HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-08-24, Page 3Wednesday, August 24, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance .3 Lambton Shores provides funding to Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Lambton Shores has provided Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce $13,000 from the 2011 budgeted dollars for Economic Development. As it stands, funding resources are limited for this body. The County of Lambton allocates $528,875.00 in their 2011 budget of which Lambton Shores is 12.488% or $66,045.91 -but these dollars are not used to benefit grand Bend's operation. Susan Mills, the Grand Betui Area Chamber of Conunerce nu n ager presented a power point delegation to Lambton Shores last week in a follow -up presentation from a February delega- tion. At that time the Chamber requested $40,000. Council did anti -up $20,000 for Economic Development in the municipality and how that was to be spent is part of their strategic planning discussions. Since that budget was passed they have formally allocated the $13,000.00 to the Chamber and at the July 4th meeting the place- ment of portable washroom on centre Ipperwash Road was dis- cussed and approved; however; no direct resolution that these funds be allocated from the Economic Development funds but the discussion held did indicate that - amount to be determined but minimal. In her presentation Mills said, "'(here is some confusion as to what tourism services is," said Mills adding tourism is not Chamber, "We run a welcome centre -we do not receive finan- cial support. We are a non-profit organization:' Why the Chamber needs money, she says is because tourism services are not Chamber services, "tourists services are not directly revenue -generating for the chamber." "'Time and staff devoted to tourists services leaves the Chamber unable to run revenue generating Chamher services. Ilene Chamber (foes not need a Welcome Centre to operate. '(he Chamber receives no external funding assistance for tourism services:" Mills explained that a Chamber of Commerce is an organiza- tion of business and professional people who join together for the commercial, industrial and social progress of the area. It represents and advocates for business. It is a private sector, non-profit organization in which memberships a matter of choice. It is a non-political, democratic association and the governing power rests with a Board of Directors elected by the membership. 'the Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce has members in 1 luron, Lambton and Middlesex counties. In the financial laundry list their expenses include staff, (wages, mileage, source deductions) at $36,910. 'The expenses for the Welcome Centre operation are $7,683 and the costs for marketing (tourism website, print and electronic advertising) is $37,081. The revenue for this group connes from membership fees, visitor's guide and the annual general meeting. Mills explained that many other municipalities fund their chambers in partnerships. Mills explained that the demise of the revenue building began in 1995.'Ihe government was not supporting local business so this Chamber jumped in to fill that void. Over time this became a main focus and she saki now is the time to change that focus. "We need to be viable -we need to turn our attention to traditional chamber mandates. She said this council needs to consider what would be the outcome if the (SACC were not 6_31oing tourism services. Councilor Doug Bonesteel said the (rand Bend chamber is iconic. If we don't get them dollars -this will be the end of the involvement in community services. lie asked Mills if she had a date in mind as being the decision making deadline. She answered their year end was October and they had to prepare for the 2012 season. "What do you need to keep this open?" Bonesteel asked Mills. She said their inunediate needs were $10,000. Councilor Martin Underwood asked about the county. Since Lambton Shores was paying $66,000 -what were they getting for their money. "It is not their mandate - to provide tourism - they are there for advisory and marketing role but not -direct marketing organization," Mills said. She said they have a new manager; Marlene Wood, who is not from Sarnia and is thinking outside the box -outside Sarnia proper. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg said they are being forced to pay dollars to TSL and although it is not their mandate to help chambers, why couldn't this Sarnia body have an 800 number that is connected to the Grand Bend Chamber and someone in Sarnia can answer the questions regarding where to stay and what to do. Mills said there is not a "snowballs hope in hell" that would happen. "TSL staff does not leave Sarnia. 'There is no knowledge base there. ISI, is never going to answer phones and they will never deal with tourism -they don't even have a frontage or display racks -it is not their mandate;' emphasized Mills. Davis Dagg said this community pays tens of thousands of dollars to 'TSL and she wants them to be accountable. She said she wants to know what Lambton !ST (:.t.('. Rate 3.03 depwli ma, .ppb„ GRAND BEND 23134484 EXETER 235.24m Ggashler CLINTON Kneale 482.3401 b1•. ttarsk.r 1110. Colonial Parking Lot Wednesdays K am - 1 pm Local Produce This Week *PEACHES, *ZUCCHINI, *BLUEBERRIES, *HARVEST APPLES, *SWEET CORN, *BEANS, *MEATS AND MORE... ihkawapaiminagt " Moak* -Calor m www.grandbendfarmersmarket.ca Shores gets for that money. "This area is not being represented and they are being told they need to get out of Sarnia;' said mayor Bill Weber in explain- ing this is a constant topic at county council, "I am a little disappointed that we are even discussing this- this has been an icon for years. We have put this off for years and we have not paid for it. This is not a traditional use of a chamber -if you want tourists to keep coming to Forest-Ilen- sall-to the Legacy Centre -we have to put our money where our mouth is," said Bonesteel. Councilor Martin Underwood made a motion that they give $12,000 with receipts until budget talks. Davis Dagg said she was grateful for what they (the GBACC) have done -hut would like them to look into Sarnia doing more to alleviate the unnecessary man- hours at the Grand Bend tourism office. Councilor Lorie Scott wondered if $12,000 is enough. Weber said this would be a Band-Aid- $12,000 with receipts. Councilor Dave Maguire said if they sup- ported the chamber budget -paying a per- centage of advertising and marketing it would come to a little over $13,000. Davis Dagg said they should be prepared for a backlash from Forest. "It all about percep- tion," she warned. "Assumptions could be made- they only asked for $10,000 and we are giving them $13,000," she stated. Mills corrected her saying they actually asked for $40,000 originally. "I anticipate a back- lash; Davis Dagg said. Scott said the For- est BIA has come to see them twice and although they have not given theta finan- cial support- they are working together. "We can't confuse BIA with Chamber - this is a chamber who is doing extra cur- riculum with tourism -we need to get off this kick with territorialism;' warned Bon- esteel. Council agreed in motion to give the Chamber $13,000 with receipts for their immediate needs. 'Ihe Lakeshore Advance questioned the Chamber as to their plans to ask other municipalities such as South Huron (E luron Country Playhouse, Motorplex) for funding to promote their communi- ties. Chamber director Glen Baillie said, "We have informally communicated our intentions for l.atnbton Shores fund- ing to the South Huron Municipality, alerting therm they wine next. 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