HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-29, Page 9Wednesday, June 29.201 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
Huron County council Supports petition Troup advised to hire planner
Susan Hundertmark
WI Agency
A 38 -year-old Corunna
4 oman, who says she is fight -
',j for her life with Lyme dis-
..esee, is blaming her plight on a
lack of public education and a
lack of physician education
about the fastest graving infec-
tious disease in North
And, after sharing her story
with Huron County council,
councillors voted to support a
petition from Sarnia l,amnhton
MPP Bob Bailey asking the
Ontario Minister of 1 lealth to
direct the Ontario Public
Health system and 011IP to
include all currently available
scientifically -verified tests
for Acute and Chronic Lyme
diagnosis, to do everything
necessary to create public
awareness of Lyme disease in
Ontario, and to have interna-
tionally developed diagnostic
and successful treatment pro-
tocols available to patients and
Christine Ileffer said she is
hoping to visit county councils
throughout Southern Ontario
to spread the word about Lyme
disease, a tick-borne infection
suffered by 400,0)0 people per
year in the U.S. and increasing
in southern Ontario.
"It took me four years to get
diagnosed. Doctors in Ontario
did not know what was wrong
with me. I suffered many
unnecessary tests, procedures
and even a major surgery due
to faulty testing and general
lack of knowledge about Lyme
disease in this province. To say
this experience has destroyed
my life would be an under-
statement," she told Huron
County councillors.
Ileffer said the disease,
which becomes incurable and
fatal if not caught in the early
days after a tick bite, is often
misdiagnosed since it mimics
so many other diseases such as
MS, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia,
ALS and many more. it took
four years for 1 leffer, who now
spends $1,(XX) a month on var-
ious antibiotics, to be diag-
nosed and sht' said she wits so
disabled by the disease at one
point that she was unable to
speak and was bedridden.
"With a disease that is
spreading so quickly 1 was sur-
prised that there is little being
done by Public I ieaaith to edu-
cate the public about a deadly
bacterial infection that can be
contracted in their backyards,
even though in 200() the Cana-
dian Medical Association
advised that Lyme disease was
spreading in Ontario particu-
larly in Southern Ontario," she
said. "I believe that had Public
Health made Lyme disease
education a priority I would
not be fighting for my life
Iieffer, who is being treated
in Ohio because there are no
experts on Lyme disease in
Ontario, said patients in
Ontario who contract Lyme
face an uphill battle since the
present testing for Lyme is
faulty and thousands of Cana-
dian patients suffer for years
before receiving a diagnosis.
She said the current testing
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produces a false negative 45 to 95
per cent of the time - she was tested
three tithes and all three times came
back negative. She finally found a
Toronto doctor who agreed to treat
her with antibiotics and her reaction
to the antibiotics resulted in a Lynne
disease diagrams.
"'1b be ill with a life threatening
disease is difficult enough but when
all of the safeguards and protections
of society disappear, it is shattering
to say the least. When 1 speak to
people about I.ynue disease, most
are unaware and shocked to dis-
cover what a tick can do," she said.
Comparing her experience with
Lyme disease as similar to having
All )S because it attacks the immune
system and all systems throughout
the body, Ileffer said Lynie is
spreading seven times faster than
"We're all at tisk but our children
are at the greatest risk and that risk
is increasing yearly;" she said, add-
ing that the ticks, which are the size
of a poppy seed, are being spread
throughout Southern Ontario by
I hope that the council will sup-
port this petition on behalf of the
citizens of I luron but even more
important than that, after learning
about Lyme disease 1 hope every-
one here will educate your families,
friends and neighbours. This dis-
ease is insidious and horrific," she
told councillors.
She added that Lynne disease is
curable if caught early and treated
with antibiotics.
Lynda HiNman-Rapley
Lakieshore Advance
A request has been received from Edwin C.
Hooker, solicitor for Murray Troup asking that
the applications submitted for consent and re-
zoning for property located on the south side of
Main Street, East in Grand Bend be processed
concurrently to expedite the process.
It was reported earlier this month that it is
Municipal policy is to have council consider Zon-
ing By-law Amendment applications prior to any
associated consent being considered by the
Committee of Adjustment. This is to ensure that
council, who is vested with the responsibility to
set policy and approve zoning regulations,
approves the use on a property before the Com-
mittee of Adjustment considers the severance
Planner Patti Richardson further advised
council that the applications received do not con-
tain the prescribed information that would allow
these applications to be processed.
She noted that staff will continue to work with
Troup to assist in bringing the applications into
compliance with the Planning Act but could not
recommend that council grant Ilooker's
A lengthy discussion ensued on the status of
this development and the
Municipal process that
must be followed in order
for this development to
proceed with several
members of Council
agreeing that 'Troup
would benefit from hiring
a Planner to assist hien in
complying with regula-
tions of the Planning Act.
It was agreed that coun-
cil determines that the
Effective July 1, 2011 water rates outlined in by-law 053-
2011 will be applied to municipal water customers.
During the 2011 budget deliberations The Bluewater
Municipal Council reviewed the need to change the current
water rate structure. On June 6, 2011 Council passed by-law
#53-2011 to change the Bluewater municipal water rates.
Ratepayers interested in additional information arc
encouraged to visit the municipal website or call
www. town.bluewater.on.va
applications herein described are incom-
plete and instructs staff to send corre-
spondence to Murray Troup, generdly in
the form as are attached to Planning
Report No. 25, 2001, advising;
1) That the information required raider
the Planning Act O. Reg. 545/06 for the
Zoning By-law Amendment application,
submitted for lands located on Main Street
East in Grand Bend, has not been received;
that the applications is not accepted; and
that the time period established under
Section 34 (11) of the Planning Act does
not begin; 2)'Ihat the information required
under the Planning Act 0. Reg. 197/96, for
the four Consent applications submitted
for lands located on Main Street East in
Grand Bend, proposing the creation of
four new commercial lots with lot areas of
0.45 hectares (1.11 acres), 1,62 hectare (4
acres), 0.74 hectares (1.83 acres) and 2.32
hectares (5.74 acres) has not been received;
that the applications art' not accepted and
that the time period established under
Section 53 (14) of the Planning Act does
not begin and further that;
Mr. 'Troup be advised to hire a Planner
to work cooperatively with the Municipal-
ity for this development.
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