HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-19, Page 12Mayor adds clock repair to the wish Hst
Cheryl Heath
QM! Agency
Goderich Mayor Deb Shewfelt says
now is likely the best time to get the
old ticker tocking at the Huron County
At Huron County's Oct. 12 commit-
tee -of -the -whole session in Clinton,
Shewfelt says it might be a wise move
to get the courthouse's clock fixed now
since there are workers and lift trucks
already on location.
"People would just love to hear the
sound of those chimes," says
Coun. Brian Barnim (Central
Huron), who sits on the committee
that was entrusted to oversee the long-
awaited repair of the clock this past
summer, says the group received word
all of the necessary parts had arrived
just days before the twister touched
down at The Square on Aug. 21.
However, Social Services Adminis-
trator Dave Overboe says the project
was already discussed and cannot
move forward because of issues with
fencing and scaffolding.
"We would make it happen if possi-
ble," adds Overboe.
Why Not Share?
Coun. John Grace (Goderich) is
wondering why a recent presentation
In the ea/ -/y dw,5,
opetaecv-S were
c4)on7en were fele tic)
have gore pleaSaI7ri t`e/ephone
voices and Soon rep/aced ahem.
The Dashwood switchboard, March 1915. "Bobby" Willert, left
and Irvine Mclsaac. Located in Tieman's Furniture Store.
Harry Hess at the
Zurkh Switchboard
11.1ti (otnintinN .it1 n 100 Ye,irCelchLite With Us
by former Ontario Lieutenant Governor
James Bartleman was not also shared with
area schools.
In noting he attended Bartleman's pres-
entation at the Bayfield Town Hall during
the First Nations' celebration in early Octo-
ber, Grace says it is a shame Bartleman's
presentation, which is on the legacy left on
First Nations' peoples care of the govern-
ment -enforced residential school system,
was not also presented to school children.
Meighan Wark, director of cultural serv-
ices, says the problem is the department was
not aware of how much funds it had to work
with until shortly before the festivities were
"When you don't have sustainable fund-
ing for the program, it's a challenge to put it
out to the schools," she says.
Still Waiting
Coun. Dave Riach (North Huron) wants to
know whether the Maple Tree housing
development will put a sizeable dent in the
Town of Goderich's waiting list for seniors'
affordable housing.
Social Services Administrator Dave Over-
boe reports Maple Tree will offer 12 units
while the number of people sitting on the
seniors housing list stands at 200.
He adds the good news is a developer is
expressing interest in building a complex
that will feature market, senior and afforda-
ble housing rents.
In a related report, Overboe notes the new
Huron East Seniors Apartment in Clinton,
will be marketed to seniors on fixed
Every home in Ontario
must have a working
smoke alarm on
every storey
and outside all
sleeping areas.
incomes. county's newly intro
Four Years & Out duced Rapid Response
The County of lluron is units run be gauged.
working on a new attend- Coun. Bernie Macl.el
ance management plan Ian (Ileum) Bast) reports
for staff that will intro- it seems the rtspo'•
duce a number of metes- units are little More
ures to both reward those a show to please t
with stellar attendance province.
records and roll out itis- "We're in e e l i n g
ciplinary measure's to standard for the pot•
those who are missing ince, but we're techni
what is deemed to be too tally not providing the
much time. best service," says
While discussing the tllacl.ellan, who asked
proposed change's, Coun, what would the cast he
Dave Mach ( N or t h to pelt more ambulances
Huron) asked why it on the road.
would take four years to IMS Chief Dave Lew
dismiss a problematic says the county depict
employee. meat will need at least a
"Is that fair to the other year to create the data
employees and t i►ase necessary to gauge
county?" he asked. the success of the Rapid
Homes Administrator Response units, which
Barb Springall, who sat the county Is utilizing in
on the group that a concerted effort to
designed the plan, says meet new s t r i n g e n
the four-year process response time guidelines
seemed to he the mini- set out by the province.
mum under the current Lew says while the
guidelines, which are county has implemented
designed to return 0 strategy faster than
employees to the mealy other munlcll►all
workplace. ties, it has done so
Looking Into It hecaust 1( realized it
Emergency Services would he difficult for a
Chief Dave Lew reports rural arra to meet the set
his crews are still looking provincially set response
into how best to handle time rat t a 1• el g h t
the potential for dealing nlit►utes,
with emergencies or %Thee► Ntacl.elhn asked
accidents at Industrial whether the units arr
Wind Turbine sites given really helping when they
there isn't any equip- cannot he used to trans
stent designed to reach port patients, Lew notes
structures that tall. the units are successful
PRISM Update in that the paramedic on
The county's Protective silt ran begin CPR or sta
Response Interactive bilin the patient until
Systems Management the ambulance arrives,
(PRISM) 911 will be get- 'i' h e key point to
ting a makeover. understand, says Lew, is
PRISM came under that both the unit and
some criticism as 1t was amhu1ance are dis
not used in the hours patched at the same_
after the Aug. 21 tornado, time, 11 a adds a Kt
though the Town of complaint o1• hospitals or
Goderich utilized It in 4111)1)1414111 14' 5 ate no
the days to follow, lunger available as much
EMS Chief Dave Lew for non • tme'rgent
says some thought is patient transfers but Lew
being given to finding a notes ambulances at
way to allow the county, not meant to provide
rather than the lower that service,
tiers, to enact the enter- Congrats
gency protocol meas- (.aunty councillors
ores, which would calls gave 0 tip of the hat 10 a
every household in a tar- trio of county employ
geted zone. lie says part- les. Among them were
nershlpswith haceboak, Sandra Popp in the
Twitter and 211 are also Highways department
being investigated. for Ill years, and Donna
Rural Response Caldwell and Rupert
More time is needed Barlow in the Treasury,
before the success of the also for 10 years.