HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-26, Page 111
Lakeshore Advance
Healthy Visitor Campaign Launch
Residents of Huronview Homes for the Aged help launch a county -wide
Healthy Visitors campaign. Residents from all long-term care homes In
the County are featured in posters encouraging visitors to only visit if
they are healthy. The Huron County Health Unit worked with the Homes
to develop the campaign.
Backrow L -R: Christina Taylor, Public Health Manager, Barb Springhall,
Homes Administrator, Susan Hart, Public Health Nurse, Dori Taylor,
Public Health Nurse , Joanne Hickey, Huronview Director of Care.
Front row L -R: Norene Hayter, resident, Ivan Wightman, resident Mary
Wightman, resident,
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Wednesda , October 26, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 11
If your non-profit group or organization would like to list
their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Rend Community Health
Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by ttie third Monday of the month prior to the event beim; held.
Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible.
What's Happening November 2011
"Healthy Lifestyle Exercise in Port Franks FREE: Linedancing starts at 8:30 followed by exercise from 9.10 a.m. Port Franks Community ('entre.
Instructors Cathy Jones and Faye flatter.
W:entle Exercise Program starting in fort Franks" Physiotherapist Nkole I'asut from the (:rand Bend Arra ('H(' will he offering this class every
'ILesday & Thursday from 10:30.11:30 am at the Port Franks Community ('entre. Everyone is welcome! ('all Shelley at 519-296.0117 for details
Nov2,9,16,23,30 "Savannah Strollers Pinery Park Walking Group" every Wednesday we meet In the l.antbtout Ileritaltr Museum parking lot by 9:30 a.m..
Everyone welcome! Frere adnrlasbn into the park ,Vldt the website at www,pinerypark.on.ca.
"Grand Hend Matters" every Wednesday 10 am -12 St. John's Anglian Church
"Healthy Lifestyle Exercise and Gentle Exercise ('lasses Grand Bend ('H("' 9:00 a.m. and 10:30am In tine Community Room at the (:rand Bend
Area ('H('. Please hying clean running shoes and wear comfy clothes, Contact ('Indy Maxfield health Promoter at 519-23&1556 ext 231
Nov, 3rd "Early Stage Atshein►er's Support Group" This series is for individuals who are in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Adult Day ('entre (:rand Bend
('H(' from 2-4 pm, Contact Jennifer Burns Flrat Link coordinator all -800.561.5012.
"Sunset Cinema" Community Room (:rand Bend Area ('Ii(' 7 pm Movie Ls "Mrs. Palfrey id the ('laremont"An elderly lady stoves to the big city with
expectations of taking advantage of the culture etc. Things don't turn out exactly as she had planned. Free admission hut donations accepted.
"Alzheimer Caregiver Support" 7 p.m. Grand Bend Area ('til'. Group program that provides education and support to caregivers.
Please contact the Alshelmer's Society of Huron al 1-800-561-5012 for details.
"('poking for One or 'iso" (:rand Bend ('H(', 11:30-2 p.m. In the Community Room. Learn how to scale down recipes, freeze portions
and make new friends! ('all Miranda 519.238-1556 ext 222 to register. www.gbachc.ca
"Dining For Seniors" 5:30pm Si. Johns Anglian ('hurch !:rand Bend
Nov. 1st
Nov. 1st
Nov, 2nd etc
Nov, 3rd
Nov. 3rd
Nov. 7th
Nov. 9th
Nov, 12th "Church Bazaar" Immaculate Heart Of Mary (l1wy.21) Grand Bend :sponsored by the t'alh lk 11'onten's League. Iklkious Lunch, Penny 'Bible,
Baked Goods, Handkrafts, Fresh Isocal Produce, Raffle Tickets & Draw. Everyone is Wekome! ('all 519.238-M20 for details.
Nov. 15th "Euchre -Kama at Port Franks Community l'entre"sponsored by the Port FranksSenlors.('ofedlba'rlmbltsat9a.m.Camesstart at I0:OOAMSharp.
('oat $7 per person which Includes lunch Everyone Welcome. ('x11519.243.3844 or 519.243.1126 for details.
Nov. 15th "Port Franks Garden flub General Meeting" 7:30 p.m. Port !''ranks ('ommunily ('entre "Deck Your Door Workshop" with Nancy Murray.
('trate a country -style wreath with fresh greens for Christmas! ('coal S25 -pre registration/prepayment by (ktober 31st. Refreshments
& Ikwr irises -Everyone Welcome call 519-243.1818 to register.
Nov, 15th "Mens' Prohui ('Iuh" meeting (:rand Bend Legion 9:30 a.m. Guest speaker is Stephanie Purdy, who will discuss the history and current
operation of Purdy Fisheries.
Nov, 22nd "Well Women's Night" 7 p.m. l'ome John us for an infornutllve evening at the Grand Bend Area ('H(' . 'Ihples Include Women's Sexual Health,
Anxiety and Women, and HEALTH by ('N()('l)I.ATE. Door Prises and refreshments. Pap tests will he conducted during the day from 9-4
with appointments for women who do not have a health care provider to go to or are uncomfortable and would prefer having the exam done by a
Nurse Practltiomer. Please call 519.238.2362 to book. ('all 519.238.1556 for the 7 p.m presentation. Everyone welcome!!!!
Nov, 23rd "Huron ('ounlry Playhouse Guild Annual Wassail" to be held at Southcott Pines from 1-3 p.m. Please come out and Join in the festivities.
('ekhrate the season and the Guild! Please call Marguerite at 519.238.2331 for info. Guests and members are welcome to attend.
Nov. 241h Port Franks Senkw Jamboree, 1:00-3:00 pm. Bring cookies to share, coffee, tea provided, bre will donation at the door. Port Franks ('ommunily
Nov. 28th
Nov. 28th
Nov. 30th
"Living Well Program" (:rand Bend Area ('II('. 2 •4 p.m. Topk to be announced. Contact occupational 'Therapists Aimee or Shawna
at 519.238.1556 ext 241. Everyone welcome.
"The (:rand Bend & Area Hortkultural Society Annual Meeting" (:rand Bend Legion 7 p.m. Shannon of The Garden (:ate will demonstrate
a Christmas arrangement.
"Men ('an ('ook" 10.1 p.m. Grand Rend Area CHC. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for $5.
Contact Miranda at 519-2311.1556 ext 222. www.gbaebc.ca.
Community Flu Shots now available if you book an appointment al the Grand Bend Area ('H(' 69, Maln SI Kant ,
Community Flu clinks: South Huron Hospital Oct. 28 & Nov 4th front 3-7 pen, Exeter Legion Nov. 2, 6:39-1:3. pm, Stephen Central School, Nov 5th, 9-11 em,
Henan! Gine-Grand Bend ('HC Nov.10th 5:30.7:30 pen
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