HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-22, Page 9Iultui • Wednesday, June 22, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9 Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance It was the official opening of the River Road galleries on Friday evening. Shown here artist Bill Nieuwland checks out some of the showing. On deck in the sunshine were Lambton Shores deputy may Elizabeth Davis Dagg, artist Josy Britton, mayor Bill Weber, artist Teresa Marie and Purdy's owner Manfred Purdy. The studios were all busy with art enthusiasts checking out what this season has to offer. Councilor wants legal opinion CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 6 1. That the purpose of the chairs and benches would be for seating purposes only; 2. The maximum portion of the sidewalk to be used would not exceed 1/3 so as to allow pedestrians and motor- ized scooters, etc.; 3. A drawing or picture of the proposed usage would be submitted and approved by the B.I.A. prior to the usage; and 4. The merchants provide proof that the business' lia- bility insurance has been extended to rover the are to be used, and the Municipal- ity has been named as an additional insured for the sidewalk area only. Councilor John Russell said (;rand bend and Forest are different because (,rand Rend does not have a historic downtown and Forest does. Bonesteel said he does not disagree with this proposal but this is why, in his opinion this municipality needs a NIA for all five communities. "What you are doing is great, but the perception is not and am struggling as to what we will tell (rand Bend. Councilor Ruth Ullman said she will support the motion but also sees what the two (rand bend councilors are saying. Councilor Martin Under- wood said Grand hemi has a far greater density than Forest. Facetiously Bonesteel sug- gested maybe this by-law could be for (rand Bend and no one else. That is percep- tion of treatment he said. "A legal precedent has been set and we have charged someone. We need to get a legal opinion," said Bonesteel. "We Can Help" (:rand Bend Area Community Health Centre NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL. MEETING Saturday ,lune 25.2011 10:30 Health ('entre Community Room Applications for New members are available at the ('onununity 1 lealth ('en rc . ht1 Main St. F. l'.veryonc is welcome to attend. (:rand Bend Arca Community Health ('entre PP, Box 1269, (:rand Bend, ON NOM 1'1'(1 519-238-2362 Hay Communications - 100 Years - Celebrate With Us