Lakeshore Advance, 2011-07-27, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , Ju 27, 2011
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From the tower
Scott Rundle
Special to the Lakeshore Advance
"Where did the other sandbar go?"
Each year I'm reminded of how
dynamic the beach environment can
be. During the winter, the ice that
forms on Lake Huron heaves, pushes,
and pulls at our sandy shoreline. As
impressive as the ice hills on the lake
look, it's only half the story. 1 always
wonder what is going on under the ice.
I'm sure that water is still moving and
currents are moving the sand around.
Picking up sand here, depositing it
over there.
As spring break up begins, all that
sand suspended in the ice gets depos-
ited in a new location and the first
spring storms get to kick up waves and
level out our shoreline once again.
Waves reach up on the shore and claw
back the sand pushed up by the ice.
Filling in the shoreline trough, moving
it toward the pier, dropping it off and
carving it up again.
It has happened before, and I'm sure
it will happen again, but this year all of
the conditions combined to fill in the
channel between our first and second
sandbar that is usually in front of
Grand Bend main beach. 'Ihat is why
in late May and early June you will see
the Beach Patrol out (in wetsuits),
checking the bottom and seeing what
nature has presented us for the coining
A good summer storm will move
sand as well. Even the tug that dredges
the boat channel can pile extra sand up
at the end of the pier and change the
depth from six feet to three feet. Con-
ditions can change fi- om year to year;
June to August, and even day to day.
So here are a couple of safety tips to
remember when you visit the beach.
Whether it is your first visit or you've
been coating here for years please
remember that conditions are con-
stantly changing. 'Ihe last winter, last
storm, or last dredging may have
changed the bottom, so treat each day
you visit as a new day on the beach.
Enter slowly and lean the bottom pro-
file. ()ur beach is over 800m long, so
the profile will be different at different
parts of the beach. Do not assume that
the profile by the pier is the same as in
front of the condos. Lastly, ask a mem-
ber of the Beach Patrol if you have
questions. 'Hwy usually have the most
up to date information for keeping you
Stay close and stay safe.
Scott Rundle is a 14 lllt'mber of the
(;B beach patrol
Vision for
the future
The Thedford community is proud of
their new Legacy Centre and so they
should be. This is one village that is 'all
on the same page' and must be congrat-
ulated for their vision, spirit and sense
of community. Fundraising chair Jeff
Zavitz was wracked with emotion as he
explained to more than 400 people what
this new centre means to him, to his family
and to Lambton Shores.
The arena -community centre was first
built in 1949 and condemned in 1976 with a
new facility built a year later. As exciting as
that must have been more than three dec-
ades ago --the new state of the art facility
was worth the wait. The energy saving build
is throughout and the entire project was
done right. Zavitz said the project which
began with a town meeting will be this gen-
eration's gift to the future and what a great
Sands of Time
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Editor, Lakeshore Advance
legacy to leave.
The people of 'Medford worked with the
municipality who worked with the upper
tier governments like a partnership. They
looked not for what was needed today -hut
what the need was for many years ahead.
Christine O'Reilly brought tears to everyone
eyes as she said the weddings; family reun-
ions, skating, reading, learning and so much
fellowship that will happen in this facility
are memories to be made. Kudos to the
Lambton Shores council and staff and to
the donors of close to half a million dollars
for your vision and determination -you have
one fine facility.
letters to the editor
Have some respect for our
community says reader
Grand Bend is such a beautiful place to
live. The locals are all wonderfully friendly
and respectful. Most of the time, this is the
only place I can imagine myself living.
When mid summer conies it brings with it
many visitors and tourists. 1 feel as though
Grand Bend locals, business owners and cot-
tage owners enjoy the increase in population
for the most part. 'Tourists bring the town a
new energy, they are wonderful for local
shops, bars and restaurants, and tend to
make those who live here feel proud that this
is the place that people chose to take their
vacations and we are lucky enough to live
here year round. The majority of tourists are
beyond polite and courteous. It is sad that a
1'1:W individuals seem to ruin it for everyone.
When 1 walk around town on a morning
after a weekend, l notice business owners
picking up ridiculous amounts of litter, bro-
ken glass, empty beer cans and so on. 1 don't
understand why for some, all respect and
manners go out the window the minute they
arrive in Grand Bend. It seems like this town
is prone to much more disrespect than any
other tourist town 1 have been to.1 have seen
people using parking lots as bathrooms, beer
chugging on the way to the bars, people de-
facing business property, dine and dashing at
local restaurants, and smashing glass on
sidewalks, the list can go on and on. This is
not something that the majority of people
find funny, amusing or whatever you are try-
ing to accomplish from this behaviour.
Grand Bend has spent a lot of time and
money to make this a beautiful town prima-
rily catering to tourists. The town has re-
vamped the Main Street and beach area to
appeal to people visiting. They have done all
this to accommodate and welcome you,
WI1Y can't some of you pick up after yourself,
follow the simple rules that exist everywhere,
and treat the businesses with the respect they
deserve? After all, they open their doors for
I have never visited a city or town and
acted in this manner. A vacation or weekend
getaway with friends can still be a great time
without purposely acting in this disrespectful
1 am also in niy 20's and 1 feel it gives every-
one in my generation a bad name. l know
many young people who live in Grand Bend
who love the town as much as 1 and would
never even think about treating our town or
any town this way. In niy opinion this is one
of the prettiest towns in Ontario, and I think it
is only fair to try and keep it that way.
So, next time you are visiting a town like
Grand Bend please keep in mind that many
locals have spent time and energy to make it
a beautiful place for you to visit.
Please have a little bit of respect and treat
our town the way you would want us treating
Leslie Deighton