HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-26, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Lambton Shores
Misleading information in subdivision newsletter
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Communication continues to be an issue
when it comes to the draft Official Plan (OP)
in Lambton Shores. At the regular council
meeting last week, councilor Ruth Illman
said the recent Southcott Pines (SCP) news-
letter, which has a section regarding the OP
is filled with in-acurruricies and reminded
council, the OP is in its fifth draft and will
come to this council for the first time in mid
November. After review there will be Public
Information Centres and then public meet-
ing for people to review and comment.
1 have a copy of the SCP newsletter and
there are a number of major inaccuracies
that we need to correct," said Illman adding
the information states the OP is mandating
certain things but in reality, since the OP has
not been updated since 2004, there are
shoreline management plans that came out
in 2006- new regulations and legislation
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The htlunlcipality of Lambton Shores
LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A **sky Update on the MinimalEvents Inyour cor xurkty
Administration Department — 7889 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519.786-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email adminIstralbnCIambtonshores ca
Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - Development Charges
The Council of the Municipality of Lambton Shores will hold a public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the
Development Charges Act, 1997, to present and obtain public Input on the proposed 1 year extension of the current
development charges by-law.
All Interested parties are Invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attends the meeting may
make representations relating to the proposed by-law and background study. The meeting is to be held
Monday, November 7, 2011 @ 7:00 p.m.
at the Thedford Village Complex, Comer of Pearl & Main Streets, Thodford
In order that sufficient information is made available to the public copies of the proposed by-law and the background
study are being made available as of October 20 et the Municipal Offices.
Interested persons may express their comments at the Public Meeting Written comments prior to the meeting can be
sent to the Clerk, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Volunteer Firefighter
The Lambton Shores' Volunteer Fire Department, Thodford is seeking applications from
probationary or firefighter trainee applicants.
Preference will be given to those applicants with training and certification in CPR, First Aid,
and D or DZ driver's license certification would be an asset.
Applications and a lob description can be picked up at the Municipality of Lambton Shores Forest Administration Office
located upstairs at the Shores Recreation Centre, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest
Interested candidates are asked to submit application and resume by hand or mall, including relevant experience by
4:30 em, November 11, 2011 to: Mr. John Byrne, Chief Adminlstrative Officer
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest ON NON 1J0
Onty those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted
LEAF PICKUP PROGRAM - Fall Program 2011
Lambton Shores' residents: Please be advised that leaves raked onto the street or piles In the street or ditch will not
be collected This poses a danger to pedestrians, bicycles and motorists and can cause drainage problems Leaves
can be bagged for pickup by the Community Services Department This program Is In effect October 4, 2011 to
November 28, 2011(weathor permitting) and Is as follows:
1. All leavos must be bagged In clear plastic bags.
2. Each bag must be tagged with '/, a garbage sticker
3 Only leaves will be picked up: not garbage or brush please
4 All bags must bo placed at tho curb for pickup
5 Leaves will be picked up sometime during the week as time and quantity dictate
6 If your leaves are missed please call 519-243-1400, toll free 1.888.943.1400 or the
municipal office nearest you and pickup will bo arranged
Plans are underway for the 2012 Municipal Drain Maintenance Program,
and property owners within the Municipality of Lambton Shores urn asked
to review Municipal Drains on their property, and submit requests for any
drain repair and maintenance prior to December 2, 2011
Forms aro available at the Lambton Shores • Northville Office et 9x75 Port
Franks Road, or on the Lambton Shores' website
Further information can bo provided by contacting Al Little. Drainage
Superintendent at 519-243-1400
Please address requests 10
Municipality of Lambton Shores
9575 Port Franks Road, R.R N1
Thodford, Ontario NOM 2N0
Attn Al Little, Drainage Superintendent
Upcoming Meetings:
December 1, 2011
at the Mona Seniors Centro
Regular Council Meeting
Upcoming Schedule:
Please check the website for
changes in start times
Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 at 7pm
Tuesday, Nov 15, 2011 at 2pm
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 at 7pm
from the province that have to be added.
In response to clarification regarding the OP
in relation to the newsletter, Senior Planner
Patti Richardson said,"Council has been work-
ing on a new Official Plan since 2008. One of
the driving forces supporting the preparation
of the new Lambton Shores Official Plan was to
incorporate new legislation that had been
enacted since the current official plan was
approved. Examples of this include the 2005
Provincial Policy Statement which contains
policies respecting natural heritage and natu-
ral hazards, the provincially mandated
amended conservation authority regulations
and both federal and provincial legislation
respecting species at risk."
The newsletter
In a report from the association, written by
non-executive member Bob Sharen, it stated
that ':,those of the executive who have reviewed
the OP are concerned about the impact of the
Natural I leritage designation on SCP owners
who abut the streets next to or on the lakefront
or the old river channel." Wrong says OP chair
Ruth Illman, 'the lands in Southcott Pines that
abut the lake are regulated by the ARCA and
have been since 2006. 'Ihe ARCA's revised reg-
ulations were mandated by changes in Provin-
cial legislation, The Municipality of Lambton
Shores is required by provisions in the Provin-
cial Policy Statement to have regard for these
important natural heritage features, 'Ihe Draft
OP does not include a limit on lot sizes. It does
provide for intensification and development at
higher densities as directed by the Provincial
Policy Statement.
The next submission in the newsletter says
there are numerous mentions on the sanitary
sewers for Zones 3 and 4, which includes
Southcott Pines, "If passed in its present state,
the ()P will make sanitary sewers mandatory
for the designated sewer service areas."
"Wrong" says Illman, The OP Steering Com-
mittee has deferred consideration of the serv-
icing policies for Jones 3 and 4 to Council, who
are awaiting a report from the ''/.ones 3 and 4
Ad I Ioc Sewer Advisory Committee. The Com-
mittee, however, have endorsed the following
guiding principles for the new l.anlhton Shores
Official Plan:
■ 'lb Protect the Natural Environment
■ 'lig Protect Agricultural lands
IN 7'o provide for Development which is the
extension of Existing Urban Areas
■ 'lo Permit New Development only on Munic-
ipal Water and Sanitary Sewers
Another issue presented in the newsletter
was Species at Risk (SAR), SAR talks to severe
restrictions on the use of property rights if
there is SAR on your property.
"I am not saying there are not things that
will be controversial- such as the I lighway 21
gateway from the cut to Grand Bend- but that
has nothing to do with this (newsletter)--thi'
inaccurate and we will have to look to see h...
we can communicate with the SCPA." Said
"The Official Plan Steering Committee has
spent that last 5 months reviewing the 4th Draft
of the Official Plan. 'Ihe Steering Committee is
comprised of Council Members and Lambton
Shores residents, Technical support to the
Committee is provided by the Municipality's
Planner, Planners from both the Ausable Bay-
field Conservation Authority (ANCA) and the
St. Clair Region Conservation Authority
(SCRCA) and a Planner from 'l'he Ministry of
Municipal Affairs. 'Ihe OP Steering Committee
has made many changes to the 4th Draft which
will he incorporated into a 5th draft. The 5th
Draft (foetal Plan (OP) will be forwarded to
Council by the Official Plan Steering Commit-
tee, sometime in November," explained
Wrong information not helpful
Councilor Doug Bonesteel said he met with
Carl Belke to discuss the phone calls )w (Boit -
esteel) received after the newsletter came out.
Belke is vice president of the association. "Peo-
ple are vety upset sewers are coming," said this
councllor.1 le said he asked Belke to speak with
the president, telling her this was not helpful. It
was later brought to Bonesteel's attention that
it was not the president who wrote it.
Bonesteel there is fear mongering in (rand
Bend and said there are a lot of false informa-
tion that is leading to these histrionics.
Illman said Friday (October 14) alone, Jackie
Mason at the municipal office had received 5
calls and requests for the document, (:ours -
c:ilor Lories Scott suggested they empower
Jackie to explain to callers this OP is in its 5th
draft and not accurate and residents should
wait until it gets back to council before
Since the newsletter came out and after
learning the president, Carole Welch did not
write it, Illman and Bonesteel have spoken
with her. It was also noted by the president that
the deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis-Dagg and
Sharen visited members of the executive eau
lier this fall to discuss the OI'. Welch has since
written a clarification on theft' cable station
speaking to the misleading information. ''
apologize for this and advise that Council!, ie
Doug lionesteel (238-1799) and Dave N1agtm
(238-8687) have offered to take your calls and
discuss any concerns this article may have