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From the tower
Scott Rundle
Grand Bend beach patrol
"But Jumping off the pier is fun"
That niay be the case, but the list of haz-
ards should nuke you think twice about this
very dangerous activity.
As mentioned in my last article, the depth
of water around the pier can change without
warning. The last storm or channel dredging
could have piled up sand beside the pier.
Some people mistakenly think that after
checking the water depth beside the ladder
that they are diving into eight feet of water.
The actual fact is that although water cur-
rents do remove sand beside the steel wall,
many times you can stand in waist deep
letters to the editor
Open air burning advisory
I )ear editor,
1)ue to the extremely dry hot weather
conditions and lack of rain in many areas
of Huron County over the past month, the
Fire Departments of Huron County
strongly urges the public to refrain from
doing any open air burning.
Please check with your local fire depart-
ment for open air burning regulations or
current fire bans in place in your area.
liven while plant life may still appear to
be green, and some areas have received
rain, the moisture content is very low and
the ground very dry and it will burn
water ten feet away from the wall. Right
where you are going to land. The question
is, how do you fit a 6 foot human into 3 feet
of water? It's a trick question, you don't.
Over the years ice and corrosion have
made the edges of the metal wall and ladder
rungs a hazard to bare feet. Under the water,
lost fishing hooks and zebra mussel shells
also like to shred toes. Our last foot hazard
is the unfortunate mess of broken drink bot-
tles around the signal light. (lass in the foot
is quite painful 1 can say from experience.
The quality of water around the pier is
often not the cleanest. River effluent from
the Ausable River carries some pollutants
from the Marina and run-off from the local
farm fields. 'this really isn't the best fluid to
get into your eyes, nose, mouth, or that new
readily, Unauthorized burns that get out of
control could result in unwanted charges
to the property owner.
The Fire Departments of 1 luron County
want you to enjoy the rest of your summer
and hake it a "FIRE SAFE" one. 'Thank you
for your continued co-operation.
Marty Bedard
Huron County Fire Co-ordinator
cut on your foot.
if the Beach Patrol has to walk over and
give a warning, it takes a patroller out of the
south tower and decreases the ability for
them to scan the water for individuals that
might need rescue. Finally, you can be fined
by the ()PP or By -Law officer for performing
a dangerous activity on town property under
the Trespass '1'o Property Act.
So, please enjoy the pier. Walk out and
take in a beautiful sunset. Wave to the fish-
ing boat as they return to port. But for your
own safety, please do not jump or dive from
the pier.
Stay close and stay safe.
Scott Rundle is a 14 -year member of the
Grand Rend beach patrol
No Pro, No Problem
As a participant of the Grand Bend "Not So 1
Pm" Beach Volleyball Tournament 1 would Ilk—
to say thank you to all involved. 'the weekend
gave locals the opportunity to get together for
the love of sport, spirit and sum as well as wel-
comed tourist to discover what our beautiful
cotnmunity has to offer. 11 was amazing to see
people of varying ages and skill come together
to play hard and laugh even harder. We were
spoiled with gorgeous weather allowing partic-
ipants and by standers to join in the fun and
beauty of Lake Huron. Thank you to Not So Pro
event organizers, local businesses and the
Grand Bend community for an atnazing
Lindsay Hayter