Lakeshore Advance, 2011-08-17, Page 9w.m v.+Lw*mLakeshorem�
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Lambton Shores will look at guidelines for new alcohol policies
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
approach the municipality for a
resolution would include
local organizations who do not
In 2007, the Municipal Alcohol have charitable status, but who
Policy was approved. This policy do operate events that aims
was created to lessen the expo- to enhance the quality of life for
sure of the municipality to liabil- residents either through fund-
ity arising out of the use of manic- raising or entertainment.
ipal facilities for alcohol-related Notification to municipalities
events. The Municipal Alcohol for outdoor events
• "olicy has reduced the potential As of August 2 2011, applicants
tor alcohol related problems; for a public event SOP must pro -
reduced the risk of injury and vide 30 days notice to the AGC()
death to patrons, loss of enjoy- and local municipality for events
mens of the patrons, as well as the with fewer than 5,000 people in
risk of liability actions. Lambton attendance and 60 days notice for
Shores Community Services events with 5,000 or more people
departments asked council for attending. This does not have a
direction regarding the new significant impact on municipal
amendments, operations.
All renters having a special Tiered Seating
event in a municipal facility who Applicants can apply for a SOP
are serving alcohol must also for tiered seating such as bleach -
obtain a Special Occasion Permit ers. There are both pros and culls
(SOP). Special Occasion Permits for allowing tiered seating areas
(SOPs) are required for facility to become SOP licensed.
renters who are hosting functions Allowing for SOPs in tiered
involving liquor service in pub- seating could assist sports organ -
facilities and parks. In lAunb- izations in attracting additional
ton Shores, SOPs are used for fans as there are currently limited
events such as weddings, fund- areas within arenas for licensed
raisers, family reunions, baseball areas during sporting events. It
tournaments, receptions, etc, could also help to attract special
Licensed events can vary signifi- events such as concerts to facili-
candy in scope and size. ties, allowing both the arena floor
On June 1, 2011, the Govern- and stands to be licensed.
meat of Ontario introduced sev- However, there are several
eral amendments to the Liquor drawbacks to allowing for SOPs
License Act, affecting the provi- in tiered seating. First would be
sion of alcohol sale and service patron safety. The likelihood of
through Special Occasion Per- trips and falls increases in these
slits. Highlights to these changes areas due to the stairs and poten-
can be reviewed in the Alcohol tial for spills. It can also provide
and Ganging Comrnission Infor- maintenance issue s, which
mation Bulletin at www.lambton- would affect operational costs. Finally, there may he less control
As noted in the Information of a l i c e n s e d event in
Bulletin, the regulatory changes tiered seating.
are being introduced in three Hour of Sale and Service
phases: June 1 2011, August 2 Except for New Year's Eve, the
2011 and July 2012. July 2012 amended Liquor License Act
changes are still being reviewed allows for the sale and service of
and have not yet been intro- liquor for SOPs from 11:OOam to
duced. The June 1 201 1 and 2:00arn the following day. New
August 2 2011 amendments are Year's Eve sale and service hours
discussed in further detail below. for liquor are 11:00arm to 3:00am
"Public Event" Special Occa- the following day. Previously, liq-
sion Permit uor sale and service was to cease
As noted in the attached bulle- by 1:OOarn, with the exception of
tin, "Public Event" replaces three New Year's Eve to cease at
types of special occasions (fund- 2:00arn.
isers, significant events and Extension of liquor service will
rnmunity events). A Public have an impact of facility opera-
.,,nent is one that is conducted by tions as operators will be required
a registered charity or a non- to stay later to accommodate
profit entity, or an event these functions. On average,
of municipal, provincial, national these additional operational costs
or international significance; could range from $50.00 - $100.00
events of municipal, significance depending on the number of
must be defined as such by a res- staff and types of services
olution from Municipal Council, required.
Council can authorize the Designate on a Permit
Municipal Clerk to provide this In order to designate a person
designation on their behalf to attend in the Special Occasion
in order to streamline Council Permit holder's place, a signature
meetings. Guidelines on what Is required from both the desig-
consdtutes an event of municipal nate and the SOP holder on the
significance is at the discretion of permit. There is no impact to the
Council. Groups that may municipality for this
Posting the permit and levy
'Ihe permit and levy no longer
has to be posted at an SOP event,
but trust be available to AGCO
inspectors and police. There is
not impact to the municipality for
this amendment.
Conditions on a SOP
'Ihe Registrar may impose con-
ditions on a Special Occasion
Permit depending on the nature
of the event and/or compliance
history of the permit holder.
'Ihese conditions may or may not
impact the municipality, and will
need to be dealt with on an
individual basis.
Types and quantities of
A permit holder is no longer
restricted to selling or serving
certain amounts or types of
liquor. This does not have any
impact on the municipality.
Record of food purchased
Permit holders no longer have
to keep a record of food pur-
chased for a SOP event. 'Ihis has
no impact on the municipality.
Monetary Penalties for SOPs
Special Occasion Permit hold-
ers may he assessed monetary
penalties for breaches of the Liq-
uor License Act and regulations.
'lllis has no direct impact on the
Outdoor SOP holders May
Now Enter Into Agreement with
Liquor Sales
Patrons can trove freely
between the SOP licensed area
and adjacent licensed areas (i.e.
bars, restaurants, etc.) with a sin-
gle serving of alcohol, under cer-
tain conditions.
This would only apply in the
case where a SOP has been
obtained for a street area,
and there are permanent
licensed areas immediately
'There are a few changes which
will directly affect the operation
of the Municipality and its
events. These impacts can be
mitigated through revisions of
the Lambton Shores Alcohol Pol-
icy. Items such as allowing the
Clerk to designate a Public Event,
limiting hours of sales and serv-
icing and allowed licensed tier
seating should be discussed.
The Community Services
Department was seeking Council
direction on these items,
and should amendments to the
existing Municipal Alcohol Pol-
icy be required, a subse-
quent report will be prepared for
While deputy mayor Elizabeth
Davis Dagg opposed all the
amendments, councilor Martin
Underwood was okay with all -
stating they are provincial poli-
cies so they must have been
reviewed before the province made
them. Councilor Doug Bonesteel said
they have two major facilities and reality
dictates they need alcohol for events to
make money. "We can't lose custom-
ers," he says. Davis Dagg feels the liabil-
ity is too great and it should not be this
council who opens up the rules. Coun-
cilor Doug Cook says Smart Serve deter-
mines what goes on and they have been
serving alcohol at municipal buildings
for years. " People get drunk in their
back yards, we need to be responsible -
we are not changing a mandate. Coun-
cilor Martin Underwood said they don't
want to be "mom and pop- these are
provincial policies- and we as a council
will have options."
Council will need to set up policy,
procedures and guidelines.
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