HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-09-28, Page 6J 6 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Councilor frustrated with BMX bike park delays Lynda Hillman -Replay Lakeshore Advance During the last election one of the questions asked by a Forest youth was were there ever going to be construction in this community for a BMX Park. Since that time, councilor Martin Underwood has fought for the same thing and is frustrated with the delays. Lambton Shores staff was requested to report 00 the feasibility and logistics of the construction of a BMX Park located in forest all the municipally owned land located adjacent to i 1 King Street and the abandoned CNR Right -of -Way. A BMX facility is a bicycle motocross course that provides artificially developed earth structures to be used by bicycle riders, Peggy Van Mierlo-West, director of Community Services says in 2008, the world experienced BM X racing in the Olympics. The Media attention that BMX drew throughout the Olympics has now seen a rise in demand for BMX venues, as more youth are drawn to BMX racing as their new sport. BMX tracks are also being used as during & after school sporting facilities, anti crime strategies and family recreational venues. The new Recreational and Leisure 111aster plan Strategic Direction states the Municipality should engage in consultation with youth (who are traditionally primary users) to gauge interest in the provision of this BMX / mountain bike park. This endeavor should only be undertaken if a suitable partner can be secured for assistance with items such as fundraising, maintenance, construction etc.' '1'his direction was considered a medium-term goal (5- 10 years) with a Capital Cost upwards of $250,000.00 depending on the design and size. "The construction and maintenance of a BMX Park can he a very technical one as to decrease the liability and the amount of Maintenance which can occur if not built adequately. There are no national standards for constructing a facility such as this one" Van Mierlo-West explained to council in a report. Staff is estimating that the basic BMX Park requires approximately 5,000 cubic Meters of soil. 'This soil will have to include the appropriate amount of fines, granular and clay. Currently the Community Services Department does have this amount however materials 411) The Municipality of Larribton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A ».euy spas. Ms Ae„rw[m s in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel 1.877.786.2335, 519-788-2335, Fax: 519-786-2135, Email administratkmalambtonahorea ca Visit our Web Site at www lambtonshores ca Lambton Shores, recognizing that great neighbours make for safe & vibrant communities and improve the quality of life for residents, has implemented a "Good Neighbour Recognition Program". The purpose of the program is to honour outstanding Lambton Shores' citizens for their efforts and actions that have enhanced and improved our community. Nomination forms are available from any of the municipal offices P1c111 10 ilt theta the l t11111' 10h ~hares Vl dr,ts 1 ,\ A 'et urk'et 1),,!: t',i 1'y 14',ird t-t'tir1,' 11lors btl\�' 111�,I,jllirc' kln,t rwthl Ponestk't'1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2011 Capital Replacement - GRAND BEND AREA WATER METER REPLACEMENT The Municipality of Lambton Shores requires the services of a prequalified company for the above noted project, which includes all things necessary for the installation of replacement residential water meters In the Grand Bend Area. The work includes but is not limited to co-ordination of customer contacts, appointment generation and management, Installation of the meter assembly, customer service and electronic data tracking. The Municipality of Lambton Shores will supply the meter assembly for this Project. Information packages can be picked up at the Municipality of Lambton Shores Administration office at 7883 Amtelecorn Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO Information packages can also be picked up online at'. httbdivAin iambtonshoree,caliivinuilocaluoveMMIEWca Ira ni4C15_talldereeNA IAL11 Proposals will be open In public on October 8th, 2011 at 11:00 a m. at the Administration office Peggy Van Miedo-West, Director of Community Services 519-243-1400 Please check our website at www.lambtonahores.ca for Public Skating thaws or coil one of our Municipal offices. testing will be required prior to placement, to e'llstll'e that this material is appropriate for this type of activity. 'the cost of testing is approximately $200.00. Cost for removal of the dirt and placement ranges from $4000.00 to $6,000.00 based on 5 days of construction of staff time. She said it should be noted that at convenient access to water is necessary for jump construction and maintenance. Water is critical to the quality of the park. Without water the jumps become too hard to work on and could increase liability should a rider fall. There is a water twain located adjacent to the property however a teeter and tie-in would be required. This cost is approximately $3,500,00. Van Mierlo-West said during their research it was discovered that numerous hiking and insurance associations have developed project/liability framework plans to assist Municipalities and user groups to design, construct and maintain these types of parks. A reoccurring theme within our research 011 this topic was that the project should he built with the users in mind and that to make these facilities successful the users must he involved from initiation. Various Municipalities who have currently or have undergone this process also promoted public Consultation. Other reoccurring themes within these plans include the Mitigation of liability and risk. 'These topics include the development of a risk management plan, installation of effective signage, and implementation of it maintenance and inspection policy. A methodically written Risk Management Plan is the best way to ensure safety measures are developed and implemented. At ti minimum, the plan should include the steps to take in an emergency, an overview of signs, and delineation of boundaries, a description of the inspection and maintenance plitil, and information regarding insurance. An effective Management Plan will also assist in mitigating liability dile to: negligent design, negligent maintenance, negligent supervision or failure to warn the public of dangerous conditions. This activity would occur in-house. Staff would recommend that signage be reviewed by both legal and insurance representation to ensure proper wording. Once wording has been approved by council stuff would contract a sign maker to complete these works. Cost of the signage approximately $1,200.00, legal and insurance fees for review are not incorporated within this amount. "Like all Municipally owned facilities this area %viII also require monthly inspection by a trained person. A written log should he kept to ensure jumps and surrounding area are being looked after regularly and Mal 11 tell ance 1S/ 11( 1s documented. This step is imperative to reducing liability. This program would be developed in-house with assistance from Provincial and National Recreational Groups publishing's. It should he noted however that it is important to develop a stewardship ethic among riders that encourages everyone to repair and groom the jumps regularly and keep the park clean. Staff asked for direction from council regarding this project, development of the work plan, liability plan and the public consultation/ riser group engagement process and timeframes for collllllellcettlent. From council Councilor Underwood said it is Important they move ahead, "It won't cost too much. We have a basic plan- let's start doing it. " Ile said he spoke with Optimist Club who sent a letter of support stating they, "Believe it (the BMX Park) will be beneficial. "Ilow refreshing it is that council is doing something for our youth," said the letter. Underwood agreed saying, "Lets do something positive. Lets move ahead" Councilor Ruth Inman said this is an important project and thinks it is one of Forest's priorities. She reminded Underwood they (Councilor wards) would come back with "a laundry list of what we want. " She said it us hard to commit dollars for this year. "We know the kids want it and it is a priority. What are we going to do for each of our places that will fight for what we want?" she asked adding, "We have a budget process we have to go through." Councilor l,otie Scott disagreed with waiting for the '2012 budget, "It seems to mu' we have money somewhere." Councilor john Russell asked if they hada plan. "We are close to end of year and did not do our budget till way late," said Lilt un. " We still have things to pay for in this year's budget -we do get surprises some good some had. 1 %viii support this whorl %ve have a plan." "It's a few piles Of dirt," said 1lnderwood, "Let the kids get on with it ;and then rebuild it -should not take ;t lot of money." Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis-Dagg asked if the Optimist Club would help with fundraising? "Wiley said it %vas refreshing we would be doing something," a frustrated Underwood said reading from the sante Tetter, "Lets lead for ;t change." Mayor Bill Webei was quick to jump back stating this municipality has done so much and taken the lead again and again. oilman said there is also the liability and risk management, " Maybe they can start with that," she suggested. Councilor Dot' Bonesteel said they shout. _ give the staff some tinge to deal with these issues anti move on. Inman agreed saying they could begin now with the development of the work plan, liability plan and the public consultation/user group engagement process and timeframes for commencement. !Underwood said he does not want to wait six months to a year- he has people ready now. 1 le suggested they were trying to bury it. Council agreed to have staff work on the issues in their report with Underwood as their liaison,