HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-26, Page 7Wednesday, October 26, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7 CAO report for clarificatlon not Interpretation Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance 4,Interpretation was not the basis for a oundwater report from CAO John nyrne at the October 17th Lambton Shores meeting; it was to explain why he got clarification that prompted the report. In the Public Meeting, held October 24th 200H, Dillon Consulting provided the public with the rationale behind the proposed extension of sewers In this area. Many in the area challenged the suspicion that there slight be negative impacts from existing systems in this area and tts a result, Council agreed to undertake testing of the groundwater in this area to determine whether or not there were impacts from septic systems its this area. The Municipality engaged Golder and Associates to undertake the groundwater testing and analysis in 2010. Golders' reviewed the test results and confirmed in thier report that there was a negative groundwater impact. In response to the Golders' report, a member of the Zone 3 Citizens Group on Sewers, Dr. Carl Belke, a retired chemistry professor, undertook a review the (folder's Groundwater results. His conclusions were different than that of Golders, in that he believed there was no ground- water impact. Dr Belke provided the 'one 3 Citizens (roup his opinion and made presentations to the community on behalf of the Zone 3 Group at several "public" meetings, organized by that group. with the results of his interpreta- tion of the data. The report from I)r. Belke was subsequently presented to Council at a formal Council meeting. So, now council had two views and was confused as to what to do. As (thief Administrative Officer and primary advisor to Council on issues, Byrne felt he needed to better understand both reports in the best interest of Council and the residents of Lambton Shores. In his report to council Byrne said, Port Franks Seniors bridging the gap DARTS: MONDAY OCT. 17 Winners: Raymond Bruce, Betty Drake & Janet 'Iwells High Men: Ji01 Scottie 140 Ladies High: Kathy Johnson 101 EUCHRE: MONDAY OCT.. 17 High: Bob Schenk & Tom Smits Lone Hands: Sien Splits & George Snell Low: Jack Hamilton & Mary McBurney EUCHRE: TUESDAY OCT. 18 High: Fr Coote & Alice Defooy Lone Hands: Marilyn Bell & Dorthy Coote Low: Sten Smits & Marion McKay BRIDGE: TUESDAY OCT.18 First Grace Stokman Second: Betty Young Low: Polly Appel SHUFFLEBOARD THURSDAY OCT. 20 First Joe Stoknutn Second: '1111 Manders Third: Janet 'swells BRIM FRIDAY OCT. 21 First~ Bev Bowden Second: Betty Young Low: Laura mounts luZ ore ater •ompa.csion .ommunit%' est 1r ome immunity onnec t ions eadtrea•lii Services Come join more than 200 Volunteers who share their talents and skills with our Residents and Community members. STUDENT VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! ��+by+ c�ott. \�,` as \��, ,� `�' re 44b icribwitces) as\telp014,11)",♦\\�+ `gyp45, • Acl''�w° t" +F 'Q + %4 0-1k ``e ti 040. 44f • •VOLUNTEERS WANTED TRAINING PROVIDED Call 519.236.4373 ext. 631, or email: p.grootObluewaterresthome.com "The Job description for CA() includes reference to reports regularly to council and its committees on the status of programs, projects, general operations and service delivery, orally and in writing and is responsible, as principle policy advisor, for advis- ing council and its committees on the feasibility, desirability, a cost of proposed programs, policies, and bylaws; ensures where possible, that council is provided with options on proposals to facilitate good quality decision slaking'; he said adding he took this meant that when necessary to undertake research and gather information to assist council in making decisions, this has always been the expectations of past council's and "1 assume this still applies:' From that point he decided to seek help from the University Community. "I selected three universi- ties to approach the University of Guelph, a school with a strong reputation in rural affairs and issues, The University of Waterloo because of its strong engineering program and the University of Western Ontario, because of its close proximity and good reputation in engineering as well." Ile got three reports back and council and now the iadhoc committee have received (heals. To that end there were questions as to why the reports were achieved and Byrne explained those details in a lengthy report at the October 17 (11 meeting. (See http://www.lambtonshores.ca/Docs/Coun- cillorAgendaPackage ). In response to the report deputy mayor Eliza- beth Davis Dagg asked about some of the specifics in the groundwater report including nitrate levels and species at risk. Byrne replied that he was not there to interpret the reports. "It was never my intensions to interpret the reports. You will have to refer that question to I)r. Belke or Golder," said Byrne. Council passed the report and it will go to the adhoc group's file. Notice of Public Meetings for a Five -Year Review of the Lambton County Official Plan The Corporation of the County of Lambton is required to undertake a five-year review of the County's Official Plan, a land use planning document that is a statement of where and how development should take place. The five-year review will update the Plan's vision, goals and policy directions for development of the County as a result of changing Provincial policy and in response to emerging issues. TAKE NOTICE that The Corporation of the County of Lambton will hold two statutory special meetings under the provisions of Section 26 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended, to consult with the public about potential revisions and updates to the County of Lambton Official Plan. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation. The public meetings will be hold on December 8, 2011 at the County of Lambton Administration Building, 789 Broadway Street, Wyoming, Ontario. Brief presentations on the issues that are expected to be addressed in the updated County of Lambton Official Plan will be conducted at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. These issues include: •Population & Demographics *Healthy Communities *Water Supply, Use & Quality *Compliance with Provincial Policy *Affordable Housing •Economic Development *Renewable Energy •Natural Heritage & Culture •Agriculture & Rural Issues *Brownfield Development *Telecommunications Following the presentations there will bo an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the Issues directly with planning staff and/or to provide written comments. Work on the updated County of Lambton Official Plan has just begun and the public meetings provide a groat opportunity to discuss the above issues and other issues identified by the public. Changes to the existing Official Plan's policies have not yot boon identified and therefore will not bo discussed at the meetings. The County of Lambton wants your comments on this Important document! Please note that other opportunities for public input will be available when the updated Lambton County Official Plan is drafted. For more information please contact the County of Lambton Planning & Development Services Department by calling 519 845-0801 or email pianningr c9unty-Iamtiton.on,c:a You may also visit www,lumbtpnonlitaQsn• DATED AT THE COUNTY OF LAMBTON THIS 21sr DAY OF OCTOBER, 2011. COUNTY OF LAMBTON Stephane Thlffeault, Clerk County of Lambton 789 Broadway Street, Wyoming, ON NON 1TO 519 845-0801 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 789 Broadway Street, Box 3000 Wyoming, ON NON 1TO Telephone: 519 845-0801 Toll-free: 1-866-324-6912 Fax: 519 845-3817 www.Iambtononllne.ca