HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-07-20, Page 4IS Lakeshore Adva e e. We nesday Ju 21 2011
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letters to the editor
in the interest of openness and transparency
Dear Editor,
I attended the first working
meeting of the Sewage Ad floc
Committee of l.ambton Shores on
Monday, July 11, 2011, which was
assigned by council to review the
sewage matters for zones 3 and 4.
'three things stood out to most in
1. there was no press in attendance,
2. how little the impact of this project
on other parts of Lambton Shores
is understood by the council, and
3. also it has never been explained to
the residents of the communities
of Arkona, Medford and Forest
that they too will be paying for this
'she municipality has not
advertised the first two meetings as
required by their resolution that
requires two weeks notice to the
public of any meeting. 'lie commit-
tee has no allocation of funds for this
or any other purpose. 'therefore, the
media was not in attendance.
According to (:AO Mr. Byrne this
will be corrected.
Some council members did not
understand that the present users of
the sewage system will be impacted
by a substantial increase in their
quarterly sewer rate charges. Also, if
zones 3 and 4 are not incorporated
into participating in the cost of
building the new sewage treatment
facility (S'I'F), the existing sewer
users will pay for development in the
Grand Bend area.
All the present users of the Lamb -
ton Shores sewage systems should
have been advised that according to
the former mayor Mr. Minieliy will
rise by two and one half to three and
one half tittles the present rate. '}his
is on a video recording.
AH users in Arkona, 'Ihedford,
Forest not just those in Grand Bend
should take a much stronger interest
in this project. It does impact each
and every user of the sewer systems
in the municipality because Al.!.
sewer users will be paying for this
Ask yourselves who does this
What is the cost per household in
zones :3 and 4?
'there are issues with the
technology , the cost and size.
Secret meetings excluding the
stakeholders, the public, do not deal
properly with such complex and
important matters.
1)o not accept my comments.
Seek the truth out for yourselves, and
"the truth shall set you free."
Submitted in the interest of
openness and transparency
(Original signed by Bob Sharon)
R.M. (Bob) Sharen
Thanks to municipality for getting the job done
Dear Editor,
Many thanks to all who signed my
petition with respect to a pedestrian
railing across the bridge on hwy 21.
'the June edition of Ikeshore
advance confirmed that a $65.000
budget had been approved by
council to erect the' pedestrian
railing comes with much satisfaction
from yours truly and the citizens of
grand bend especially the ones who
took the time to make sure
signing the petition would be a
major stepping stone to this much
needed project being approved
Also thanks to our mayor Bill
Weber for his tithe and energy in
getting the job done .
Yes , PETITIONS such as this do
work as we look forward to walking
across this bridge having a railing to
hold on to which would prevent the
accident to one of our locals June
2010 which was the sole incitement
of this project
Special thanks to Barb at Beauty
on the Beach and Paula at Salon 21
for their participaction.
du cancer
Derek Culbard
For Information about cancer,
services or to make a donation 1.888.939.3333 • www.cancer.ca
From the countryside
John Russell
Lakeshore Advance
One of the best parts of my job at the museum is the grr
number of interesting people 1 meet every year. Of you
interesting sometimes is a less than adequate descriptor for some
and 1 have had ex -cons from Kingston and nuns from London
stop and talk when 1 am outside working. You would think that
after thirty years of these visiting and moving on conversations, I
would have heard it all. But that is not even close to the truth. 'the
boredom factor does exist but the shock and awe of 'you said
what' comes up regularly as new stories and experiences come
my way.
A few weeks back I noticed a slim gentleman walking fast out
of the backyard before there had been any visitors. 1 hailed him
down and he came over and directly asked if i was John the
writer for the paper. l said yes and the man intnxfuced himself as
I lylke van der Wal and gave me a few copied sheets of paper.
1lylke said he was in visiting relatives and friends and thought I
might lx' interested in his story. l le grew up in the'i\idhop house
when it was in its original spot in Bosanquet'lbwnship and was
just a having a short visit to the old place betore coming to find
1 guess people have been on his back to write about his inter-
esting life. In researching archival materials here and there, he
realized that the place where he grew up hadn't heard about hint
in fifty years and wondered if 1 would fill in some blanks for them.
Ile told the his life story is about basically his Christian faith and
his running addictions and they both took hold in Bosanquet.
last year at the age of 73,1 lylke was awarded the Saskatchewan
Sports Masters Athlete of the year by Premier Brad Wall. l lis
accomplishments for the previous year included 5 firsts at the
Canadian Masters Outdoor Track and Fieki Championship and
at the Indoor, he won the long jump and the pentathlon.
!Hs athletics started by running beside his father the eight
miles to work every day in season clown to the 'Ihedford market
gardens where they both worked for Fred Donald in the fields.
11e would return the same way an(1 remembers running down to
Ipperwash Beach to cool off in the water. 1 lylke worked hard at
school and running and received scholarships in track to East
"Texas State in 1959. Ile says he was a bit of spirited fellow and
opinionated and this has sometimes got him in trouble. 1 said
imagine that and we had a g(xxi chuckle over that.
in 1960, then Senator Lyndon Johnson and Vice -President
candidate visited Past Texas State and a picture of 1 Iylke and the
Senator hung for years in the school without proper identifica-
tion. Years later in 1965, when suslx'ndvil by the AAI l for attend-
ing coloured track meets, a no -no in the segregated south.1 lylke
used that meeting as a way to implore then President Johnson to
pardon the immigrant Dutch Canadian track star. t le did!
Looking for arts and culture vision
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Arts and culture 111 this community has become' a kev
component and Latnbton Shores councilor John Russell
would like to discuss the possibility of an area arts council
'the i1)('etings are slated to be information itttd'ex})lorato,
()I)t'l) }rouses to talk about i1)1p)U)Ving till' reach of arts and
culture for the communities along Lake }furor) and
surrounding areas. "the meetings will be held at the Lambton
1 leritage Museum.
Anyone interested in helping with the goal of obtaining
feedback from citizens on the feasibility of having an area
Arts Council is encouraged to attend.
"}hey are looking for committed individuals who share the
vision and are willing to attend and share their knowledge to
assist with the initial steps in this process.
if you go:
Tuesday July 19 4-5:39 p.m.
'lhursday July 21 7-9 p.m.
Saturday July 23 9-11 a.m.