HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-29, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, June 29, 2011 opinion www.lakeshoreadvance.corn 6161011111 AMOCO PUBLISHED WEEKLY RO.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: Iadvance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/ Advertising Manager ncllttordebowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor ladvance4bowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable www.la keshoreadva nce. com SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $39.95 (38.05 + 1.90 CST) Online subscriptions availab s—eame rates Publications Mall Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non•deNveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519-238.5383 e-mail: IadvanceObowesnetcom Changes of address, orders tot subscriptions, and undelNemble copies (return postage guaranteed) aro lo be sent to tniteshoreAdwinc a at the address indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, *WI not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the Handal support of the (iovertuuent of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada Aocna. 40,4Morribte. d As Garnier and NI O Grin/away Newpeper Association and tM Ontario CorttrMlNb Newspapers i►aoaatbn An Open Letter to Mayor Bill Weber Dear A1r. Weber; The Zone 3 Community Group has pro- vided you (at NO cost to taxpayers!) with everything that you could ask for if your intention is to provide the citizens of Lamb - ton Shores the hest possible sanitary treat- ment plant. Now it is up to you and your Council to read, understand and come to an informed decision. Waiting for Dillon Con- sulting to slake vet another expensive report is a waste of time and money. Yes, 1 have heard the company line that we have put our Nth and our (your, my) money in them and we need to listen to (hem. If you read our information, it should slake you wonder, 'what is Dillon doing to us?' This is no longer a process but a "disaster" about to unfold. Consider that Dillon suggested the low pres- sure/ grinder pump system and we all know now from the brief Pinery experience the trouble and expense such a system will require in maintenance, repair and replacement. Let's fuer one simple fact. Dillon Consult- ing is a for-profit company and we provide them their profits. 1 do not begrudge anyone making profit for services rendered hut in this case the profit margin is way over what a small community like 1. inhton Shores can afford. 1 know it, you know it and Dillon knows it. Yet tilllt' and again, you and the previous mayors have chosen to allow Dil- lon to run this municipality. 'Ihe Sanitary Treatment Facility (ti'l'l') project as currently proposed does not nrakt' common sense for our community. For the past 5 years, we the people of Lambton Shores, have listened to Dillon and the two previous mayors tell us what was best for us and ignore the views of a majority of local citizens. You put on blinders and have tried to push forward recklessly. By failing to lis- ten to the people, you made the people adversaries and our group who chose to Who was Narcisse Cantin? Dear editor: 'ihe Narcisse Cantin play written by Paul Ciufo to be performed at St. Joseph, July 19-23 h 26-30. Narcisse Cantin, the son of a farmer turned pioneer ship builder was born and raised in the Zurich/St. Joseph area. His father built ships in Goderich, Ontario. At age 17, Narcisse became a cattle buyer and trader, shipping iris stock direct to Buffalo, New York, the largest market for cattle at the time. At age nineteen he married and immedi- ately moved to Buffalo, New York where he could do business more efficiently, Some people in the St. Joseph and Zurich area today refer to Narcisse Canthi as a "charla- tan" while others refer to hila as a "genius and 0 visionary': Some would say he was born ahead of his time. lames Scott, author of the book "'ihe Settlement of I luron County" was used as one reference source (a very good book, unfortunately out of print at this tinge). In his book he calls Can - tin "perhaps one of the most enterprising and visionary men 1 luron County has ever produced"! Experts today agree that the present St. Lawrence Seaway used the plans developed by Cantin (excluding the canal from St. Joseph to Port Stanley). Several people in Government and prominent banks and cor- porations agreed with James Scott's view of the Cantin Seaway Project including: the Mighty (at the tinge) CPR Railway, Bethle- hem Steel, United States Steel, The Liberal Bank of Buffalo (not in any way related to the iiberal Party of Canada), 'the Bank of Montreal, 'Ihe I ludson's Bay Company, 'she Liberal Government, local residents and other prominent business people of Quebec and Ontario. 'ihoughts to Ponder 1. Why does the small hamlet of Mount Carmel have a huge Rontail Catholic Church with a seating capacity of 1300? (no other small hamlet in Ontario has a Roman Catholic Church of this size to my knowledge) What happened to team work? Dear editor: We elect persons to provide leadership and direction as a part of our Municipal Council team. There are established rules and guide- lines set out by the Provincial Governtnant that nuugicipalides must adhere to, however, it seems that some of our new councilors have their own agenda, which Is neither to provide direction or leadership but to tear down the good work of council and staff that taken place over the previous years . We had a council and staff who brought us through the amalgamation of five munidpatll- ties, have put all the mandated Provincial Government requirements in place , built adequate reserve funds, enabled us to receive nun1emos Government Grunts and malt' us the envy of surrounding municipalities. it would seem we have some councilors whose again objective is to tear down the good work accomplished by staff and previous councils and to fix that which "ain't" broken. 'This community has been greatly enhanced with many improved and added amenities over the past 15 Pius years.. We use tax dollars to educate our staff to bring recommendations to council, let them do their job. represent the people in public forums, as enemies. It is now tilllt' for you to open vont eves, read our information, stand up to 1)11- lon and (10 what is right for this municipality. We previously asked for 0 peer review of the S'1'U, instead we got a $650 goring of it resident whose only desire was to help 1anlbton Shores make it good sound logical decision you should be ashamed of your- selves. Mr. Russell is correct when he said, 'it is too late for 0 peer review! it is 1111)1' to take the $15 million gift from the Provincial and Federal governments and put it to good use by building an affordable and sustainable S'1'1 for $15 million and not 0 penny more. \Ve have shown it can he done. Richard Matzke Grand Bend, Ontario 2. Why did the town of St. Marys have a (:P1( l lotel built in the early 1900's (most (:PR hotels were built in large Canadian cities, with Banff being the only exception) 3. Why was the proposed Cantin (St. l.atw- rence) Seaway not built in the early 1900's as planned by the liberal Govern- ment of Sir Wilfred Laurier, 18%-1911 who was in favour of the Cantin Project, and why did Canadians and Americans have to wait another 50 years before Can - tin's plans for a Seaway would be realized? Come to St. Joseph located north of (;rand Bend on 1 lighwav 42 1 and 1 luron County Road #04 where you will experience 0 grt'att play at the very location of Narcisse Cant11)'s "New City', partially completed in the early 1900's. I fere you will have your questions answered in a play including a cast of over 50 actors and players! Background material above teas researched and written I)), Norman 'flfts. if you are not there to continue this progress, then 1 suggest you resign. Thu were elected to work as a team not as 0 critic and certainly not to change and tear down the years of good work. Stop gnindsta nding and address the business at hand, work with staff to manage the business of this wonderful community. Concerned Resident ShirleyAndfaza