HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-29, Page 5Wednesda , June 29, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 5
From the Countryside
4ci.N�- tutor:
}:..e curred to nus this week that new Offi-
al Opposition in Parliament has been
given a golden opportunity by the govern-
ment to show its mettle on the Canada Post
file. They can and they are , at the time of
this being written, using parliamentary pro-
cedures to stall the inevitable passing of
back to work legislation by the government.
Mon Dieu, they might even sit on StJean de
Baptiste I)ay. Will the political gods of Que-
bec ever forget?
Some disclosure on this before we go fur-
ther. l have worked for the County for over
30 years and as such, I am eligible for a
defined benefit pension today. I am not
management and my pension is based on
my wage and the fact that I have contributed
50% of its cost since I started work. To get
some perspective on this, consider that 30
years go, my wage was roughly 50% of the
the equivalent trade position in the (:hemi -
cal Valley. l had no choice if but to watch a
good chunk of my cheque go elsewhere to a
long range plan. Call it enforced saving.
Enough said.
Now that you know my bias, l must say
that the envy and angst that has been in the
press, on the airways and on the net during
the Air Canada and Canada Post contract
talks has even made me wonder about
where we've come to. When a debate gets
framed by the powers that be in the media, it
usually has two goals. One, propaganda on
the base level for today to persuade the liz-
ard i11 us all that somebody is doing better
than us. 'Ilse second goal is long term and
they employ the drip effect or in computer
talk, the hidden worm to repeat, repeat and
repeat some more the (mantra that some
Blame Game for Vancouver Riot
Dear editor:
(.Ike most Canadians, you have likely watched countless
clips of the criminal behaviour of some of the post seventh
game antics last week. In a city by the Mountains, by the
Ocean, with great weather and culture, people were upset
because their team didn't win. They decided to break the
law and disrupt the livelihood of hundreds of small busi-
nesses and risk the lives of police and law enforcement by
going on a rampage, breaking into stores and burning cars.
'the violence against those trying to stop the madness was
also evident. Now, many journalists and "experts" are trying
to understand who to blame for this debacle. 1 sere are some
widely supported ideas. 1) The police were not prepared for
this, and demonstrated a "passive" attitude to avoid the fate
of their colleagues in Toronto, who last summer were
pigs are more equal than others. Where is
Orwell when needed?
Does this work, this turning of middle
class against themselves by interests other
than theirs? Well let's look at the record and
only look back a couple decades for good
measure. Mr. 1 Farris and the Common Sense
Revolution, setting up welfare bunts and
teachers as examples, such easy targets. Yes
it worked. Paul Martin, Jean Chretien and
the 'Debt Crisis' needed a lot of help from
business buddies and a healthy long term
sales job 00 the belief in a business knows
best philosophy. Worked again. Changed
polling from health and environment at top
to the debt on top of our minds in a timely
and business like manner.
Feel manipulated yet? There's more. 1low
about the recent depression, recession
whatever? Our finance minister's recovery
thought to use excessive force during those demonstra-
tions. 2) Alcohol is to blame. 'they must have been intoxi-
cated, what other explanation is there? 3) Social or group
thinking. It is true that we often think our behaviour is hid-
den when we are in a crowd with others doing the sante
thing. Social psychologists talk of this factor quite a bit. 4)
Allowing crowds to gather in the first place by erecting big
screen TV's to let them watch the game. Had to be the May-
or's fault. 5) A group of non-traditional residents infiltrated
the true "hockey crowd" and were bent on destruction,
regardless of the outcome of the game. In reality, none of
this platters. The reason there were problems in Vancouver
after the hockey game was because people chose to break
the km. 'they need to be held accountable for their actions.
'The other solution that 00 one wants, apparently, is to give
Resident wants action regarding tow path
Dear Mr. Mayor,
As past councillor for ward two you were aware of the posi-
tion taken by Beach of Pines with regard to access of the
Municipal tow path. You indicated last year that a solution
was near; as yet this is not the case. Residents who live south
of BOP have been accosted on several occasions when
crossing the river at the BOP roadway. this situation seems
ludicrous and is most unsatisfactory, not to mention un-
neighbourly and childish. No one should be denied the right
Relay for Life Grand Bend July 8-9
3r editor:
rd Annual Grand Bend Relay for Life is coming soon ! July
8-9: 7 p.m.to 7 a.m. at the Klondyke Sport Park
Is your team registered ? There are Fun Laps to wear cos-
tumes and get prizes.
The Survivor Victory lap is 7 p.m. 'The Luminaries are lit at
10 p.m. Food, friendship, entertainment, education,
prizes and a rewarding experience to help cancer patients.
This is an inspiring and fun evening not to be missed. You
can help to eradicate cancer ! Local contacts: Carole 519-238-
2297 or Barb 519-236-4517
Hope to see YOU there ! CCS website: www.cancer.ca/
to walk into Grand Bend on Municipal land because they
have to cross a roadway or because they fear for their safety.
1 cannot think of any time that more than one or two people
have crossed at once, we are not gangs intent on damaging
BOP property and yet have been treated that way. Are emer-
gency vehicles denied access? Are Municipal vehicles
denied access? What possible reason could there be to deny
an individual, on foot, to cross on this roadway?
I note in June 22nd Lakeshore Advance that an agreement
An excitin
on the Road to Damascus \VAS indeed reve-
latory in a liberal spending conversion way
but it how the debate has been spun since
all over the world. You would never know
now that it was the greedy bastards in the
money houses and the governments who
enabled them were to blame. NO, time and
strategy has made sure that the blame is
back where it always goes, hack to those
greedy workers and more particularly, the
govermnent ones. l say go Jack go and fight
for our rights. Obviously too many continue
to drink the koolaid offered by them that
have the gold as we fight our way to this glo-
rious Chinese Walnlartian hell envisioned
by free traders the world over.
And that's how 1 feel this week. l lopefully
I'll get over it.
John Russell
police the ultimate authority and power to react swiftly and
aggressively when these types of incidents occur. Police
need to have the power to protect citizens and their property
from vandals and criminals. A swift tough response to the
"entitled" generation of law breakers in this case would have
likely broken up the party rather quickly. Let's let the police
do their jobs.
Dr. Henry Svec
1)r. Seer. Institute of Psychological Services tvu'i (irsl'ec.
con Work !lard Be Passionate About IIeI pink= Others Strive. to
be the Rest
has been reached as to the use of the disputed land between
BOP and I luron Woods. 'This would seem a propitious time
to also establish an agreement with regard to the roadway
over the river. I urge council to look at this issue and resolve
it so that I can once again walk along the tow path without
fear of being accosted for doing so.
ear comes to an end fo
Bayles and Emily
WOW, this Is exciting yet upsetting, this is our last article
from the amaidng and Baylee. Thank you so much to
the Lakeshore Advance for giving us this opportunity. It has
been a wonderful experience. Tbday is the last day of school
until next
year. Everyone at our school Is going to have an amazing
summer awe hear students talldng about their plans eveay-
day! On Monday, we had our final report cards sent home
which was very aaddng for the students! Yesterday we had our
am filthis Med dalwith lots of games anddes
for the students running it to gain on
Weeday, our grade as finally graduated ! They were all stun-
ning in their suits and dresses. They spent a lot of time
Dinah Taylor
for this big day and had the time of their lives. On Friday
and Monday we had our year end awards assembly which is
very exclting ! Last Wednesday our garde 6/7s went to Morri-
son Dam to team about the environment in that area. They
had loads and loads
of fun and it was definitely worth going to as they say. Last
Tuesday we had our family fun fair/air bands which was
amazing ! Students got to dunk some teachers and the school
president in the DUNK TANK and get their faces painted by
volunteer students.
Anyways have a AMAZING summer. Be safe and remem-
ber sun -screen.:)
Bayley and Ent*
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