HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-29, Page 1212 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Some LCBO stores open on July 1
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
A1111110 stores will be closed on Fri-
day, July 1, 2011 to observe the Canada
Day statutory holiday. Some LCBO
agency stores will observe their normal
hours of business on July 1. Agency
stores are locally- owned retail estab-
lishments authorized by the 1.CB0 to
sell beverage alcohol, along with
other retail products, in communities
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that are too small to support LCBO
Many LCBO stores in cottage and
resort aliens have extended evening
hours on Fridays during the summer. In
addition, the LCBO has opened a
number of seasonal stores in these
areas, which will operate In most cases
until labour I)ay weekend,
Customers should check for individ-
ual store hours with their local LCBO
store or online at www.lcbo.com using
the 'Store Search' feature. 'They can also
contact the toll-free, bilingual LCBO
Contact Centre at 1-800-ONT-1,CB0
(668-5226) or online at www.Icbo.com/
service. In Toronto, call 416 365-5900.
The '1'1'Y number for the deaf and hard
of hearing is 416 864-6898 or 1-800-361-
3291. The Contact Centre, Customer
Service Department and Bead Office
will be closed on Canada Day.
Over the summer, the LCBO reminds
customers to please drink responsibly
and to never consume alco-
hol when driving or boating.
A new, summer -themed
Deflate the Elephant social
responsibility '1'V commer-
cial will air across Ontario on
Citytv and CP24 the week
leading up to the Tong week-
end. in addition, a Canada
Day alcohol -free Mocktail
demonstration video and
responsible hosting summer
If your non-profit group or organization would like to list
their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Bend Community Health
Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by the third Monday of the month prior to the event being held.
Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible.
What's Happening July 2011
July 1st "Grand Bend Canada Day Celebrations" starting at 12 noon. ('ar Shine & Show, Dog Show,Children's Mural and Parade.
Live Entenainment at the beach fnom 5 p.m. and a super Fireworks Display at 10 p.m. Don't miss the fun! Information at
wwww.grandhendtourism.com or call 519-238-2001.
July 6th "Savanna Strollers Pinery Park Walking Program" every Wednesday we meet at the lamhton Heritage Museum 8:30 a.m.
(Please note new summer time) Contact ('indy Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 231 for more info.or check out the Pinery Park website
July 6th "Grand Bend Golden Agers" Annual Lunch 12:30 p.m. Shuffleboard every Mon 10-12 and Thurs. from 9:30 am., Euchre every 2 & 4
Thursday at 1 pm. Contacts: Shirley Pok 519-238-8205 or Fred Witten 519-238-6028.
"St John's Matters" meet every Wednesday at 10 a.m. St John's Anglican Church Grand Bend.
"Relay for Life, Canadian Cancer Society Fundraiser" at the Klondyke Sports Park. Opening ceremony at 6:311 p.m. Teams walk in relay
for the 12 hour event. There will he food, entertainment and torr. Watch the Survivors Victory lap at 7 p.m. and sec the luminaries lit at
10 pm. Don't miss this inspiring evening and support the walkers. Information at www.can cr.calrelay.
July 9th "Order of Alhambra 22nd Golf Tournament" Sarxlhills Golf Resort , Northville. Everyone welcome to participate in this 2 person scramble
event. $80.(X) per person includes can, lunch, dinner and charxes to win great prim. Pnx cds will further Alhambra's work with the
developmentally challenged. For tickets, an am or pa tet -off time contact Bill & Joanne Vamknherk at 519-238- 5427.
July llth "Red Cram Emergency First Aid and CPR" Grand Bend Area ('H(' , 69 Main St Fast Grand Bend in the Community Room.
Contact Instructor Steve Clemens at 519-238-2035 or ('indy Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 231 to register. Program is 505.(X) per person.
If you only ('PR you may cone that afternoon from 1-4:30 p.m. for $35,(X) . Please call ahead to guarantee a spot.
July 13th "Cooking for One or Wo" Grand Benxi ('II('. 11:30-2 p.m. in the Community Room. beam how to scale down recipes, lime portions and
make new friends! ('all Miranda 519-238-1556 ext 222 to register. www.ghachc.ca
July 16& 17th "Free admission to the l.ambton Heritage Museum" from 11 am -5 p.m. , open to all Petrolia, Enniskillen and Oil Springs residents . Prof
of residency required. ('all 519.243.26(X) for more info or www.lclmg.org Special Exhibition: On the 17th you can meet the new curator
(auric Wchh. Exhibit :Interesting lanrbton the People and The Stories.
July 19th "Euchre -Rama" Ret Franks Community ('entre, Port Franks Road. ('oil/terdfimhits at 9 a.m. Games start at 10 am SHARP. ('nst is $71xr
person, includes lurch. Everyone Welcome. Contact Alice I)eRooy at 519-243-3844 for more details.
July 23&241h "Free admksion to the l.ambton Heritage Museum" from 11-5 pm for all residents of Sarnia, Point Edward and St. ('lair. Prot of
residency required. 519.243-26(X) for more info or www.lrlmg.org. On the 24th you can meet the new curator I aurie Webb. Special
Exhibition: interesting l.amhton the People and The Stories.
July 27th "Men Can Cook" 10-1 p.m. Grand Bend Arra ('H('. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for $5. Contact Miranda
at 519-238-1556 ext 222. www.gbachc,ca.
July 28th "Blood Prerkure (.link" Grand Bend Arra Community Health Centre 2.4 p.m. in the Adult Day.
August 2dt3rd "Red Cross 2 day Standard First Ald & ('PR" Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entre 69 Main St Fast (iranxl Bend . Contact Instructor
Steve Clemens at 519-238-2035 or ('indy Maxticld at 519-238-1556 ext 231 to register. Program is $120..00 per person. If you want just the
Emergency First Aid & CPR you may cone just the day of the 2nd from 9-4:30 for $65.110. If you only want the ('PR you may come on Aug2nd
in the afternoon from 1-4:30 p.m. for $35.00 , Please call ahead to guarantee a spot.
July 6th
July 8 -9th
tips will be available at ww
Please bring a reusable bag
when shopping at the LCB()
and take your empty bever-
age alcohol containers (large
and small glass bottles, P1;'1'
plastic, 'Petra Pak cartons,
hag -in -box and cans) to 'the
Beer Store for a full deposit
Certified Financial manner
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For information call
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