HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-07-13, Page 23General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted The Avon Maitland District School Board invites applications for a Health and Wellness Officer at the Education Centre, Seaforth Repotting to the Adnusnmator of Human Resources, the primary function of the Health and Wellness Officer h to work as pct of a town within the Human Resources (HR) department to provide attendance support the Incumbent will be responsible for implementing the Board% Attendance Support Ptogram fix all employee groups, promoting employee wellness, Injury pteventton and the Importance of igEndlt the Health and Weilness Officer will provide leadenblp consultation and training as It relates support The successiul candidate will be highly motivated, personable and capable of both Independenthr and as a team member in a sensitive and confidential envMom ent is Specification and Cetripetetrrdet: • Rut secondary education/training In a related herd such as occupational health nurslp human resources management or coward; and three ran related eced a with dnablitylatterdarxr support prefetaby In the broader publk sector In a multi unionized environment Sound waking knowledge of the workplace Safety and Insurance AR, Hunan Rghh (ode. Emplorrsent Standards let, and other applicable acts, regulation and guldeiesn • Highly developed hi eepersonal oral and written arnmunkMbn skulks • Capability leo appropriately manage sensitive situations and Information • Excellent anahytkal pmbkrn solving and conflict resolution skits • Demonstrated car putee itera y sells hdudlig erpen ence with data management systems and MS a)fike applications (Word Excel and R»verpolnt) Must possess a vehicle foe haver within the dtstekt and a valid class 'V Ontario Ortvnt license. For a detailed lee desciptiat, piens visit esu website M reundreels•d«rkpkym«tt•eppertw+tdes Interested applkaMs we requested to submit a letter of application and resume with references to the undersigned sora email ptior to 4:00 pm, lhunday July 20, 2011. We thank candidates who submit an application and advise that only candidates who arc chosen foe an interview will receive a reply. Note - A criminal baclapwlmd (hark welt be pmt ol the mruitmrnr paces We thank rh,sse solo submit a Munni and odvne Mot only those wfio ore chosen for on mrr ew wit mow o reply Health and Wellness Officer Avon Maitland District Sdtoef Beard u Clank Street Saferth, Ontario NOK 1 WO mall to: H fc.alndsn,ca trl',...•,,1 ,:,. Avon .iu,,i LIINMaitland yourschools.ca 1. A...1 • ,..,,. i 11: General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted k Sparling's Propane is a growing, Award Winning energy marketer providing reliable propane service, appliance sales, installation and guaranteed 24/7 service to Customers throughout southern and central Ontario. LICENSED TRUCK AND COACH TECHNICIAN (310T) A full-time, day shift only, permanent position is available in the team environment of Sparling's Fleet Safety facility at Blyth. Candidates must be licensed, detail -oriented Truck & Coach Technicians who possess a professional attitude and a willingness to grow with the company. Excellent pay and benefit package. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., July 22, 2011. /\t't+l\ in, l,c,r.,,''1 to eeSparintq's Propane Co Ltd spa rl i ngs •1,; l ,uht�+n Inc+.int I;1 1 1 11 t nN telephone hcwne "► '.+.'.; t•\t Network C!assifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 80% COMMISSION TRAVEIONLY has 500 agents across Canada Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income poten- tial, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, tu$•time, pad. time from home. Register for FREE seminar, www.travelonly.ca, 1400- 608.1117, Ext. 2020. IN 5 YEARS WILL YOU BE 5 YEARS AHEAD? Evaluate a practical busk• news for serious business builders. WFH. Flexible hours. Free tag and support. www.fromgreen2 green.00m. BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Groat Canadian Dollar Sore. **franchise in your area. Cat 1477. °3=311:11. 229 or visit our itebslte: www.dollar:laea.00m today. CANADIAN HEALTHY VENDING. 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Wednesday, July 20th @ l l am 230 Regina Street North, Waterloo ON Contents of a New Orleans Pizza, Bakery, Cafe, 2008 Chip Trailer, Horse Trailer, 2004 Grand Cherokee Etc. \I„r, Inl,inr.rlr n s....+.1 r,..ru,lr•n"•nr 'l'-(-1 `XJJ yourlzkrnoments.cw Marking your milestones. 1-888-786-7821 milestones.sun@yourlifemoments.ca Obituaries Iii Memoriam Thinks Births Celebrations Mote Births Births ROBERTS Dorothy Peat would like to announce the arrival of her new granddaughter, Brooklyn Ave on June 6, 2011. Proud parents are Rick and Shari Roberts of Burlington. In Memoriams In Memoriams GRINNEY In memory of a dear friend and neighbour, James (Jim), who passed away 16 July 2009. Gone, but not forgotten. Lovingly romomhered by Ann David and family