HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-15, Page 1616 Lakeshore Advance • wednesda , June 15, 2011 classifiedextra.ca Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone: 1-888-786-7821 Garage Sale% Flea Markets THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit wants to remind peo- ple when going out to a garage sale to think safety. While some things may be cheap, they may not be safe and can cause injuries. Many children's prod- ucts like car seats must meet safety re- quirements. For more information visit www.huroncoun• ty.ca/heatth BAYFIELD Country Flea Market, Sundays, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the fair grounds. Lots of unique items, antiques, furniture, books, tools, sports coliectables, produce and plants. Vendors welcome • no contract. Phone 519- 482-7921, Antiques & Art ( elle( Wile% ANTIQUES • Portable writing desk, original finish $100.; Pine dresser with mirror $75.; Canadian Eski- mo soapstone carvings Walrus with Ivory tusks $120., Jade bird $45. Antique square parlor table $45., Solid oak coffee table $300., Coffee table with re- movable glass tray top $50.,James A Cole numbered magazine stand $25, All In ex- cellent condition, Call Grand Bend 519-238-6946 after 6 p.m. WM. KETTLE Antiques washes to buy largo or small estate lots of iurnl• tire, will also buy single items. Fame, 519.786.4847 Water Softening /Treatment A,C.E. WATER SOLU- TIONS. Cryatnl clear water. We offer a com- plete line of whole - house water treatment systems to solve every water problem and fit every budget. Email: acewntor011vo.ca Toll free 1.855.223.9283 or 1-226-799-0149. flay CUSTOM ROUND BALING -4 ft wide by 3-6 ft high (John Deere) net wraps, acid Icatlon available. P e Scott Const 510.233.3378 or 519.233.9297 General Service% General Services Spring Is here! BOOK EARLY... LAWN ROLLING MR B"s RENOVATION & REPAIR "No Job Too Small" Siding - Soffit & Facia Windows - Rooting and More Cell: 519-282-6084 Office: 519-236-7074 Cleaning 1 offer reliable and per- sonal house leaning service at affordable rates In Grand Bend and surroundingareas. I custom desgn my service to your specific requirements. Accept - Ing new clients. Call Lula for an estimate. 226.428-2035 Clor% R Window% WINDOWS & DOORS Call for a free esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation, Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Goderich, 524-1250, e- mail sales 0bluewater- windows.ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -Door (3867), e-mail bluewa- torsalesOhay.net, www.bluewaterwin- dows.ca Business Services "HONEY DO" property maintenance • Home repairs, odd lobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 BOOKKEEPING for Small Business. FREE up your valuable tirno...Payroll, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Bank Reconciliations, Government Remit- tances. Contact Wendy Moffat 519-243-3492 STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson 519-296-4721. Estheticians K Stylist% START TODAY Oakwood Resorts Lakeside :gtzs: Certmed E as well as a Registered Massage Therapist Both are contract positions, & applicants need to be available Thursday to Sunday Submit your resume to: hbushne110 eakwoodlneresort,com In personOtront desk OAKWOOD RESORT General Help Wanted Oakwood Resort roq's an experienced full-time BUILDING A CONTENT Maintenance Person Please submit your resume: oakwoode oa kwood i n n re s ort. c o m In person°front desk OAKWOOD RESORT P.O.G. Inc. Sumner Positions on our Vegetable Processing Linc APPLY NOW! no experience necessary (;ENERA1. PRODUCTION Shift Work Apply in person Hwy. 81, East of Grand Bend Mon. -Fri., 8:(X)am-4:00pm Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Online: Iakeshoreadvance.classifiedextra.ca Email: placeit.sun@classifiedextra.ca General Help Wanted RETAIL Food Prep and Cashier needed immediately. Call 519-238-2105 AZ TRUCK DRIVER, TTK Transport is taking applications for a full time truck driver. Based out of Goderich, mostly Ontario loads but must be able to cross border. Clean abstract, FAST card eligible and Passport required. Excellent wage package with driver and }amity benefits. Please fax resume and drivers abstract to TTK Transport Inc. in Goderich. Fax 519- 524-9658 or visit our web site at www.ttktransport.com for more company info. DISHWASHER / Prep person needed part time - Immediately. Call 519-238-2105 EDIN Boutique, Bay- field, hiring F/T, P/T sales people. Will train. Experience an asset. Send resumes to Su- san at tbchalmers0 hot mail. com GRACE Transport Inc. is expanding! We provide sound carper opportu- nities to experienced professional AZ drivers with a safe driving record. FAST card is an asset. We offer a new fleet of equipment, dedi- cated truck assignment, competitive rate of pay, benefits and regular home time. Bulk Division: Perma- nent, full time. Van / Flatbed Division: Single, Team, Owner Operator Oppor- tunities Please email resume to kathy A gracotransport.coin or fax to 519.246-1300 HANDY person re- quired immediately. Duties include all kinds of yard work, grass cutting, floworbeds, wood splitting, etc. 3 - 4 days per week. Please call 519.238.2578. JIQGY Clothing Store, Grand Bond, hiring FR, P/T sales people. Will train. Experience an asset. Send re- sumes to Brian at tbchalmers 0 hot mail.com NEEDED immediately, full time and part time summer servers. Large patio and pub. Duffy's Cove, 8788 Lakeshore Road. 519-243-1162 General Help Wanted BETAMARSH INC. is Looking for a full-time CYW graduate (with at least three years' experience). The hours will include every other weekend, afternoons and days. If interested please contact Connie Pond, Human Resource Manager, by email cpondObeta- marsh.com or by fax 519-524-6537 by June 23, 2011. SHORT order cook for fish and chip establish- ment. Please fax resume to 519-336-3048 or call 519-615-3694 for more details. P.O.G. Inc. APPLY NOW! FOREMAN Seasonal position Shift work Leadership quali- ties and experi- ence an asset Apply in person with Resume Hwy. 81 East of Grand Bend Mon. -Fri. 8:0(lanl-4:00pnl EARN EXTRA CASH! CLASSFEDS General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted The Strathroy office of Bev Shipley, Member of Parlia- ment for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex is booking for a full time Constituency Assistant. This will be a three-month contract position leading to a permanent position for the suitable candidate. Qualifications: • You have a keen interest in puhlic policy and the political process • You have a record of volunteer community involvement • You have strong writing skills • You have a positive and winning personality, are flexible with an ability to work under tight time frame and pressure • You have strong computer skills, particularly in data base programs, (Excel, Access) and graphic design, (Publisher & Photo Shop) • You are a solid team player, a self-starter with an ability to "get the job done." • You are persistent in your research and creative problem -solving skills We offer: • Competitive Starting Salary with a review after three months for the lkrmancnt lxlsition • Benefits • Paid Vacation Please respond by email to: hcv.shipley,c 1(a'parl. gc.ca<mailto:hev.shipley.c 1(()part ,gc.ca> with: • A detailed resume • A cover letter detailing how your qualifications meet those described above • A one page paper demonstrating your writing ability on a public policy issue of your choice Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted Aparttllellt% PORT FRANKS, one bedroom apartment in quiet building. Laundry facilities, freshly painted, nice view. $450. plus. Available now, yearly lease. Weekly unit also available. 519-243-3598 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St., Dashwood. Newly decorated. Newly painted and hardwood floors $650.00 per month for 2bd. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage included. Call 519.237.3510 Storage Space for Rent Storage Space for Rent S'1'ORACF: SPACE FOR RENT New knit 14'x48' • pleated • Secure accessible day time hours 1!ighway Location Dashwood/(;rami Bend area $4(X).(R) per month +IIS'1' Outdoor 1/nits • Clean • Weatherproof 8'x26' $115.00 per month +I IST 8'x48$2(R).(X) per month +I IST CaII 519-235-2802 Storage Space tor Rent STORAGE space with loading dock available in Thedford. Low rates. Contact Ron Gilpin 519-476-0498. STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square feet of stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and long term rates, pickup and delivery. Call TTK Transport Inc. Goderich, Ontario. 519-524-4331 Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM family home outside Bayfield, new furnace, bathroom and kitchen redone. $850 + utilities. CaII 519-565-5547. Office/Commercial /Industrial for Ren GRAND BEND Com- mercial Office space for lease. Shared lob- by in busy building. Great highway expo- sure. $470.00 inclusive. Phone 519-871-8968 OFFICE Space available June 1, 350 SF. Reasonable. Stor- age units also available 47 Ontario St. N. Call Larry at 519-709-8977 or email larryb O hay.net Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals VACATION Rentals, Grand Bend / Madeira Beach, Florida / Yuca- tan, Mexico. For information call 519.436-7229, 519-351-1008 or babcockvacationrorl- tals.com Food For Thought! Along with caring right, daily activity is one of the �. hest ways ufteducing the risk of cardiae secular disease. Sharing A Healthier Future"' with