HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-09-21, Page 17Monte McNauton talks about Lambton Shores issues
Lakeshore Advance
Rural medicine is an important issue -
how will your government help to recruit
flew doctors?
'ihe size and scope of our health system
,bscurt's the most important person: the
patient. (:are 1n Ontario is structured
around forms, processes, long lines, and
bureaucracy, when it should be built tion)
the patient out. '1 his is trite when it comes
to emergencies. It's trete when it court's t0
chronic diseases like cancer or diabetes.
It's true for people who have a mental ill-
ness who too often get lost in the system
and it's especially true for rural residents
who desire a family doctor who lives and
practices in their community.
A PC government will introduce a series
of patient -centred reforms that make the
patient not bureaucracies, not admin)is-
trators - tht' focus of our own health care
system and \vt' \vile grow our investments
in health. We \Vile increase annual invest-
nients iii health care by more than $6 bil-
lion by tht' end of our fiat tern.
We are committed to publicly funded
health care tar Ontario families.
flow does your gag 1 nunent fel about
URNS- why?
Monte N'lcNaughton and Tim Hudak
will target the costly health bureaucracies
that take Harney from direct patient care.
We will put a stop to scandals like el leaUh
and stop putting health care dollars
towards ever-expanding salaries for
For example, the 1.1 IiNs are unelected,
unaccountable, faceless bureaucracies
that the Dalton Mc(;uinty Liberals hide
behind \vilene ver there art' l)eds to close,
emergency rooms to shut, or nurses to lay
off, 'Ik) date, $300 million health care dol-
Itus have leen diverted from frontline care
t0 pay for salaries and adminisu'ation. We
will close the I.Il1Ns and redirect those
dollars to patients.
There are a lot of tunall businesses In
Lambton Shores- how can the PC gov-
ernment help them survive in these
poor economic tines?
We will he the hest partner small busi-
nesses ever -had, Small businesses are the
hackbone of our economy. They are the
tree not only of jobs and opportunity,
ut also the innovation and risk-taking
that are essential to a strong, modern
economy, Monte McNaughton and 'Ilin
1 ludak will ensure small businesses have
every possible advantage to succeed and
We will introduce a Small Business Rill
of Rights to recognize that they are the
engine of growth, job creation, and
We will eliminate job -killing; red tape so
that businesses can focus 00 growing, not
on endless paperwork, forms and direc-
tives. We will appoint a Minister responsi-
ble for reducing the regulatory burden by
a minimum of 30%.
11'e will make Ontario's business tax
rates competitive by reducing them to 10%
by 2013.1111s change will help bring more,
well paid, private sector jobs to 1,;unhton-
Kent-Middlesex and all of Ontario.
We will be a champion for agriculture
and the rural economies it supports.
Soong farms are vital to a strong Ontario.
Like every business, our farms have been
frit hard by sneaky tax grabs, excessive red
tape, and skyrocketing hydro hills. At the
slave time, farming comes with some
unique challenges, We must meet thuse
challenges to see farmers succeed and
maintain fanning as an attractive career
choice for the next generation.
Our greatest asset in this area is the
Great Lake. How is your government
helping in the preservation of lake
Ontario families expect our environ-
ment to be safe, clean, and sustainable for
future generations, Everything we do
affects the environment in some way, In
that sense, there is an environmental ele-
ment to many of our policies. Committing
to clean energy and reducing traffic con-
gestion are just two examples. Of course,
there art' some very specific steps we will
take that will have a direct impact on the
protection and enjoyment of our
We will complete the closure of coal
powered plants by 201.1.'1111s often -prom-
ised goal is behind st'hettule. A'lin)1 kaiak
government will finish the job Dalton
McGuinty couldn't get dune. We will use
the soon -to -le closets coal plants as site to
provide newer, cleaner energy from
sources like natural gas or biomass.
1Ve will protect all programs that safe -
plaid water quality.
Wind farms are a huge issue here.
1 pow do you feel about the Green Energy
ActT Should the municipality have more
of a say as to whether they should be
All You Can Eat
Sunday brunch
Served from iiam - 2pm
Monte McNaughton
I believe the greatest injustice forced
upon the people by Dalton McGuinty and
his Liberal government in Tomtito is that
of taking planning control from local
municipalities. i can think of nothing
more insulting than Dalton McGuinty sit-
ting in'lhfonto dictatingwhelr industrial
wind turbines \vitt he located throughout
Lambton-Kent-Middlesex and all of
Ontario. is completely unacceptable.
We have been calling fora moratorium
on Dalton McGuintv's industrial wind
farms and to return the local decision
staking lowers to communities like yours.
We know that people who pay the hills
should Ix' put first and we know that resi-
dents and neighbours know hest what
their coniniunity needs. Sadly, Dalton
McGuinty's Liberals think they know
what's lest for our communities. 'the lib -
erap's Gre'e'n Energy Act took conhol from
municipalities to make it easier for the
provincial government to construct
Saturday, October 1st
St. Boniface Catholic Church
22 Mary Street, Zurich
St. Peter's Catholic Church
Hwy 21 North of St. Joseph
Acceptable Items
Answering machinos/Amplifiers
Speakers/ AudioNidoo players
Cell phones/Telephones
Monitors/ Mice, Keyboards & Speakers
Fax machines/ IPods/MP3 Players
Pagers & PDAs
Radios/ Recolvers/Turrhtables
Video Projectors
Also: Ink / Toner Cartridges
Protect Your Privacy
Clear Personal Information
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 17
energy projects like windmills
- against the will of local
An Ontario P(, government
will give cities and towns the
power to decide %Olin happens
within its boundaries. We will
restore the local decision mak-
ing powers that were taken
away by the i.iberals. We will
end the constant provincial
tinkering and delays in local
official plans. The result for
Ontario families is a provincial
government that will take their
lural concerns seriously; that
tvi11 show local citizens the
respect they deserve.
lobs or lack thereof seems
to be an issue in ntrti Ontario.
Keeping kids herr' after grad-
uating is an age-old issue.
I low can the P( ;s help to bring
industry here and to teach
our kids these skills?
A Monte McNaughton .`
Tim !kaiak government will
('tl'iate nt0t't' than 2)0),)))10 new
apprenticeship spaces over
four years, \\t will bring a
system designed for the needs
of the 1970's into the 21st cen-
tury to create lifelong, in -
demand careers. Aside from
being severely dated, the cur-
rent system is too complex. it
serves special interests instead
of individuals aspiring to
become skilled tradespeople,
or the job creators tvho need
these talents.'lho many moti-
vated workers from Ontario are
leaving for letter opportunities
In other provinces.
We will modernize the
apprenticeship system)( by del-
egating more responsibility for
signing up appnrntres to the
colleges \vitt; will also nitttch
apprentices tvith employers.
1Ve will reduce the ratio of jour.
Weyman to apprentices, utak
Mg it 1 to 1 to put more skilled
workers on tett' jab.
Taxes are high, utilities are
high, cost of living is high...is
a vote for PC a vote to brings
these costs down so Ontario
Open to the Public
Grand Bend Area Community health Centre
September 26, 2911 from 2 - 4 pm
Guests: Canadian Cancer Society, Diabetes Program
and Alzheimer's Society
An opportunity to interact with ----------
community members and ask
Plan to attend! Free food and
beverages provided.
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