HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-10-19, Page 6Mayor Weber asks committee of whole to discuss communlcation Lynda Hiliman_Rsoy The public wants real num- bers when it comes to the pro- posed treatment plant and one resident asked the North End Sewers Adhoc committee to make sure they knew what they were communicating before spewing out incom- plete information. This com- mittee was appointed by Lambton Shores council to review the sewer issue for the area south of Grand Bend. Beach O' Pines full-time resident Peter Coleman told the committee it was their responsibility to communicate the real numbers to public and not until they have accurate information, The adhoc committee was broken into five groups with five being Communication. As they reported their findings, Weber was called upon and said he would like the whole committee to discuss commu- nication and directions. Ile said because this has been a key issue, they have to decide if the information be filtered via a newsletter, a survey or meetings. Chair Carl Belke introduced a draft report that mapped out interviews with local sanita- tion company owners as well as Corrine County Building said there are about 14,000- 15,000 septic systems in Lamb - ton County. One theme for all the experts, O'Brien Sanita- tion, Johnson Sanitation and Stewart Webb & Sons was edu- cation and the importance of maintenance of a septic sys- tem. Doug Johnson of Johnson Sanitation quoted a study LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A wftuy tildes• on tn. kluntOpai Ewnfs in Juan Community Administration Department - 7889 Amtetecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel'. 1.877-788-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-788-2135, Email: administrationQlambtonshores ca Visit our Web Site at www. Iambtonshores.ca NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - Development Charges The Council of the Munlclpallty of Lambton Stores will told a public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, to present and obtain public input on the proposed 1 year extension of the current development charges by-law. All Interested parties are Invited to attend the Public Meering of Council and any person who attends the meeting may make representations relating to the proposed by-law and background study. The meeting is to be held Monday, November 7, 2011 7:00 p.m. at the Thedford Village Complex, Corner of Pearl & Main Streets, Thedford In order that sufficient Information Is made avallabie to the public copies of the proposed by-law and the background study ere being made available as of October 20 at the Municipal Offices Interested persons may express their comments at the Public Meeting Written comments prior to the meeting can bo sent to the Clerk, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0. Commltte• of Adjustment ... The Lambton Shores Committee of Adjustment will be considering the following matters at the Thursday, October 27", 2011, meeting 7:04 p.m. - PhNlp Walden, AeeM for Sondra 011ddon - 1.1112011 Consent - 8365 Townsend line The applicant is requestng permission to sever a parcel of land that wall have a frontage on Townsend Line of 38 1 metres (125'), a varied depth and a total lot area of 40 hectares (1 acre) 7:55 p.m. - PhNlp Walden, Agent for Gary MNCh ll DNorger -1.10/2011 Concent - 5822 Townsend Line The applicant Is requesting permission to sever a 208 acre parole of land that wtN have a frontage of 60 849 metres and a depth of 138.684 metres. This severance will allow the creation of a new non•tami dwelling lot for the existing dwelling which is surplus to the Applicant's farming operation as a result of a farm consoldaton 7:05 p.m. - Dean Tully - A.2012011 - Minor Vartance - 10262 Shcxeline Drive The applicant is requesting approval of a minor vananoe Rom the provisions of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to permit front yard parking and to alter oondtttons 3, 4 8 5 from a previous variance approval FuN copies of the notices for these applications are available on the Municipal Website or can be obtained by calling the Forest office at 786-2335 or 1.877-786-2336. The meetings ere held et the Thedford Village Complex, comer of Main and Pearl Streets, Thedford Ontario LEAF PICKUP PROGRAM - Fall Program 2011 Lambton Shores' residents: Please be advised that leaves raked onto the street or piles In the street or ditch will not be collected, TNs poses a danger to pedestrians, bicycles and motorists and can cause drainage probtenis. Leaves can be bagged for pickup by the Community Services Department. TMs program Is In effect October 4, 2011 to November 28, 2011(weather permitting) and is es follows: 1. M leaves must be bagged In clear plastic bags. 2. Each bag must be tagged with K a garbage sticker. 3 Only leaves wiN be picked up; not garbage or brush please 4. All bags must be placed at the curb for pickup. 5. Leaves will be picked up sometime during the week as time and quantity dictate. 6. If your leaves are missed please call 519-243-1400, toll free 1-866.943-1400 or the municipal office nearest you and pickup will be arranged Attention Community Groups: The lsmbton Shores Community Grant Application form is now available on the Municipal webslte at 1DCyitid,lant ilonshlxtlt.cd Application forms ars also available In hard copy at any Lambton Shores Municipal of11w Completed application forms must be submitted by December 31, 2011 and can dropped off at any Lambton Shores Municipal office or milled 1o• The Municipality of Lambton Shores, Community Services Department Attn: Facilitator of Recreation and Leisure 9575 Port Franks Road, RR 1 Thedford, ON NOM2NO If you have any questions or concerns about the grant application form or the grant application process, please contact the Community Servrces Deportment at 1.666-943.1400 Notice of Upcoming Meetings: Sewer Ad Hoc Advisory Committee October 24, 2011 at 7pm Grand Bend Community Health Centre Community Room Regular Council Meeting Upcoming Schedule: Please check the webslte for changes in start times Monday, November 7, 2011 at 7pm Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 2pm Monday, November 21, 2011 at 7pm stating, "70% of all people admitted to using toilet as a garbage can". Johnson said septic systems can't be used that way without trouble. The interviews in the draft report is on the municipal website http://www.lambtonshores. ca /living/ localgovernment/ other_meetings,htm Communication At the end of the agenda, there was time for Weber to discuss communication. "1 would be happy to have com- ments from the rest of the committee -what has worked and what has not. i prefer to have some input," he said to a reply of silence. Faber then replied that each team will give input and then they can put that information together for team five. I le said commu- nication in his view, was pre- mature until they knew what they wanted to communicate, "'That is the what we are going to communicate --we need a discussion on how -- news letter, Public Informa- tion (:enters, public meet- ings.., what is the format -what is the best way to com- municate \vilest we get there -- that is the discussion we need as a full committee- to have - how to be effective." Coun- cilor Dave Maguire agreed with the mayor stating com- munication is important and they must look back to see what worked and what did not. Belk suggested they look to the Part 11 orders in this process. Councilor Doug Bonesteel asked if there was value in dis- cussing what happened iii the past- "We all agree we can do better --we went from one meeting to another- -we went from need to proiwsal of what system we wanted, it was not communicated effectively.':,. It was a perfect storm -no question about it- it did not go," said Bonesteel. Boire suggested they do all three (newsletter, survey, meetings). "Some people don't go on their computers -- some people in my neigh- bourhood -1 don't even know if they have them --believe it or not," he said adding not everyone reads newsletters and only some people go to public meetings. Weber explained the news- letter that was sent out- went to everyone, "Rut we need to know what should go into the letter...something this com- mittee is comfortable with and council is comfortable with and 11 needs 10 go 10 all of the households" Weber said public meet- ings, if there is controversy are attended by 200 people. "There are 1100 homes in zone 3 and then there is zone 4- so, and 200 people are not the majority," he said adding the more people who see the information- the better. We need to communicate clear honest facts," he said. Roire agreed stating, "The more people who hear this and see this the better -that is our job." Bonesteel said, "People use the R word- Referendum has been used but that challenge is what do you put in that?" Ile said they couldn't just ask if you want a sewer or a septic system, " 'ihis is huge stuff for the future --it is not that easy - to do with a simple referen- dum. We have to make informed decisions -this is - impacting on a lot of people- -it is a big issue -maybe a sur- vey- -or maybe start having public workshops to try to get a sense of what all the people want before a survey," he sug- gested. Weber said maybe there needs to be a series of smaller public meetings to associations -like Rotary or Probus. ""those types of things on a smaller level more one on one --smaller groups who don't have a personal vested interest in going to a public meeting," he said Weber noted last summer there was a meeting where the Ecoflo system was being recommended. (It was a Zone 3 meeting where Robert Lee from Ecoflo demonstrated his product.) Weber said not one of the sanitation operators was recommending that product now. Ile also noted concerns from this meeting centred on the aroma and noise that could come from an air raiding system that is associated with a grinder sys- tem and that is something the sanitation people are recom- mending in this draft report. Ronald Boire, zone 4 rep said the problem now associated with the Ecoflo is replacing the peat, the costs of replacing it and the disposal of the peat. Ile said they are at the mercy of the company. In the report from Corrine Nauta, she states effective Jan 1, 2011, use policy/guidelines are being reinforced to a more extensive degree restricting nutrient loading to soils which means on lots 1 acre or less, septic systems must be terti- ary & must have an annual maintenance contract. '1'he draft report says this is not a new regulation, just simply being due diligent. Belke said the cost for maintenance could be from SI -200 dollars. "Some tertiary systems being installed in LC include FAST, EnviroSeptic, Waterloo Biofilter & Ecoflo at costs between $15,000 and $25,000 and have a mandatory annual maintenance contract. Main- tenance contracts inclur' • third party water testit.�„ which must meet effluent standards for tertiary sys- tems. Some primary systems can be retrofitted to a tertiary standard by an aeration unit provided the system in use is adequate for the retrofit - not all systems can be retrofitted;' says the report. In public discussion Peter Coleman, president of Beach 0' Pines Association said he liked the dialogue of this meeting but encouraged the committee not to throw around numbers until they have the right numbers to communicate. Ile said he has heard- that Lambton Shotes portion of the treatment plant is 3 million and 6 million and 30 million "These are crazy numbers. As a taxpayer 1 don't want to hear that -I want you to do your job. Don't be afraid of people who don't think the same -keep your minds open...this discussion is criti- cal for the future -for our grand children" 11e said there would be people who agree and some who disagree with their findings but it is their job to dispel with the numbers until they have them. "..You are hurting this process by tossing numbers out," Coleman said. Resident Walter said on the matter of communication he feels that those people who are now on sewers should be part of the communication process. Ile said it would not hurt to have all information going to everyone. Councilor Doug Bonesteel said it was not the mandate of this com- mittee to deal with the treat- ment plant. Kratz countere'' with the fact the costs of rut ning the system will affect those already paying. Resident and business owner Bob Sharon talked about overall costs not just what and said if they did not select the correct treatment plant they would be in trou- ble. "What is it going to cost to operate?" he asked. Resident Shirley Andraza cautioned the committee to make sure they were working with the munic- ipal treasurer and staff because they have the correct numbers. CONTINUED > PAGE 7