HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-29, Page 11Rice family honoured for
their gift of land
1 Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
: "Our father always told us it is our
responsibility to become part of the
community. Becoming part of Grand
Bend was not a huge leap -we wanted
to be part of that," said Rod Rice speak-
ing on behalf of his mother Lois and
brothers David and Jeff.
The Max Rice family was honoured
at the 12th annual general meeting of
the Grand Bend and Area Health Cen-
tre. Having been board chair from
1999-2004, Don Tedford
"The involvement of the Rice family
in the development and evolution of
the GBACHC is unparalleled," he said.
In a chronology, Tedford explained
that in 1998 a steering committee was
formed consisting of local citizens,
municipal politicians and physicians.
The objective originally was to raise
approximately $10,000 in order to
engage the services of a government
approved consultant and obtain letters
of support from the community. The
target was reached due to small $5-10
donations from the public as well as
municipal council support. "I remem-
ber John Walsh sitting at the post office
asking for $5 while the snow was corn-
ing down," said Tedford describing the
dedication of those on a mission.
He said the Rice Group, owners of
Grand Cove estates, through its staff
and volunteers promoted the Yellow
Ribbon campaign, which was a con-
tributor of this effort.
Fridays 2:00 p.m.
Fridays 2:00 p.m.
t_i Advance
The resultant proposal for the crea-
tion of the CLIC was submitted on Feb-
ruary 15, 1999 and was approved later
that year. By the year 2000 they were
on a hunt for a suitable location for a
building site. "At the Rice family
request we obtained a formal appraisal
of the proposed site. The value was
$325,000 for 1.3945 acres in Main
Street east in Grand Bend," said Ted-
ford adding the Rice family then very
generously donated the property to the
CHC. The proposal for the new capital
project was approved on May 23,
Construction began in 2002 and the
grand opening was held May 29, 2004.
"We are to this day eternally grateful
to the many individuals, volunteers
and corporations for their support of
this project. The Rice Group were not
only then and now strong supporters
of the CNC, but also the largest finan-
cial donor to this CHC:"
Tedford it was only fitting that they
honour the legacy of the late Max Rice
and his family and they did so by
unveiling a new plaque over the
entrance door that reads, "Land for
this facility -a gift from Rice Develop-
ment. Rod Rice said it was a pleasure
to be honoured. Ile said (:rand Bend
has always been good to them and that
they helped champion to get this facil-
ity for the people here.
ROAD on Monday, July 11, 2011 at 7:00
Pan Lot 25. Pan Block (' Ilan 512
Old ('edarb ink lane, }la) West Waid
PURPOSE & EFFE(' 1: To recognire aur
existing lot area of 571 square metres where
900 square metres k required.
I.ot 19. Plan 531
72573 Duchess Crescent, Hay West Ward
PURPOSE & EFFECT: 'I'o'remit a
reduced front yard of 3.86 in where 7.5 in is
required & to allow increased lot coverage
from 25% to 26%.
Additional information is available for
inspection Between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
at the MunicipalOffice, by phone
(519) 236-4351 x 235 or by email at
planningiufo lei town..b1 ll1Sf ater.on.Cit.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 11
Lynda HINrmtMRaplelr Lakeshore Advance
Don Tedford, Lois Rice, Rod Rice and Max Morden at the unveiling of the plaque at the entrance of the
Community Heath Centre.
Benefit Success!!!
Muir deur 1 Wel`ks ago, on Fri June rd, a ben -
ern was treed kn a local business owner, stimuli
.1\truet who owned and t operated the legend-
ary BUM Bunt's tett 11 yr;n s, was diagnosed
With cautcrt, Wh►ch ptxtgtessed rather rapidly.
Sadly, she passed away aty 2 days Act the event.
It brought het gtratt contort knoWving that there
Was sturn'thtug done. to gtvt her daughter Rio
at kick stair tot w;ten she trtutns to school,
Sonia Wits a► de t oted It.' to husband Hrui e
anti very touch dttlte;rove het lite to daughter
Rio. \\'M% the ttagedy of het mother's passing,
IS unsure of her phots tar Septtntbcr however,
it hrint;s het gnat comfort to know that when
she's ready to trhutt school, then is help waiting. Rio would like to extend a special thank you to all involved.
('hristtt Ktatt who pl;tnned and or);atuied the event, would like to thank everyone for all of their help. It is so
wontlettut to see how such a small community can come together and raise such a► phenomenal amount. The
goat was to rause $10,000,0) and that goal was reached!!! Outstanding. A donation to the cancer society will be
made next Week iu Sonia's honour. 1t was Sonia's wish that the donation attttount be split between Cancer Soci-
ety and 'lite St Josephs 1losp►ct in Sarnia. This is when Sonia spent her tinal days and is all run by volunteers
and donations
('htista Would like to lt'tsonally thank the Grand Hand Legion and it's stair as well Its Catering by Stephen and
llatba to and stafl the meal was incredible and well thought out, and the staff had donated their time for Sonia.
I would also like to thank Gng Gallcllo and Briant Dale for donating their talents (or the evening. Big hugs to }t
;)alt tot the exUa help m tnakinl; it all run smoothly!
Very special thanks Isom Iltuce and Rto to Laity Whiting tor donating back his 50/50 W innings. AIaiing.
Must adtmt, When 1 staled planning the event, I didn't know of all the legalities on ray part, but found out as
1 Went ,Hong Planting Was fun as Wall as tiling, Thanks to all Who helped In tete Process. inrlutlinl :Adrienne,
Lorne, Mat thtt, lat'kt', Janet and all of the past Bum Bunts girls! Thanks also to my guilt tends tot helping and
being their
The biggest thank you to all ot Out community businesses who helped in donations! II teuly made the night a
success, Without all of your suppott, It Wouldn't have been possible. So THANK 1'1111 1'hatnks to. Rob ('ase -
!louse ot Flags, .1'1kc's, It's 1'hylne, SteWaut Wehh & Sons, Bikuuland, Waste Management, S.(i,S. Sports,
Bests, Banna Bags, !rink, spot, Rlvetbend , Lorrie Williams Photography,1tayters 1\n key, (laden ( Sarnia
Baytest, Fleck &1)atgneault 1 aw Office, Sherri l.cclart, r\tropia, Metcalfe Photography, Huron Shores Ma-
rine, Oakwotxl Inn, .'usable River Canvas Company, Ron Kratt Auto ('are -Napa, London, Janie, Bob Jones
London, Riek, Krltlly's Snow Removal, Mundalink Custom Framing, Otooles, Lakeshore Advance, Sobevs,
Mike and lilt is No Frills, 1'atiat Piia, Colonial, Grund Bend t'rtxhtce, Little (;inos Ik li, r\rchies, Sea Jewels,
1'addtngtons, ( ;rand Bend Clothing Company, Aunt (it ssies, ;'routs Building ('enter, Bum Bums Heachside,
Pinedale Motor Inn, Bonnie Doone Manor, Westland (;henhouses, Fine A Restaurant, South 1lmmn Surplus,
Sutton Group, Sherr' ('ook, Joyce's Ilairtlressing, Growling Gator, Doug Coleman Trucking, Vision Realty,
'FhlTy Guest & family, Four Seasons, '1 rasa Marie, our local artist, ('H Robinson, Bill ('ipponcrri, SIVS, Langs
Bus lines, Stnttttnty, The I)allinturr family, Marietta's hairdressing, Beauty and the Beach, Navrantedia and
George & Bessie Kourcmenos.
Again, it is ,just ,Orating to see this community come together and 1 would like to thank each and everyone of
you that were involved. 'those that could not attend, we know you were wish us in spirit.