Lakeshore Advance, 2011-10-05, Page 22Advance • 21
Slemans recommends Orbal system for Grand Bend's U�eabneiit faculty
Lynda I nan-Rapley number of trains and channels
Lakeshore Advance used during sustained low flow
periods to match the incoming
At a council meeting last loads to the required aeration
month, councilor Doug Bones- volume for suitable nitrification
teel asked in a motion to coun- and biological flocculation. "
cil if they could get a report He said. " The use of the Orbal
from Siemen's Orbal system process for the Grand Bend Area
regarding the best system for facility, with your cold weather
and Bend's Sewage Treat- climate and low flow seasonal
ent Facility. Bonesteel's periods, is a very practical and
request was in order to respond economical choice. This is the
to ongoing questions by Richard type of application for which the
Matzka and the Zone 3 Com- flexibility of the Orbal design is
mittee about the reliability of most appropriate. Our design
the proposed "Orbal system" models for the application assure
with low flows ( a concern in us that the system will more than
Lambton Shores because of the meet the project effluent require -
high and low flows from its ments at all the conditions out -
tourism economy) and the low lined. In addition, we will be pro -
winter temperatures. The Zone viding a process warranty to
3 Group supported a "Sequent- assure performance, and this is a
ing Batch Reactor System (SBR), requirement that Siemens does
which they felt was superior for not take lightly."
our proposed system. Irwin said, regarding the com-
In a report to council for Mon- parison of the Orbal continuous
day's meeting, a letter was flowprocessversustheSequenc-
received authored by John Irwin, ing Batch Reactor process (SBR),
P.E. Technical Sales Manager- both are excellent process tech -
Wastewater 'Technologies Sie- nologies for this application and
mens Industry, Inc. capable of providing the effluent
"Siemens has been supplying performance required and both
the Orbal Oxidation Ditch System have flexibility to match varia-
for secondary, advanced -second- hie seasonable loads with the
ary, and nutrient removal waste- required level of biological treat -
water treatment applications for mens capacity. "In our opinion,
over 30 years," said Irwin. there is no compelling reason to
"We currently have well over select the SBR over the Orbal sys-
700 operating installations, marry tem for either process or eco -
of which are in cold climate noetic considerations on this
states such as Michigan, Minne- application and, because of the
sota, New York, and Wisconsin. continuous flow character of the
These installations like Silver Orbal, the effluent filter would be
Lake, SD where the system is considerably smaller and less
achieving ammonia nitrogen lev- expensive unless you increase
els of 0.2 nig/1 at temperatures of the construction cost of the
4 degrees C and Lake Geneva, WI project by adding an extra efflu-
with ammonia nitrogen levels of ent flow equalization tank after
0.16 mg/I at less than 10 degrees the SBR.
C are examples of the capability Council was scheduled to dis-
of the Orbal system to achieve cuss the letter, per Bonesteel's
advanced nitrification in winter motion, at Monday's meeting.
climates. The Orbal design, with Delegation
multiple trains and multiple At Monday's council meeting
channels in each train, allows the Grand Bend resident Richard
flexibility to minimize the Matzka was scheduled through
the delegation process to speak to
the ground testing reports that
were provided by CAO John
Byrne. He wants to know who
authorized the CAO to get these
reports. It has in the past been
customary for staff to bring
reports to council regarding issues
this council is dealing with.
Reports from staff may not
have done it in the early years in
the Village of Grand Bend, but
they certainly did in Bosanquet
and Forest and in the new munic-
ipality of Lambton Shores. May-
ors Fred Thomas and Cam Ivey
and Gord Minielly relied on their
staff for reports. Council of the
day encouraged it as a means to
be proactive and taking initiative
so the work of the council
members could remain in the
communities where their constit-
uents needed them. It has always
made it easier for the council to
expedite their decisions because
staff doing their job had done the
As it stands for the new coun-
cil, some people in the commu-
nity, including Matzka, feel that
staff should not be coming up
with reports unless there is a
motion from council to do so.
And that is what brought
Matzka to council.
During the ongoing Ground-
water Testing, the former coun-
cil members asked how they
could interpret the highly tech-
nical studies. Dr. Belke submit-
ted his interpretation of those
tests. There was not a motion
for I)r. Belke to submit the
report (This was part of the
Zone 3 findings and this group
is independent of council). In
the past this report would have
been received and filed, but was
accepted to be researched by
staff. Council now had the
Golder report and the Belke
report- adding more confusion
for council members, who are
not experts in this field. Mayor
.'impaired driver charged
Lakeshore Advance
At approximately 12:15 a.m. on
September 28, a Huron County
OPP officer was conducting rou-
tine vehicle patrol in the town of
Exeter when he observed a vehi-
cle traveling at a high rate of
speed on Main Street. The officer
conducted a traffic stop and
upon speaking to the male driver
the officer observed him to be
under the influence of alcohol.
Ile was subsequently arrested
and transported to the Goderich
detachment to meet with a
qualified Intoxilizer'Technician
in order to provide two samples
of his breath.
The results of the two tests
confirmed that the driver had a
blood alcohol level that was
above the legal limit of 80
milligrams of alcohol.
As a result of the investigation, a
48 year old Hensall man has been
charged with one count of Drive
With Over 80 Milligrams of Alco-
hol. He will answer to his charge in
the Ontario Court of Justice -
Exeter on October 27, 2011. His
driver's licence has been sus-
pended for 90 days as per statute.
Boy dies from injuries
A five-year-old boy struck by a
car in Sarnia has died, police
said. Ilaiden Dugas was on the
road when a vehicle traveling
east on Campbell St. at about
4:45 p.m. Wednesday struck
him, police said. He suffered
serious injuries and was rushed
to Children's Hospital in
London, where he died.The
45 -year-old woman driving the
car wasn't injured. Police
haven't laid any charges yet and
are still investigating.
of the day Gord Minielly
suggested the CAO get a
"second opinion" from
outside experts. New
mayor Bill Weber reiter-
ated this suggestion and
the CAO wrote to three
University Engineering/
Science Departments
-Guelph (because of its
strong Rural Studies pro-
gram) Waterloo because
of its highly regarded
Engineering program)
and Western (because of
its close proximity). He
explained the dilemma
of having two varying
opinions and the need
for an objective opinion
about those. It was never Near the end of this
suggested Dr. Belke's process Byrne was
report was incorrect- approached by Dr. Rob -
council merely asked for inson of Western, as she
other opinions. was looking to do some
Byrne heard from Dr. groundwater testing at
Robertson at Waterloo Ipperwash and the CAO
and Dr. Branfrurin at explained to her the test -
Western and sent them ing in Zone 3 and the
each the same back- dilemma of resolving the
ground information two interpretations, so
(Golders report, Dr. she offered to review the
Belke's report and Pow- same material and I sent
erPoint, the mapping it to her.
showing the plotting of This delegation was
groundwater test results presented after the Lake -
etc.) and simply waited shore Advance went to
for them to review and press and will be reported
report back. It took some in a future edition.
time for them to do that.
Local community members
and Hay staff worked
tirelessly as Dashwood
hosted the amazing
International Plowing Match
in 1999. People crowded
around our display to see
the new high speed internet
that was showcased at a
time when dial-up was the
only choice.
Before cellphones! A
bank of payphones are installed
by Kevin Gingerich for the match.
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