HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-07-06, Page 20' 1211 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales 7tivilight Auction Sale Of Household Items -Collectibles - Tools Forest Fairgrounds Jefferson St. Forest, Ont. Thursday July 14 5 PM Victorian Settee & 3 Side Chairs (Good), Beds, Dressers, Chest of Drawers, Spinning Wheel, Stereo Unit, Chesterfield & Chair, China Hutch, UFurniture, File Cab., Dishes, Pots, Pans and the usual Box Lots and two ring Auction. Collectibles: Toys - Mamod Steam Roadster, Mamod Steam Roller SRIa, Wilesco Steam Engine (these 3 operate), Fordson 1/16 Scale, 1/8 Scale mc & JD Waterboy, McCormick Deering M 1/6 Scale, Pictures . Tools & Miscl: L/Mower, Armature Lathe, Hand Well Pump, Shallow Well Pumps, 10' Alum. Ext. Ladder, Step Ladder, Selection Power & Hand Tools, 10" Table Saw, E/Chain Saw, Combo Tool Box, 2 Boat Motors -3.5 Eoka, 5 HP Johnson, 3 Fold Away Bicycles, Bar.B-0, Mlscl; E/Celling Fans, Used Walk in 5' Shower c/w Faucets. Lunch c/w the Ladies Famous Pies. Elliot -McGregor & Associates Auctioneers Dougal McGregor Forest, Ont, 519-786-2222 Roger McKay Lakeside, Ont. 519-349-2459 www.auctionsfind.com/elliotmgregor. We accept quality additions. Thinking Auction your place or ours talk to us we can help. yourbjmoments.ca Marking your milestones. ,Wednesday, July 6, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 19 For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 u -mail: obituaries a yourlifomoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 ••melt: mllestonos.sun a yourlif•momonts.ca Obituaries In Memoriam 1 hanks Births Celebrations More Coming Events Corning Events Huron County Beef Producers Steak BBO (Ontario Corn Fed Beef) July 13, 2011 Social 5:30 - 6:30, Supper 6:00 - 8:00 Entertainment by Crippled Duck BM&G Community Centre, Brussels, On Adult $15 Thank Yon Notes Thank Yon Notes GROOT We would like to thank everyone for their support after the loss of our barn In the ear- ly hours Wednesday morning. To the couple who woke us up, THANK YOU for being so persistent and to the Hensall and Zurich fire department, our "cleanup crew" Phil and Raymond. Wow, you guys are fast. It was so much appreciated. Tim, Clare, Joey, mom and dad and the community, friends, and family with all the calls and kind words and helpful hands ...We can't ex- press enough thanks to you all. THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts. Jerry , Julie, Sam, Sydney, Courtney and Holly Groot In Memonann In Memoriam TURKHEIM In loving memory of our dear father Herb, who passed away five years ago July 5, 2006. A special smile, a special face In our hearts, a special place. Memories are our gift to treasure Ours of you dad, will last forever. Lovingly remembered and missed by your family. KID'S HELP PHONE FREE EMERGENCY CALL 1-800-668-6868 TOLL FREE 34 HOURS A DAY RUNAWAY, SICK, IN DANGER, IN TROUBLE 110NOUR Network III1assifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! AZ TRUCK DRIVERS Flatbed Haul to & from the U.S. Home Weekends. Dedicated Unit, Competitive Wages & Benefit Package. Send resume (including references) by fax to: 519- 523-4763 or CALL Today: 519-523- 9705. 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