HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-09-28, Page 11Green Energy Act pits community against neighbour, Robertson
"If we continue with the current
energy system, there won't be any
jobs left in the area," he says.
*While Robertson says he supports
teen energy, he says the Green
Energy Act has pitted community
against community and neighbour
against neighbour and adds the
NDP wants to sit down and talk with
municipalities about how to create
some community input into the
positioning of industrial wind
turbines in their regions.
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"1 like to say it takes an incredible
amount of incompetence and
arrogance to mess up something as
positive as green energy," he says,
adding that the NI)P supports a
more diverse, smaller scale green
energy system that would provide
funding for home retrofits for the
installation of rooftop solar panels
or smaller wind turbines on locally •
owned cooperatives.
Ile says it's important that local
municipalities have some say in
how green energy operates in their
"We want to talk to communities
rather than impose something from
'Ibro nto. In rural Ontario, we've had
mum than enough things imposed
by the provincial government. It's
incumbent on government to start
listening to local communities,' he
Robertson adds that the
provincial government needs to
start protecting the people who are
susceptible to harts frons the noise
from nearby industrial wind
"Not everyone is affected but
there is lots of worldwide, high
quality research to suggest there are
problems. And, it's incumbent on
government to say that if anyone is
being harmed In any way. It's up to
us to do something," he says.
Robertson a(1(15 that the current
funding being offered to green
energy providers is troublesome.
"1 worry about the people who
have invested into micro Ill's
heclelse we're probably going to
start seeing dramatic decreases in
the prices paid for energy because
the current prices are not
sustainable. You can't buy energy at
50 cents a kilowatt hour and sell it at
10 cents forever - eventually
something's got to give," says
"I take offence to the notion that
if you're questioning the Green
Energy Act, you're anti -green and
against clean air - that's political
nonsense," he says, adding that
having five bureaucracies running
the Ontario energy system is just
adding to the price of energy.
If your non-profit group or organization would like to list
their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Rend Community health
Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6.18 by the third Monday of the 111011th prior 10 the event being heki.
Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible.
What's Happening October 2011
Sept. 28th "Bridge Lessons starting '• loos 11 Auto l'minimum ('eon' 10 tO 1. 101,n1: all .1111 . 1S 1;14
Sept. 28th 'Lamhton Shores Nature Eratls Committee Open Maio*" 1 .tntaon 1 knlage \lu.t'um ' '► pm I,an us lot .1 :mo; to %h.0 ' and esphar out \'tslon h't
1 .unhton Shirrs t\ Vicinity :\ Netm,ak of :on t' t'd. accessthlk , .Alt, mild oven Unsnaps Namur hall.
Sept. 30. Oct 1&2 "Free Admission Weekend at Lanthtwn heritage Muwuni" I 1 x tan La.t :ham., tot 1.11 the exhibit "Int'resunµ 1..unhton, the people anti the Shiites-
toiits.,Please tiring root ut redden: ('all 519 241 2t011 111 t nal NN11,I1C1111g.ur(! I,a detail/.
(kt. 3rd "Healthy Lifestyle Everciwe and Gentle Exercise ('lass.. begin Grand Bend fill " 0 00 ant ami 1u ll►.un in the 1'ommuntl( Ronan ;u she (it;tial 'tend
Arra ('1I('. Please bring :Ivan 1101111118 shtw..utl mean :%01\ :lothes 1'ooa: t C01,1% \las1ield 11ea11h Pttanoerl ae t lu ; 18-1s56 est 211
"Alzheimer caregiver Suppnrl" 7 p m titan,( Venni Area l'1Ittimxtp ploglain that ploy Ides r,lurtt on au,'suploa1 to:.uegnen Plea's :u111,1:1 ehr
Alrhrinnr's Stx•irty of Maros al 1.800 561 \111: IV1 detach
(kt.4th "Healthy Lifestyle Exercise in Port Franks FREE: 1me.lan:nlg matt. at 10 lolInme,I 1% eselci t 11t1111 0.10 41111 Pott FIa11A. ('on imam) ('esus
Inslnn:ha� (lathy lour. anal Faye Slaurt ('all Ilealth 11natnolet math Mashrltl at tie (thud Itentt Ai '.1le4t1h l'enur tut donut. 510 215 1556
ext 231.
Oct. 4th "('11AP Blood Pressure ('link" Altos.% health side at Mc llruaall sue hon u 10 111411 11ase \VIII bl.. 11,1r..ult' : he: ked .utl n•:1enr t aduahle health
information! Everyone welcome. t'anta:l Ni:ln lk Si enbeek at 510 262 1.150 est 220 tot ureal(.
()ct. 7th «(;rand Bend (:oktenAgers" Annual 1.unt'Ih 1:. 111 p in ShulI1eht,;u,l (`rely Mon 10 1: and nuns Iton1,1 10ant , I•uchne es et) 2 t\ 4 Thursday at 1 pm
Contacts: Shirley Pole 510.238.8105 at Fred Willett %t0 :18 61►2 t
Oct. 5, 12, 19. 26 "Savannah Strollers Pinery Park Walking Group" " I`LtASli 'i0LIi Back Iu 01.1) 1'1N1h:. every Wednesday we meet in the 1.anllaon Ilentngt'
Museum parking lot by 9:30 Meru, Meryon' mekaulr' I'mw adnllsmtal into the pails Vint the ttrh.ue at www,pphtcrat►ark,un,ca
(kt. 6th "Early Stage Alshelmer's Support Group" I111s Bene. IS ha tntht (dual. stho AIV 11101e r.tih .1.1µr. al Alihtunet'. Adult Day Come (itantl Bent) l'1 h'
front 2-4 pm. Contact lennitet Ruins Fist 1 mnk %oto nlutata at 1.800 561-5012
(kt. 6th "Sunset Cinema" begins us tomtit s''ft at the (itantl lend An',t ('lh' 1 oulutuntt Doan loons open at 6:10 p t1 with the 11141 slatting at 7 pm 1tur
first movie is -11w Social *moil," Everyone ttrlcomr !button. ac:epttvl'
()el. 12 "(:rand Bend Women's Mohux Meeting"'1 10 11 U► a in theme a I11ank.µlsing 1\'alk u1 the I'uety tall 510 .'IS 50'. t o1 c5 In lot details
()ct. 12th " ('ooking for One or'1\ed' Bland (lend ('lit' 11 til 2 p u1 in Ow 1 omnnlunus Room Leath hon to wale dost n n\'ijw . hews ixauon..tnd 1nake nem
friends! ('all Mitanla 5lu•215 1556 est 222 to tegistei ttmtt ghach: ca
Oct. 12th "Master Your Health" h week plugs a Matt. (hand Item' Alva l'Itl' 1 10 •1 INhan Open to anyone nth a :hmnac lu.ttth cundmon Mild their .upixn1
people. Participants will develop skills to help than' !whet manage Ihru 11t401h Iotgnan► 1s designed to enhance regular imminent and disease specific
education. Contact Miranda !lunges. K11 at 510 218 1556 est 222 to Candy A1.t'nauli, RN at C10 :061111 '
(kt. 13th "l'anadlan National Institute for the Blind Low Vision ('link" ( hand Ileal Ansa tonnlunns 11,41111 (remit' Ad11I1'tay Wing 10 2 p m 1/%1y ou have
vision problems and mould !Ike soul, help ac:e5.itg setl:55 .11,15 and ads Is,' Pleas,' pan l'Nlh .tall heir stet) second month for help managing your
vision loss. ('intact Cindy Maxfield at 5IV.: 18- 1556 ext 131
()et. 15 & 16 "l.ambton Fall Colour & Craft I''ewtival" 10 5 p m 1 amhlan'tentage Museum :\,lrtu.mon and she Legacy Recir;un41 (',nut' in 11t tItoll $.4 00
Also visit T11t\dford's Fall Fantasia and stop by 1\41 Wanks lounseuta ton lot mote 11%1,, l 510 2.11 26111
Oct. 18th "Port Franks Garden Club General Meeting" 7.10 p.m Nat Wanks Community (',nue (iuest speaker Jett' la;uschens. Ikgttoa's Nutsenes,
"Putting your Garden to Bed" Relmwhinenls and loon Pines hsrtyons welcome tall Ileathet 519 241 1818
Oct 19th • (ktober feat Community Lunch" btlslw stent Mull Day links ut lite l'onmunuy shim at 11, (11411t1 Vend ('111' 11 noon 1.11► p tit limp in and enjoy
Roast Beef on a bun, lkssetl and drunk. $6.00. linlettalnm,nl featitiing "Rambling Rose" Ikke out available if odeted ('intact llunmy at 510-238-6:80
for details or to (order lunch in advance.
Oct. 22nd "October Fat Dance" Pon Franks Community Come. loots open itt 1:10 p.m Music stints at K 1' n1 with the gluup 1'auouset (rash bar, Sausage on a bun
included in admission price of $15.00 pet pesos. Advance tickets only. Age 01 motto fly moulted Slo nsoted by the Ion Hanks Semon ('all 510 411.11190
Oct. 24th "Grand Bend and Area Horticultural Society Anniversary Gala I/lnlrer" 5 p m. Niro awl greet at the Brand Bend Legion. A Uukcy dims, r with all the
trimmings will be served at 6 pin, cash hat, Entertainment Michael Vaniteuval. 'Ilckrls:SI 1 mentkurs, $15 for non members. Everyone is invite( to send in
good wishes and reminiscon'ea 1u our members on this special day, 'llwy will be !rad Nr 1%1111411W pottgra111 ghhttr1 ''ho1111Nip.t'tt11
Oct. 2Nh "Homo Celtlmtry Playhouse Guild luauthly meeting" (stand Bend Legion, Join tis as WV celebrate our Huron ('ounuy Playhouse F rounder% and fast
Presidents. Quest speaker Alex Muskies, VW/ and Atllstk hlrevt r of Drayton linteralnnwnt, ('a11 Marguerite at 319-238-2331, Guests and new members
"Bleed Pressen Ciliate" Adult Day Wing (hats( Bend Arra Community Ikalth ('entre Man 2.4 p.m. ('ome out and hale our blood pressure checked.
"Mom Cam Cosh" 111.1 p.m. Orand Bend Area CHC. Advenov your soloing akin* and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for $5. Contact Miranda at 519.23N-1556
eat 222. www.gbachc.ca.
Oct. 31st "Stood Sugar Screeelms CtlIale" a1 the Henan Pharmacy Prom 9- I2pm and 1-3 put s onset Diabetes None Educator Ramona Dunn from the Orand Bend
Area CHC Heenan site at 519.262 3459 eat 2211 fax details.
Oct. 31st "Dein Wel" Orand Bead Ara CHC. 2 -4 p.m, lbpie to M antiumvd. (intact Occupational Therapists Aimee tw Shawna at 319.2.18.1336 eat 241.
Everyone welcome.
()et. 3rd
Oct. 27th
Oct. 29th
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