HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-07-06, Page 16ialp Wednesday, July 6, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15 Blyth Festival Seeks Youth for Revival of Musical Hit Blyth, Ontario, lune 28, 2011—The Blyth Festival invites all interested youth to Join the 2011 Young Company for a revival of the musical hit, Alligator 'fears by Britta John- son. An orientation session will he held at Blyth Memorial Community Hall on Thurs- day, July 7 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For the first time in Blyth Festival history, the Young Company will perform on the the- atre's mainstage - an exciting opportunity for youth interested in theatre. The Young Company offers students aged 13 to 19 the opportunity to workshop, design and rehearse a play under the professional direc- tion of Rebecca Pichernck. There are no reg- istration fees and all interested individuals are welcome, Bahg'f Faith "In the world (JJ' existence there is no ?nowt' power/ill 11lagnt_'t then the magnet oflO%'('. " For intimation on lkwotional gatherings call 519-238-8092 www.ca.bahai.org www.bahailambtonshores.org Come Worship with Us Knox Presbyterian Church 2 Main St. Bayfield Reverend Susan Moore Phone 519-565-2913 Sunday July 10 Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. "A littk church with a grrat hies: heart" Grand Bend United Church Main Street at Queen 519,238-2402 Minister: Rev. (tarry I)ishet Organist: Elva McIntyre www.grnndtxnd gteenwaylx' cunt Sunday July 10 11:00 a.m. Worship by Reverend Harry 1)isher Sermon: "God, Are You Talking to Me''" Special Music by London unity Choir All Welcome Dates for the Young Company workshop are August 8 -- September 3. The production will run September 1 3 at Blyth Memorial Community Hall. For more information on the Blyth Festi- val Young Company or to register for the summer workshop, visit www.blythfestival. coin or call 519-523-9300/1-877-862-5984. The Young Company is supported by (:1BC, the Township of North Huron and the Mc(:teary-Juhasr. Young Company Director's Fund established by Dr, Anne Juhas./ to pro- vide interested youth with professional thea- tre direction. The Blyth Festival's 2011 Season Sponsor is Sparling's Propane Company limited and the Season Media Sponsor is C'1'V. line Iakeshoreadvance.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Grand Bend and surrounding area One God One Saviour, One Spirit, [hit church "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God..." (Romans 8:28) *Nob "oats* Ho lour" Itirameldleimilskeek Il mmertlfpr(3>M31349t ROM r(' )9t 1 Highway 21 at Ausahle (gut Church 519-243-2144 charles,gingenchofgnuil can Pastor;_ Charles Gait:aid 10:30 a.m.Worship and Sunday School (nursery provided) Sunday, July 101h Message: "Essentials of Christian Maturity" (1 Iib. 12: 12-17) Mid -week servkr Thursday 7:00 p.m. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (El kW) Zurich, ()nt. L-11-3 Rev. Nadine Schrrxder-Krum U Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson Secretary Jennifer Sdrellenhetger, Office 519-236-4697 Sunday, July 10th 4th Sunday After Pentecost Full Communion Lutheran / Anglican Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. Pot Luck Lunch to follow the Worship Service Celebrating 150 Years in 2011 1861 - Generations of Faith - 2011 (:rand Bend Church of God Come worship with us Highway 81 and (fill Road Phone 519-238-2142 Sunday, July 10 Speaker: Rev. Brian Laidler (interim Pastor) 9:30 10 10 Adult Sunday School 10:30 11 win (goner Time 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Wed. 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Whir Study www.grandbendehurchofgod.org 1?vetyone Welcome \Vheelcham Accessihle Zurich Mennonite Church 17818 hutch 1lenvd1 Rd . N1.1 ur /wxh S It) :16 .19 N N w.kingstieIdenittmo .ca Lead Pastor: 11m I kahrin %Ml' - Pastor: tom Ro,'. Sunday July 10 9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering Pastor 'i'om Roes No Sunday School for July and August 'I'he Gathering Place wall be meeting at Valium outdoor locations aura the summer on the Iollowing dates only: July 1(1, 24, August 14, 28. Please contact Jenn Ramer at rammer i hay.net tor more information on when and whirr. Everyone Welcome Zion 1 ,utheran ('hurch 1 C -C f 148 Frederick St., Dashwood Rev. John E. 'l'rembulak 519 237-3548 Sunday, July 10 9: 30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass I I :00 a.m. Family Worship Everyone Welcome www.hay/net/-1m/ hni(a'hay.net United ('hurch of Canada Minister:'I'h 't'y \VI►rtso>n-Iaalun Sunday July 10 Joint Service 10:00 a.m. at Emmanuel in Zurich Everyone Welcome Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together ST. JOHN'S BY-TIIE-LAKE ANGLICAN CNUIICN I lwv. 21, North of Grand Bend 519-238-2489 I:ntuil: st.johns(a'hay.net Weh: www.stjohnsgrandhcnd.ca Youth Ministry Programs cid& Service 'Times St. ,John's -by -the -Lake: Sun. July 111tH 10:00 ;t.nl. 1.'ontemhoraty Youth Service Fourth Sunday idler Pentecost St. Anne's, Port Franks: wed. July hill 7:O0 p.111. Evening Prayer fi Bible Study Sat. July 9111 i ()0 p.m. Worship Service Sundays (a) 10:00 a.m. Vacation Bible Camp -cost is tree! August 211(1 -2011 (9a.m. - noon) ('all 519-243-1418 to re ister "A Community of Faith to Call Nome" The Revctend Father (;t;ryhaune R. Ilowcott Parents! �* Mark These.1 `' Dates "...."�'�''a'* Where: Forest Baptist Church It Ilam limpet, tweet Wats When: AUGUST 22 to 26, 2011 Time: 9 a.m. until 12 noon Who: Children ages 3 though to grade 8 Why: To have fan, play games, make crafts, sang songs, have Bible stories, gnat snacks and meet new friends! Cost: FREE ret MSC mrea nee se TO; ttrllr.l1 $T1llrttlT.cA •s NMI SII -TIS 1111