HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-09-21, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Council member says there are signs of bias at adhoc meeting Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance The fourth meeting for the Lambton Shores sewage adhoc committee was clouded by the warnings by one of its members, of this commit- tee being biased. in their terms of reference, this committee was charged to review the issue pertaining to the extension of waste water services to the resi- dents and businesses of Zone 3 and 4, as identi- fied In the Municipalities of Lambton Shores, Bluewater and South Huron Grand Bend and area Sanitary Sewage Servicing Master Plan. That was later expanded, with a request from this group, to a well -researched and knowledge- able recommendation discussion on the sew- age treatment facility. This being said, at last week's meeting Doug Bonesteel said their lan- guage showed a bias. The adhoc committee is made up of three members each from /..ones 3 (chair Carl Relict., vice chair Richard Daher and Ernest Lewis) and 4 (Adrian \'rolyk, lames Munn and Ronald Boire), as well as the mayor Bill Weber (who was not at the meeting), deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg, and councilors Dave Maguire and Doug Bonesteel. The Municipality of Lambton Shores , LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A neekty update on the Munrapal Events in )t.iur Co+nnwrvty Administration Department — 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1.10 Tel' 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519-786.2135, Email adminrstrationt©lambtonshores ca Visit our Web Site at www lamblonshores ca Lambton Shores, recognizing that great neighbours make for safe & vibrant communities and improve the quality of life for residents, has implemented a "Good Neighbour Recognition Program". The purpose of the program is to honour outstanding Lambton Shores' citizens for their efforts and actions that have enhanced and improved our community. Nomination forms are available from any of the municipal offices. Lambton Shores' Volunteers are Invited to Attend the S`" Annual VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION BBQ Thursday., September 29" 5:30 p.m. The Lipsey Roman Centro, THOMAS HALL IS Alan eves', lMdtord RBVPs are required by Wednesday, Sept.14, 2011 b: Ernst Phone 818-243.1400 1.468.943-1400 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2011 Capital Replacement - GRAND BEND AREA WATER METER REPLACEMENT The Municipality of Lambton Shores requires the services of a prequalified company for the above noted project, which includes all things necessary for the installation of replacement residential water meters in the Grand Bend Area. The work includes but is not limited to co-ordination of customer contacts, appointment generation and management, installation of the meter assembly, customer service and electronic data tracking. The Municipality of Lambton Shores will supply the meter assembly for this project. Information packages can be picked up at the Municipality of Lambton Shores Administration office at: 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO Information packages can also be picked up online at: httollwww.larnbtonshoro,cailivinatiocaictovernmentkapitalprOcts (opiQI.Lenctfl ,hln) Proposals will be open in public on October 6th, 2011 at 11:00 a m at the Administration office. Peggy Van Mierfo-West, Director of Community Sorvlcos519.243.1400 DId you know... that the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontano requires that a lottery license must be obtained ANY TIME a group accepts money for a chance to win a prize of any type. - cash or merchandise. lFull details on lottery licensing are available from the Alcohol and Gaming website: ffimaim.op sat. Eligible chanties and organizations can obtain a license at either the Forest or Grand Bend office. f Idn to tlttt'nd the: L(unhton Shores Words 1 tend Mcct Lind Greet hosted by Weird C.ounc'1lors Dove N1(iejuire and Doug Bonesteel ht'11\1't'1 1 , „ ..,., 1111 1.' 111),111 ,a1 ;;.itt1111.l\ t �, 1L)110r .111 1 Please check our website at www.lambtonshores.ca for Public Skating times or call one of our Municipal offices. .• �.•.. ......t •...$,4.S . This adhoc committee was broken down into five 'Teams' to tackle each of the five issues in their Wolk plan and these groups have been holding closed workshops (no pub- lic or media) for sharing information to gt't the committee members up to speed and allow efficient use of time at the public meetings. In the Team 1 report on their work plan, the need for improved sanitaly selvage Ireatntelnt, report author Carl lielke mapped out the examination Of documents at two information sessions by members of the committee who could attend. Observation number one was that in this group's opinion, Dillon (Consult- ing) wrote their own Terms of Reference for the Master Plan on their 2004 proposal. In the opinion of this report after two years of prepa- ration the need for sewer service in the Master Plan is being driven by environmental pollu- tion concerns which are assumptions with no supporting evidence. in the next observation of this committee they said the municipality created a crisis in capacity by allocating lagoon space to developments without speci- fying a termination cause if the development didn't start at a fixed time. in their next obser- vation they said they could not find any Tots that do not meet current requirements. The observation centred around habitat suitable for amphibians in '!.one :i -that being along Parkhill (:reek and the Old Ausable Chantel. This observation addressed nitrates. Other observations detailed the 1:A process in /one 4, the EA process in Zone 3, sewer and water services, ground Willer quality. Lewis talked about the August 20th meeting in Bluewater where collection system costs were cited as gravity on a large lot $(15,9!x) and low pressure small lot $31,600. Bonesteel asked if this was with any government fund- ing and Lewis said no. Lewis also talked about flow rate assumptions and that they need an understanding of the reports especially the discrepancy of water useage numbers. in the information reviewed there were also 27 extracts as a memo from Davis-Dagg which she said "provide a representation of the Draft Official Ilan (OP) wording from the 4th draft" ('This draft is a working copy and clearly says, "'this is a draft working copy of the proposed 1 ainbton Shores Official Plan, do not base any decisions on this draft ." Also, lamina!) Shore's council has not dealt with the OP and the Adhoc group have not been sanctioned by council to review it nor is it part of their terms of reference. Many times in Belke's recitation, councilor Doug Bonesteel warned the language being used verbally in discussion regarding the work plan needed to be toned down as it "made them look "biased. "'This is a working document," said Bones- teel in regards to the work plan presented by Belk!. "l think the language needs to he more tempered -it gives the impression of hying biased," said Bonesteel. "We are supposed to be objective and people need to draw their own conclusions': From there, 1)eplay (mayor said she was shocked 10 see so nitwit mislead- ing information and said she was stating that with force. "I low can they (Dillon Consult- ants) 1)e acciniittalltlt'? i set' faulty reasoning. 1 low air we making wise decisions? I find this quite disturbing," she said. From there mens her Ernest Lewis said the information they were getting from the consultants Wats a manipulation of the truth and numbers that are inflated for the purpose to create anxiety, confusion and to draw attention to away from the enormous costs, he said. I3elke said he understood would adhere to Bonesteel's concerns. Bonesteel said, "I am sluing here as a citi- zen -but I also took an oath and this is a com- mittee of council- and there is a protocol. We must keep our opinions to ourselves- what 1 am hearing needs to be tempered. 'ibis could be litigious," he said. "'There is an impact on our credibility of this committee. 'I'his com- mittee has to work. Maybe I agree with the suggestions- but we need to give the public confidence in what we are doing. I don't feel confident with these comments" I le explained he too was at the public infor- mation sessions but some people were not. "We are four council representatives and six citizens. "We have to be open and factual and truthful and rely on the facts. We have to be careful that we don't appear to be skewing this to go towards a conclusion. It is hard for me to sit here and hear these disparaging comments about staff and consultants. l am a member of council and it would be a disservice to the chair not to voice my concerns:" lie suggested he might need to call a lawyer but did not elaborate on that train of thought. Lewis suggested they get Dillon to qualify the statements made in the report. "That is fine," said Bonesteel, "We need to report in a factual way. We don't know if the majority is for or against sewers. We. have not polled any- one. Let's keep this clean." When the gallery was permitted to ask questions, resident Dick Matzka said he appreciated that Bonesteel felt there was a bias but asked if he was listening when Lamb - ton Shores CAO John Byrne presented his power point at council, "was that not biased?" Or was he listening when 1)illion presented their report at the Crediton Tri - Municipal meeting. "Was that not biased?" Ile said he was embarrassed to sit through the meetings when nothing is getting done and has to listen to the "obstinate, biased, opin- ionated people on council" In his comments, Bob Sharon, resident and chair of the Zone 3 group saki the Official Plan was on the municipal website and he was given permission "in an indirect way" from the chair to put the report on the Citizens For Good Governance site. (The chair, Ruth 111 - man told the Lakeshore Advance this docu- ment was not on the municipal web site ant' her actual answer hack to Sharen's reques.' was, "'1 he OP document is a public document, currently in draft forst. Anyone who wishes a copy at this stage is welcome to contact the clerk's office with this request and staff will ht' pleased to assist." She added that Council may wish to direct otherwise. 1 le told this forum, the adhoc committee information from staff or the consultant was meant to mislead with gross misstatements. "1 have to he careful -I atm not saving everything is wrong- they are just putting a spin on it." This group have plans to go to the Univer- sity of Guelph, to speak to local sanitation service people and hope to (meet with the act- ing superintendant of the I'inety Park. The minutes from the Adhoc meetings can be found at : http://www.lantbtonshores.ca living tloralgovt'rnllt'Itl'other ilnt't'tings.ltnn