HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-22, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June 22, 2011 opinion www, Iakeshareadvance.com kskesliore Aulvaoco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: ladvance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Medle C ompAny NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager ncI itlord40bowesnot. com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor ladvancerrobowosnot.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable www.lakeahoreadrancecom SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $39.95 (3H Ot s 1 90 US 1) Online subscriptions available-- same rotos Pubik;scions Mall Agreement No. 40064883 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PO.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. Nath Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519.238.5383 e •mail: ladvanceabownsnet.com Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage gurvantend) aro to be sent to LMostrurn Advance nt the address indicated here. Advertising Ie accepted an the condition that In the event of a typographical arra, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item together with n reasonable allowance fa signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge 1hi' (!anneal support of the (i°vetnment of(:enndn through the Cnnndinn Per Iodic al Punct((:I'P) fur our publishing netivitlev, Canada AOCna Mod AMMemberd the C.ansdan the Ontario Newspaper Aallon and IM c>tsrb Community Nis Aeeodaeon letters to the editor Thanks to the troops To the Editor: As tht' combat mission in Afghanistan transitions into other military activities, 'Ihe Royal Canadian Legion would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to those service men and women, and their families, who have served with distinction and sacrificed on behalf of Canadians during these past several years. Their contribution to the well-being and care of another country's populace is a tre- mendous reflection of Canada's efforts toward maintaining global peace and we are proud of the way you have represented us. Words are not enough to convey how grateful we are for their commitment and dedication. As a national endeavour, i am encouraging local branches to hold appreci- ation events for veterans of the Afghanistan mission this conning August, in order to remember those who have fallen, thank those Who have returned and to celebrate how proud you and your families have Mild(' us to be Canadian. Patricia Varga Dominion President The Royal Canadian Legion New brochure for Grand Bend health centre Lynda Hillman -Replay Lakeshore Advance 1f you live anywhere 1n the 11I'ea of (Grand Bend and I lensall, you will soon be seeing a copy of the newly revised bro- chure for the Grand Bend Area Health Services Foundation. About 2300 mail- boxes will receive the brochure, which contains a lot of useful information about the services, programs and hours of operation provided by the Grand Bend Community I lealth (:entre with sites located its both (rand Beni anti 1lensall. For this information alone 1t is worthwhile to retain the brochure. The Foundation is the fundraising arm of the CI IC and the brochure also includes information on the various ways by which people can support the Foundation. A Hoard of Directors chaired by I)r. Bruce !lough manages the affairs of the Foundation working co-operatively with the Board of Man- agement of the Ilealth Centre. The Foundation may be contacted by call- ing 519-238-1556 0 268, Reader asks about sewer Poll for sewers from costs Bayfield subdivision lb the Editor: in a draught proposal presented to Blue - water's steering committee on sewers, Dil- lon Engineering has recommended that the system not proceed along the 1 Iwy 21 corri- dor until funding is available. 'Ihe reason is of course the escalating costs and public resistance to sante. Initially the costs were estimated at $15000-$25000/household (1)ashwoodites were at the top end) but now with Dashwood excluded from the initial proposal the cost/Bluewater household ranges from $30000 to $313000 depending on lot sire and don't forget to add on the cost of it generator, decommissioning the septic tank and the 1 iSI' increasing the costs to $37000 to $411000/ household!!! Dillon will present their proposal at a P.I.C. session ten- tatively scheduled for Dashwood Aug. 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After their brief presentation by Dillon there will be a ques- tion and answer session with the Mayor and councillors present to address our concerns. Let us send a very clear message to Council to put a 5101)10 this folly and urge them to extend and accelerate their mandatory sep- tic rein spection program to all of Biu('water including the Lakeshore!! Bob Slow Bayview GI3 "We can help" Grand Bend Area Health Services Foundation "Working together to improve the health of our community" Grand Bend Area Health Services Foundation P0. Box 760, Grand Bend, ON, NOM 1 TO Website: www,gbachc.ca '1'o the Editor: On a poll taken on April 30 for Bayfield subdivision regarding sewers this is what I found: 1. Are you in favour of sewers? Ves-6, No - 41 -Maybe :3 2 1 lave you ever been polled before? Yes - 5, No -45 ('ibis indicates we do not want sewers) :3. Cost of sewers taken from !SRA news letter of spying 2011 cost per small lots ad home is $:31,000 plus $500.00 a year to oper- ate anti maintain telt' 111110ps tiles(' figures are nlininlum they get be higher. 1 hop!' taxpayers will read this and realize that we do not want se'we'rs. Bernie Mitchell Local girls off to Uganda Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Uganda faces huge environmental challenges such as deforestation, agri- culture intensification and other human threats to endangered pri- mates, such as chimpanzees and mountain gorillas. JGI Uganda works with local schools and communities in areas where prime chimpanzee habitats are found in order to increase awareness about environmental issues. Carla Taylor and Jenny Loebsack are planning on doing their part to improve the lives of the local people and plan to travel to Uganda from July 1-22. As a fundraiser they are inviting one and all to come to Grand Bend Gables Jam night July 27th , Come in your best jungle costume and win some great prizes. This support will allow funding for workshops with teachers across Uganda to train them on basic ecology and teaching techniques. For more information check out www.ugandaenviroed,webs,com or call Carla at 289-404-9048 or Jenny at 519-591-1319. If you would like to donate but can't make it to Jam Night call 519-238-6794.