HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-09-07, Page 14Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals 14 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, September 7, 2011 classifiedextra.ca ',111,1C10.", 1,11.h" -t .load most st t1 Listt.eci pi int .ifld online Iic'twol i. Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone: 1-488-786-7821 online: lakeshoreadvanc:e,classifiedextra.ca Miscellaneous RASCAL SCOOTER 3 wheeled, battery operated, like now. Only used 3 or 4 Mmes. 2005 model. Call 519-236-4320 Wood, Coal, Oil etc. HARDWOOD FIRE- WOOD for sale, cut by wood processor. Phone 519-276-7831 Antiques & Art Collectibles WM, KETTLE Antiques wishes to buy largo or small estate lots of furni- ture, will also txiy single items. Forest 519-786-4847 Machinery & Equipment FORD 1220 garden tractor 17hp 3 cyl die- sel, hydrostatic drive. Rear PTO, 3 pt hitch, low/high range, 4 wd with locking rear dif. 80 inch mower, 52 inch snowblower. $8,000 obo. Call 228.973.8186. Boats/Motors Marinas & Supplies 27' 1986 Sea Ray, SD, twin 4.3 LX, 6 cyc Merc cruiser, 965 hrs. camper top, $13,000. 519.948.1113, Wind- sor, Ontario or e-mail stoysrus570 aol FOR sale 12' Future Zodiac Mark 2C FR, Boat bag Included, Asking $1500. o.b.o. SS Props with Merc. Hubs, 21P Cleaver, 21P Mirage Plus, 23 Mirage Plus. Like NEW. $400.00 each. Call Grand Bend 519.238.6946. Apartments 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St., Dashwood. Newly decorated. Newry painted and hardwood floors $650.00 per month for 2tx1. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage Included. Call 519.237-3510 1 • 2 BEDROOM apartments available for immediate occu- pancy In Dashwood. 500/$600 per month + utilities. Call 228.218.4444 or email joeverberne O ropers. COM Apartments COMPLETELY RENOVATED 2 bed- room apartment in adult building In Son - forth. All brand now, this apartment boasts laminate flooring, new appliances, in -unit laundry, large principle rooms and free park- ing. $800 per month + utilities. Available mid October. Call Cindy at 519.345.0788 or Joe at 226-218-4444 or email joeverberne0 rogers.com GRAND BEND two bedroom apartment for rent yearly. Close to downtown, utilities ex- tra, First and last, $750 per month. Laundry and parking. Call 519.238-5802. GRAND BEND, two bedroom apartment, hardwood floors, ce- ramic tile, same floor laundry. Queen St., 12 stairs. $525, plus utilities. Call Craig at 519-871-0725 GRAND BEND. yearty, close to bridge, 4 bed- room, on river, parking, available mid Sept. $850.00 per month, 1'1 and last, Utilities nego- tiable. Questions call 519-871-7535 ONE 2 bdrm. Main St. Grand Bend: $760. per month, utilities in- cluded, fridge, stove, no laundry, year round, first and last. One 1 bdrm. air conditioned, no laundry, furnished, yearmonthly or week . Call Liz 519.2 -2512 PORT FRANKS, ono bedroom apartment in quiet adult building. Main floor, beautiful view, laundry facilities. $450. plus hydro. Available now. 519.243.3598 Apartment ZURICH, one and two bedrooms, main floor, four appliances, newt' renovated. 15 Victoria Lane, Unit 45. Available now. $535.00 / $595,00 plus hydro. Email: anetyates050 hotmail.com or call 519.633.6961 or 226-373-4668. FOR RENT 4 Cot- tage/homes ot•tage homes available for rent September 1 to June 30. Allan James Bluewater Cottage Rental. Call 519-236-9999 WINTER Rental - 2 bedroom, fully fur- nished cottage, $400 per month plus hydro. Free cable/internet. First and last month, no smoking, available Sept 15 -May 15, 2012. Call 519-238.5887 WINTER RENTALS available Sept 15 4 bedru in $850.00 including utilities CaII Phan Taylor 973.219-3098 Houses for Rent YEAR round, 3 bed- room, 2 bath home on Gill Road, Grand Berri. Close to school, shops and lake. Gas furnace, central air, Targe garden. $875 00 per month plus utilities. Martin 519-282-2987 Office/Commercial /Industrial for Rent COMMERCIAL Space for rent, 38 Ontario SI. Unit 4, Grand Bend. Available October 1" Call 519.238.2086 or 519.630.7930. Rentals Wanted FAMILY of four and Iwo trained lap dogs looking for 3 bedroom house/farmhouse In Grand Bond, Port Franks or surrounding area. Fenced yard, garage would be a plus. Call 519.243.3317, leave message, or email stn670 hotmail.com Storage Space tor Rent STORAGE space with loading dock available in Thedtord. Low rates. Contact Ron Gilpin 519-476-0498. STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square feet o1 stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and Tong term rates, pickup and delivery. CaII TTK Transport Inc. Goderlch, Ontario. 519-524-4331 Business Services "HONEY DO" property maintenance - Home repairs, odd jobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 HANDYMAN Need an odd job done? No job too small. Bob Dietrich, 12 Mary St. Zurich. Phone 519-236-4989. Please leave mes- sage. STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson 519-296-4721. House For Sale iit HOlive 1 Or Sale House 1 or Sale MAIC Doors & Windows WINDOWS & DOORS Call tor a free esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Godorich, 524.1250, s- mall sales0bluewatsr wrndows.ca Or 48 Ontario St, N., Grand Bend, 519.238 -Door (3667), a -mall bluewe- torsale s 0 hay. not. www,bluewaterwin• dows.ca Caregiver Help /Home Care EXPERIENCED care- giver for PT assistance to elderly lady. Refer- ences needed. Please call 519-238-2297 General Help Wanted NEED a dog walker, 4-5 times a week. Waterfront cottage, 4 minutes north of Grand Bend. Pay cash. Friendly Australian Shepherd, loves Fris- bee dano0 rok ers.bleckborry.not 1.519.241.9454 Careers People needed to work from home online. $500 -$4500 Part-tirne and Full-time. CaiI Sheila at 1-877-440-5288 Restaurant/Hotel EDDINGTON'S of Ex- eter, successful hne dining restaurant look- ing for qualified kitchen staff. Experienced chef, line -cook and prep persons required. Honest and hard work- ing Individuals please apply to James at wine0execulink,com or call 519-235-3030. House For Sale Illostailer lean loc. Brokerage GrandBendRealEstate,com 519-231-5100 15]20 1. lam Pedlar Bro1N of RhoM Matt MiltSAM. RArt NEAR PINERY PARK - $389,900 Custom built 3+2 bedroom hone with concrete drive surrounded by nature. 2100 sq. ft open concept design with cherry floors and cabinets. LAKEFRONT HOME - $720,000 Totally updated contemporary 3 bedroom home in Cetarbanks with 75' al sandy beach. Matures 26' ir 20 Great Room and cathedral ceilings. General Help Wanted A well established landscape and mainte- nance company seeks general labourers and an office administrator. lhu GENERAL LA- BOURER must be physically fit, hard %%orking, and able to follow Instructions q uicky and efficiently. Tho ideal candidate qurcky learns to pay attention to detail, fol- lows safety precautions, and be- comes handy with many kinds of tools. Candidate may work on different crews do- ing various Jobs, so having skills in a num- ber of areas, as well as being able to get along with people, is impor- tant. Please only apply if you have a drivers li- cence and clean driving record. Pay will depend on experience. Great opportunity for an energetic, reliable and skilled individual. The ADMINISTRA- TIVE ASSISTANT oversees and man- ages all office procedures and other tasks as assigned by the Manager. Salary is commensurate with experience. Respon- sibilities include general office coordi- nation, maintain office calendar to coordinate work flow and meet- ings, answer telephone, and per- form general clerical duties. The ideal can- didate should be computer literate and proficient using the computer program Simply Accounting. Candidate possesses knowledge of accounts receivable and ac- counts payable. Please fax or email your resume In confi- dence to Huron Shores Landscaping fax: 519.243.1855 email:John Klumpkins john O syntheticputtinggreens. ca `'Your v. REAL ESTATE classifieds Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Email: placeit,sun ,a classifiedextra,ca General Help Wanted General Help Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY Day Dish washer possibly night work too. Contact: Ben Sandwith, Chef F.I.N.E. A RESTAURANT 519-238-6224 JOB l'Allz Crabby Joe's Exeter I'hurs, Sept, 8th, Spm -bpm (drop in) Fri. Sept. 9111, IOam-3pm (drop in) Exeter Employment Office Hiring: Servers, Hosts, Cooks, Prep, Dish Washers Please bring resumes and references with you, Copy of resume should be emailed prior to job fair to: Resumes.cjexeterehotmail.ca Cj z - with a little extra effort, recyio saves a lot! Orie ton of recycled paper saves up to 17 trees. Recycling paper, plastic and metal saves tons of garbage from being put into local landfills. Those are just a few of the many reasons to recycle and use recycled products. By cutting down on waste and using more eco -friendly products, we can keep our area and our planet a healthy, beautiful place to live. ►� r