HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-08-03, Page 10Bluewater councillors urge speedy wind bylaws
Vanessa Brovan
With the recent news of feed -in tariff (FIT) con-
tracts awarded for three planned wind turbine
projects in Bluewater, at least two councillors are
pushing to table bylaws that would protect the
municipality's economic development and roads
should the wind developments proceed.
The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) on July 4
announced FET contract offers for 14 Bruce area
Ihishore wind projects, three of which are located
n Bluewater's boundaries: the Bluewater Wind
ergy Centre and Grand Bend Wind Tann projects
in Zurich and the Goshen Wind Energy Centre
project scheduled for Dashwood. 'Ihe FIT program
offers renewable energy producers guaranteed fixed-
rate prices for selling their power to the grid.
"I'm pretty sure every councillor at the table here
has a notification of wind turbines that will be going
up... and it looks like they're trying to move this way,
and I'd like to have some policies in place if they're
going to be driving on our roads," Coundlior'lyLer I les-
sel said during Bluewater's July 18 council meeting.
Council in May approved a resolution to charge
wind compxudes $25,000 per future turbine put up in
the municipality. 'Ihe revenue would be earmarked
for economic development. Council has also
instructed staff to develop a protectionist policy that
would cover any rood damage incurred by transport-
ing the turbines into Bluewater.
"We want to make sure our roads are protected and
that our language is there when it comes to the pre-
senting of thein to transport a large, very Targe, appa-
ratus across the road," Chief Administrative Officer
Lori Wolfe said in tui interview.
Deputy Mayor Paul Klopp said he was "taken
aback" that staff is still working on a draft plan for the
policies, aid that he wants the process to move for-
ward "as fast as possible."
Because the turbines will be moving across several
municipalities en route to Bluewater, staff is consid-
ering working with Central Huron and Huron East
councils on consistent roads legislation.
"We've pulled the county policies to see what they
have and there's other municipalities looking at work-
ing together to do that as well;" she said. "You go from
one municipality to the next, so it's always nice if the
nines are consistent."
Drafting legislation for the $25,000 economic
development fee takes more time, Wolfe said, as
research is required to look for any precedents set by
other municipalities. Legislative references also have
to be induded to establish sound policy.
Wolfe said she plans tove council an update on
wind turbines at its next panning comrnittee meet-
ing in August.
Lakeshore sewage collection
Hay West ward Councillor John Gillespie's motion
to hold a public meeting in advance of the Aug. 20
sewage collection system public information meet-
ing died on the table during Bluewater's July 18 coun-
cil session.
Coon, Gillespie said there are still issues council
has to sort through before the public meeting in
August. "I'm concerned specifically that Dillon has
stated that they expert all members of council to be
sitting at the front of the room while they make their
presentation. I'm not certain that council wants to do
that," COun. Gillespie said in an interview. 'there's an
underlying assunmption,1 think, that by sitting up at
the front we're agreeing with what is being
Gillespie added that council needs to discuss the
process of a sewage collection system referendum, an
issue he said a number of candidates presented dur-
ing the election campaign last fall.
Bluewater is considering switching its Lakeshore
sewage collection system from septic to pressure or
gravity, a move that would affect properties along
Hwy. 21 north of Grand Bend to St. Joseph. 'Ihe study
area also includes the north side of Dashwood, Hes-
senland Country Inn and Driftwood 'Trailer Park. 'Ihe
new sewer system would cost each affected property
owner around $20,000. The switch is necessary
should Bluewater decide to send the sewage to the
treatment plait in (,rand Bend.
Some councillors disagreed with the timing of
Coun. Gillespie's proposed meeting. Councillor'Iyler
Hessel and Deputy Mayor Paul Klopp both said the
meeting should be held after the one on Aug. 20.
"'lig me, we should have it planned right directly
after our next PIC (public information centre) meet-
ing when we hoar some more comments from the
public," Klopp said.
Council then passed a motion to commit a chunk
of time during the next council meeting to discuss
any outstanding collection system issues.
Improving Patient Care at Bluewater Health
Providing families with better
services in Sarnia-Lambton
"Ontario is expanding services at Bluewater I lealth
to ensure local residents have better access to the
quality care they need, close to home, said Lambton-
Kent-Middlesex MPP Maria Van Rommel. "Bluewa-
ter I lealth is receiving $7.4 million in post construc-
tion operating funding from the pmvince."
This funding will assist the hospital to provide
aaidents with greater access to inpatient acute care for
th planned and emergency medical and surgical
services. Bluewater will also be able to support
increased emergency visits and ambulatory care vis-
its thereby reducing the pressure to provide health-
care in an inpatient basis.
Bluewater Ilealth's redevelopment project, now
complete, will provide more services in the following
areas: significantly expanded inpatient medical and
surgical services; increased emergency day surgery
and other ambulatory care services; support
increased operating costs associated with nrnning
and maintaining expanded space.
Under the province's ReNew Ontario infrastructure
investment plan, the Ontario government and its
partners are investing in modern and efficient
hospitals that support the needs of our aging and
diversifying population and giving families peace of
mind knowing they have reliable health services
close to home.
"Bluewater is a first class facility and this funding
will assist the hospital to provide top notch service to
its patients in the newly expanded facility; said Van
"'This is great news for Bluewater health, and great
news for the Sarnia-Lambton community," said Sue
Denomy, President and CEO of Bluewater Ilealth.
"We are pleased to be able to take full advantage of
this fantastic new facility, through increases to serv-
ices that enhance patient cue."
Next year Ontario will to invest approximately $1.3
billion to help modernize the province's health
Construction is moving forward or complete for
more than 100 major hospital redevelopment
projects across the province since 2003.
See the infrastructure projects currently underway
in Ontario.
Read more about the multi-year ReNew Ontario
infrastructure plan.
Contact: Marla Van Bommel, MPP@ 519-245-
8696; 1-800-265-3916
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
kiProposed Management Plans
For Lambton County Lands
St. Clair
oiise vation
For residents interested In the management of Lambton County Forested Lands
The St. Clair Region Conservation Authority and Lambton County have developed
management plans for several Lambton County properties.
Two Open Houses will be held, one for the Lambton County Ileritage Forest in Port
Franks and the other in Wyoming for the remaining properties.
Open Houses
Thursday August 11...2521.l
Location: Port Franks Community ('entre
9997 Port Franks Rad, Port Franks
3:0Optn 7:O0pnt
• Lamhton County 1 terit age Forest
For more information contact Tim Payne at
I)ratt Management Plans are available for v
The Corporation of the County of Lambton
1'hur duty Aauguf LLL24ll
Location: I.ambton County Building
7A9 Broadway Street, Wyoming
3:00pm 7:00pm
• Perch ('reek habitat Management Area
• Mnrthaville 1lahitat Management Area
• Bowen's ('reek lands
• Srnho Forest
• Moore Landfill Nulla t.ands
• Lanihtun NiCildt1WVICW Villa (nun-
huilding lands)
519-245-3710 ext.24,
iewing on the following websites.
tit. ('lair Region Conservation Authority
The Committee would like to thank all who helped in any way to make the
event a success. Sponsors, Teams, Donors and Volunteers. we couldn't have
done it without you ! We apologize it' we have missed anyone.
Event Sponsor: 104.9 The Beach Radio Station
Media Sponsors: Myl'nt Radio Station, The Lakeshore Advance
Supporting Sponsors: Grandpa Jimmy's Scottish Bakery, Drayton
Entertainment, TD Bank, Grand Bend Royal Canadian Legion 14.498,
'The Band in You Proxluctions
The entertainers who volunteered their time for this great cause !
Donors :
Consolidated Signs & Lighting
Custom ('overs
D'Arcy Lane School of Massage
GB Order of Alhambra
GB Chamber of Commerce
GB Posh
GB Soccer Association
Grand Bend Lioness
Grand Bend Clothing
Green Bucks
Hayter's Turkey Farms
Hoffman Patient Transfer
Ice Culture
Jenny Lepik RMT
Laura Tcskey
Lynne 1lerrington
Marie Petch
Mary Wright
Mike & 'Ierri's No Frills
Moffatt & Powell RONA Exeter
Municipality of 1 amhton Shores
New Orleans Pizza
Oakwood Inn Resort
o'tools Rental
P.O.G. INC'.
Pinedale Motor inn
Rev. Susan Moore
Shopper's Dntg Mart
SOBE:Y'S - Grand Bend
The Gamlen (;ate
Van Houttc's Cafe