HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-07-06, Page 10Coastal Centre has a new home In Goderich
Mandate is to protect
ecosystem and
coastal areas
Oave Sykes
Goderich Signal -Star
The lake Huron (:entre for Coastal
Conservation is finally home.
After 12 years of an online presence,
the Coastal Centre office at 74 Hamilton
Street in Goderich was officially opened
Friday with a ribbon cutting at the new
"()ur work has seen great successes
over the last 12 years, but we felt it was
time to have a bigger presence in the Lake
1 luron community by opening the new
office," Mau Pearson, chair of the Centre
said, "We hope people will come and visit
and learn more about our lake, and about
our work in coastal conservation."
The organization was formed in 1998
by Geoff Peach and pat Donnelly, two
former employees of the conservation
authority, Pearson told the group, as a
non profit, independent, science -based
organization working with local commu-
nities to protect beaches, control invasive
species and recover damaged ecosys-
tems. The centre hosts educational work-
shops and conferences and supports
youth education at the primary, second-
aty and university levels and offers advice
about the environmental health of lake
1 luron.
"We have two coastal managers, a
board of directors but it has been a slow
climb," Pearson said. "We have the sup-
port of the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority and Saugeen Authority and the
coastal municipalities. We have a
Home at last!
photo by Dave Sykes
The lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation officially opened its new office on
Hamilton Street in Goderich Friday. Geoff Peach, Mayor Deb Shewfett, Huron -Bruce
MP Carol Mitchell, Matt Pearson and Pat Donnelly of the Centre, participated in the
ribbon -cutting ceremony.
bi-annual conference, slake resource kits
available and educate on beach
'The Coastal Centre is the only grass-
roots organization focused on protecting
the coastal environment and has con-
ducted many projects and outreach initi-
atives along the shorelines of Lake 1 luron,
Georgian Bay and Manitoulin island.
For Goderich Mayoar Deb Shewfelt,
involved in the mayor's initiatives on
Great Lakes water quality, the centre's
presence heralds a new era in education
on coastal conservation and the aprotec-
tion of water quality.
"1 am proud to see what's happening
here in a small way but big things have a
small start," he saki. "'the coastal are from
Sarnia to tobermory is a big area but
things need to be done and there are 130
gullies along the coast. We have people
The Rotary Club of Grand Bend
wishes to thank all those who made
"An Evening with Stephen Lewis"
a resounding success.
And a big thank you to our sponsors:
Avon Maitland District School Board, our premier sponsor
NextEra Energy Canada
Grand Bend Community Foundation
Grand Bend and District Optimist Club
Huron Perth Roman Catholic School Board
Goderich Rotary Club
West Coast lions
Ron and Lynda Holmes
Rotary Club of Grand Bend, Ontario Inc.
Celebrating 20 years of service
and we need to raise finances to get work
done. 'This step (the centre) is a risk but if
there is No change, there's no future.'
Wednesday, July 6, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
As the Centre grew and became successful, its board of direc-
tors felt the organization needed to have an office presence, a
move that became possible through the generous bequest of
Donald James Robert Polley estate.
Coastal Resource Manager, Geoff Peach saki the non-profit
organization is primarily funded through grants provided by
government agencies on it project by project basis. Founda-
tions, private corporations and personal donations make up
the balance of the funding.
"We have built Up it reputation and have \\'ol'ked 1n lllall\'
areas to protect ('l)ilStiti t'('oS'Stl'llls, bl'ill'Ileti, dunes and wet-
lands," he explained. "Development along the coatitili aft'a
degrades the system and \ve hell) to develop plans atlltt strate-
gies to minimize the impact of development:'
iv said tht' (.entre has been itwotved i11 extensive duly res-
toration work at Saubk' Beach adding that the t'dtl('ation com-
ponent is a major responsibility of the (:entre.
flit' Coastal (.entre believes that communities ('(1101ot have a
healthy economy unless they have a healthy environment and
to achieve this, a science -based approach is used to link aca-
demic researchers, local and regional politicians, resource
managers, cottagers anti municipal staff to Improve decision
slaking and encourage environmental action to improve the
"1 am pleased the Coastal Centre has a home and it pres-
ence," 1 Iuron-Bruce MP Carol Mitchell said. "We have relied on
the Centre for education and co-ordination of volunteers and
this move is a leap of faith. We have to work hard to protect our
lakes and lake 1 luron."
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