.
There will be a 1 talloween dance at
the Bluewater Complex in Zuirch on
Fri., Oct. 28 at 9 p.m. Prizes for the hest
costumes. Admission us $10.00 at the
door (age of majority). Music for the
eyeing will be by a local group called
"The Lines Between" with Lance
Bedard, James Delius and Nick I iab-
erer. The band is also releasing their
new album.
As part of St. Peter's Lutheran Church
150th anniversary on Sun., Oct. 30 the
parish is having a special German and
English service at 10:00 a.m. with
Bishop Pryse and Pastor Nadine fol-
lowed by a Luncheon in the fellowship
St. Boniface youth group along with
their leaders and families will be going
swimming at the Y.M.C.A in Goderich
on Oct. 28. They will be having a
Remembrance 1)ay gathering on Nov.
10 at their meeting.
'lite Bean Festival Committee held a
potluck supper at the !lay Township
Hall last Wed., Oct. 19.
The Lion' s Club will be having their
monthly meeting on October 26 with
supper at 7 p.tn. at Smiley'z Pizza and
Sub in Zurich. President I lenry will he
conducting the business. Plans are
being made for their annual 'Turkey
Bingo coining in November. Also the
club delivers the new phone books
around town in November as a
A lovely bridal shower was held for
1.eeanne Bechar' (1lendrick) at the
Mennonite Church fellowship hall un
Sun., Oct. 23 with several relatives and
friends attending given by neighbours,
1)eloris and Valerie Gingerich and Phyl-
lis Ranier. 1,eeannt' is the financee of
nick VanSnick who are planning to be
married in December. She is the foster
child of Linda and lion 1 len(h•ick.
Congratulations go out to Ashley
Overholt and (;had Furiney who were
married on Sat., Oct. 22 at the /mulct
Mennonite Church with dinner and
reception at the Bluewater Complex.
'l'he bride is the daughter of Steve and
Deb Overholt.'ihe couple will he living
in Mitchell.
John Earle has returned home
recently from being in Labrador for a
week doing veterinary work in remote
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
goes ()tit to 1)onna'Ihiel in the hospital.
Farewell to our Zurich friends Sher-
man and Jenny Rota who have moved
to (;rand Coves Estates in (rand Bend
over the weekend.
Three of Cac tmel's girls and grand-
daughter had fun going to October Pest
in Kitchener recently and stayed at a
friends overnight while there and then
Bili some shopping.