HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-15, Page 15Baha'i Faith
Know ye,
that the happiness ?I'
mankind Ii('th in the
unity ciizcI harmony of
t/n' human race"
Ikw infontuaion on devotional gatherings
cull 519-23g-8092
Come Worship with Us
Knox Presbyterian Church
2 Main St. Hayfield
Reverend Susan Moore
Phone 519-565-2913
June 19
Worship Service
at 11:00 a.in.
"A ti+Attr rhumb with a mut big hem"
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen
Minister: Rev. Harry I)isher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
June 19
11:00 a.m.
Trinity Sunday
Reverend !lorry Disher
Sermon: "A Whole New World
- Part One"
All Welcome
Ilig11way 21 at
\sable Cot
ch.ule,,guigcncM'' gland can
10:30 a,m.Worship and
Sunday School
(muse!), provided)
Sunday, June 19th
Message: "The Sacred Duty Of
Midweek service
Thursday 7:1111 p.m.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
Lynda NNIma►-Rapiey Lakeshore Advance
Imperial 00 Foundation
donates to South Huron
Big Brothers Big Sisters.
The Imperial 011 Foundation donates
many millions of dollars each year to
charities and causes endorsed by Its
employees. The funds, through the
Volunteer Involvement Program (VIP) are
a way of encouraging and supporting
the community volunteer efforts of its
employees. Marg Collez Is seen here
presenting a cheque of $1000 Executive
Director Bruce Shaw and Board member
Dave Farquhar. Collez worked 25 year's for
Imperial 00, and her husband, Jim, was
an employee of Imperial 011 for 37 years.
St. Pe'ter's I,utherlut Church (El
Zurich, Ont.
ltv‘ Na,tnu' tirhtur,let Krum
OI1+,uusl .tr\ ('hl stnu' Eagleson �1
tiectet,uSeamier Seltcllcnttetgcr, Other 519 23b 4(197
Sunday, June 19th
The Holy Trinity with Holy Communion
Service 10:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m.
(celebrating 150 Years in 2011
1861 - Generations of Faith - 2011
Grand Bend Church of God
('ouu' worship with us
1tighway 81 and (illi Road
Phone 519-23g-2142
Sunday, June 19
Speaker: Rev. Brian 1,aidler
(interim Pastor)
9:30 - 111:3(1 Adult Sunday School
10:3(1 - 11 a.m. (coffee Time
1 I a10 a.m Worship Service
Wed. 1:311 p.m. Prayer & KiMe Study
www,grandbcndchurc hofpod,org
Everyone Welcome
Wheelchair Accessible
Zurich Mennonite Church
114 IN /umh 1Icn%n11 tt,l .'N'r.t „I /urhh
i 1.rad Pavlof: 1u» 1) hrit�
/.M(' • I'aslort 'Ilett Riivs
.1()2 1
N 1411'.kinitKtil'ldl'0111t110,1. 'a
Sunday June 19
9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering
Pastor "loin Roes
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
For all ages
6:00 p.m. The Gathering Place
Everyone Welcome
Zion Lutheran Church LC -C
f 148 Frederick St.. 1)ashwlxxl
Rev. John E. '1'remhulak
Sunday, June 19
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass
11:00 a.m. gamily Worship
Everyone Welcome
wtvw.lwy/net/-611/ hni(1 llay.net
United Church
/„ ;of Canada
Nlinister.'Itlry Whitson tun,
Sunday June 19
(calvary in Dash 'ood
9:30 a.m.
Emmanuel in Zurich
at 11:00 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
One God, One Saviour,
One Spirit, One church
"Anxiety in a man's heart
weighs it down, but an
encouraging word
makes it glad."
(Proverbs 12:25)
All a little "meted. the box"
Fix' mon Q11:
'Holness or Gail Balky (519) 243.1597
Regina d or Pauline Flnkbdner (519) 241.0684
Rejoice Together
Hwy. 21, North of Grand fiend
f:nutil: st.johns(a'hay.net
Web: www.st-iohnsgrandbcnd.ca
Sunday June 19
St. John's By -the -Lake
"Trinity Sunday 10:00 a.m. lioly Eucharist
Wednesday June 22 St. Anne's, Port Franks
Sharia C'iupak, Summer Pastor
7:00 p.n1. Evening Prayer and Bible Study
"A (community of Faith to ('aII Home"
The Reverend Father ('rrayhumc R. ilowcott
igirsimpfForest laptht Climb Vacation Bible School
BOBOO? 22.21: 9 ant -noon ages 3—gr A
Yaw feu, play games, make crafts, stag songs,
kave Ili►le stories, great strucks kid meet orae Meade
Pladar lm..it*
9 am Pinery Park Service at Outdoor Teatre
910 am Sunday School for all ages
10:50 am: ilex Craig, speaking for Father's Day
6 pm Evening Service
The Truth Project Video -'Who is Cod?
Cener of Prince and Ifellisgten Streets, forest Ontario
519-186.3410 yffrw,tortiMootistra