HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-08-10, Page 17111111111111111111111111111111111 Wednesday, August 10, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 17 Committee grants request to audit Dowson's election expenses Vanessa Brown Lakeshore Advance An audit compliance committee last Friday granted a request to audit Bluewater Mayor Bill Dowson's 2010 election campaign expenses. "11 seems to me that there are strong grounds to grant a request for -;,wn audit," said committee member b'llrn Cobban, a University of Western Ontario political science professor. "Municipal campaign expense reports are part of the public record and are an important mechanism for political accountability at the local level... It is important that those pub- lic records be accurate and clear." In his application to appoint an auditor, Bluewater resident and former councillor Jim Fergusson wrote that he believed Dowson breached the Municipal Elections Act by underreporting the cost for printed materials, not declaring cash dona- tions received at fundraisers and not issuing receipts, advertising his cell phone number, which is provided by the municipality, on campaign litera- ture and not opening a separate bank account for election campaign expenses. Compliance audit committees are trade up of appointed members of the public who hear an applicant's case and the candidate's explanation before deciding if an audit is war- ranted. Cobban was selected to replace Scott Allen, who earlier resigned from the committee because of a possible conflict of interest. Allen works for B.M. Ross, which is Blue - water's engineering consultant firth. According to July 11 compliance audit committee meeting minutes, Rowson confirmed he underre- ported his printing expenses by $2,418.25. He said the person who prepared his expense report missed three bills from '1Lrkheim Printing. "That person made an error. 1 should have checked it; I did not," Dowson said during last week's meeting. "I believed what was pre- sented was fair and sincere." In their closing statements, all three committee members agreed the underreporting of printing expenses provided the most reason- able ground that a contravention took place. According to the July 11 meeting minutes, Fergusson told the commit- tee he heard second-hand that Rowson attended a barbecue fundraiser where he received cash donations. Dowson refuted he received any donations at the event, and said he paid $50 for his and his wife's meal and for the group "to run their association" Fergusson's third point claims Dowson included his municipal cell phone number on campaign litera- ture that circulated throughout the municipality during the campaign. According to the elections act, municipal resources are prohibited from being used during an election campaign. During lust week's meeting, Row- son said he didn't receive any calls on that phone during the campaign that pertained to his platform or the election. Fergusson said he couldn't prove if Rowson got any calls or not, but that he did. Fergusson ran against Dow - son for mayor last year. "1 don't think it's reasonable to sus- pect that that information printed to people would not generate some calls, because in my case it did," Fer- gusson said. On Fergusson's final point, Row- son admitted he didn't open a separate hank account for election campaign eXpeflses. Ile also pointed out that four other councillors told him they didn't open separate accounts either. Dowson argued that he used a personal account that only he could access. "Yes, I'm guilty of not opening a special one," he said. "But in my own mind, l believe that one was as close as 1 could get for six months of expenses„ In his expense report, filed with the municipality in March, I)owson trported he spent a total of $1,942.45. Fergusson, on the other hand, reported he spent $5,844.90. In April, Fergusson went to the municipal office in Varna to compare his election expenses with the other candidates: he said in an interview. The almost $4,000 discrepancy between his and Dowson's expenses "Just didn't add up," he said. Dowson said the decision to grant an audit "isnot a concern at all. It was an error on our part and it's just part of doing the Job," he said in an interview. 'Ihe committee members will meet again in September to select an auditor. Port Pry Comoro tate So Refreshing Dylan McDonald, Zurich Public school 13, takes first prize In the Water and People category of the Aquafest Photo Contest. 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