HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-22, Page 1010 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June 22 2011
Lynda HIllman-Raptly Lakeshore Advance
Bongo walks for cause
Mariah GlImar, 7, walked Bongo In the West Coast tions Purina Dog Walk earlier this month and had
pledges in the amount of $640.00. There were 20 participants for this event. Mariah is shown here with
her mom Marion.
To have our staff enjoy family and friends this Canada Day
The Lakeshore Advance will be
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for the Wed. July 6th paper
will be
Thursday June 30th @ 2:00 pm
Have a Safe & Happy Holiday!
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Sports mediclne doctor
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
"If exercise could he packed into a
pial, it would be the single most widely
prescribed and beneficial medicine in
the nation, Many health experts now
feel that the single most important
behavior you can adopt for good
health (other than to quit smoking) is
to get regular physical activity."- Rob-
ert N. Butler, M.I)., Director, National
Institute on Aging
Iris Marshall is a medical doctor
trained as a general practitioner, is
practicing Sport and Exercise Medi-
cine and Osteopathy and lives by Doc-
tor Butler's adage. At her (gill Road,
(;rand Bend practice she assesses and
treats patients with musculoskeletal
complaints such as hack pain, neck
pain, knee pain, Hp pain, foot pain
and shoulder and arm pain.
For the past 30 years, 1)r. Marshall
has attended continuing medical edu-
cation courses to improve her assess-
ment and treatment of patients with
musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. She
graduated, as a M.U. from 'Ihe Univer-
sity of 'Toronto in 1976 and after com-
pleting a rotating internship was a
medical officer in the Canadian Arilled
Forces for three years. " During this
time, i realized that illy Mi) training in
orthopedics was very good re fractures
and surgery but there was little train-
ing re treatment of non-surgical MSK
problems. I quickly realized that the
athletic therapist who has treated nae
when I was a varsity athlete at univer-
sity had more knowledge and skill in
treating soft tissue injuries than most
physicians. The first patients i had
with acute low back pain in the Cana-
dian Armed Forces, 1 treated as I had
been taught with bed rest (ill our base
hospital) and analgesics. After treat-
ing three patients in this manner and
observing their behaviour and
progress, 1 decided to search for other
ways to treat back pain."
Music and the body
Learning osteopathy is similar to
learning to be a concert pianist. Being
able to read music does not allow a
person to play beautiful music - it also
takes hours of playing the piano. Sim-
ilarly with osteopathy, it takes many
hours of practice to develop the pal-
pation skill for assessing and treating
the body.
As 1 have become more skilled in
osteopathic assessment and treat-
ment, my patient population has
changed to include a wider range of
patients and now my most common
problems that 1 see is low hack pain in
patients who are not athletes. 'l'o treat
these patients, one must find the
cause of the hack pain. Often it is
mechanical and can he treated effi-
ciently with osteopathic treatment
and this includes retraining of very
specific muscles.
1 have completed a Diploma of Oste-
opathy from the Canadian College of
Osteopathy and as well have attended
Lynda Hillman -Ripley Lakeshore Advance
Dr. Iris Marshall
many courses by
American trained Osteopathic Phy-
sicians and European trained
(:rand Bend
Dr. Marshall began seeing patients
at 29 Gill Road in early March of 2010.
"1 grew up on a farm in Ushorne
Township and attended South 11uron
District high. After completing medi-
cal school in Toronto, 1 worked in the
Toronto area till 2004 when 1 decided
to move closer to my family in Grand
Bend and Huron County. I worked in
the Stratford and Kitchener -Waterloo
area for six years before moving my
medical practice to (;rand Bend in
2010," she said.
Who would go to I)r. Marshall?
Children, adolescents and adults
with musculoskeletal complaints such
as hack pain, neck pain, knee pain,
foot pain, and arm and shoulder pain,
For example, says the doctor,
"Plantar fasciitis which is a type of foot
pain -- can usually be treated effi-
ciently and effectively with osteo-
pathic treatment. 'Ihe pain is caused
by abnormal pulls on the plantar fas-
cia in the bottom of the foot. The
abnormal pull can be created by
restrictions in the foot or in other
parts of the body, Correcting theses
restrictions relieves the pull on the
fascia and the pain resolves" She adds
that she also sees many people with
low back pain. "For example-- back
pain during pregnancy can he treated
with osteopathic treatment."
Is 1t an OHiP service?
As I am a MU the assessments are
covered by OH1P. The treatments are
not covered by OI iIP - but many peo-
ple have extended health care benefits
that include osteopathy. Patients can
he referred by family physician or can
he seen without referral.
if you go:
!lours of operation:
Monday to Friday 9:30 to 5:00
(;ail 519-238-6HBH