HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-15, Page 3BOSANQUET: Scared straight, residents cautioned about wind contracts
She says she built it for her aging years
and since the 18 industrial turbines went
up three kilometers from her home. She
is a University of Toronto graduate of
physical health education. She used the
analogy that not everyone gets sick when
they are on the water, but she does and
not everyone feels the effects of wind
turbines, but she does. She said she
speaks to group like the one at Bosan-
quet school -"because they need to
know:' She said she has reported her ill
effects to the Ministry of Environment
without response. She said she called
these Ministry two or three times a day.
When that did not work she wrote letters.
She explained she received a response
that they did not have the instruments to
help her. Out of frustration she now goes
to speaking engagements like last
David Libby of Ridgetown spoke
briefly about his health problems.
"Community leaders are supposed to
help us and that is not happening"
Lambton Shores councilor Doug Cook
was on hand and spoke to some of the
gallery after, again explaining how the
provincial Green Energy Act supersedes
what the municipalities can do. Ile said
he would take the information from the
meeting back to council.
Each speaker, in their own fashion
said as the October election
approaches, "its becoming clearer 811d
clearer that should the Liberals choose
not to back down, they will lose a
number of seats on this issue as
concerned citizens take political action
in defense of their homes."
From NextEra
The residents were
scared straight by the
speakers and only one
man asked about alterna-
tives or options during
the question period and
was very quickly shot
down. Media spokes
person for NextEra
Energy Canada, Iosie
Hernandez told the
Lakeshore Advance at
NextEra Energy Canada
understand the right
and need for residents
to be active, to ask
questions and to be
hesitant of a new technology coaling to
their region. "We hope that these resi-
dents ask the questions to help them
understand the realities of wind energy
centres and how easily they blend into
the fabric of a community. 1 lere's a link
to our website where videos from various
people from local communities where
we developed and now operate \vied
facilities talk about their experience:
"NextEra Energy Canada has great
respect for the land we develop, build
and operate our power plants on - how
we minimize our impact on wildlife,
land and water. Our actions, not just our
words, have been acknowledged in
environmental awards and recognitions.
For the fifth straight year, NextEra Energy
has been named one of the World's Iti1ost
Ethical Companies by Ethisphert
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John Laforet at the meeting; The
gallery listened to the speakers at
Bosanquet school
magazine. NextEra Energy is one of only
24 companies in the world to have made
the list all five years of its existence.
Earlier this year, NextEra Energy was
named one of the top 10 most socially
responsible companies in the world on
Fortune magazine's annual survey of the
"World's Most Admired Companies," and
was the No. 1 company overall in its sector
for the fifth consecutive year. On corporate
governance, NextEra Energy was one of
only 43 companies out of more than 4,200
evaluated to receive a perfect score of 10.0
from Governance Metrics International.
The company also was named to the 1)ow
Imes Sustainability Index in both 2010 and 2009."
I lernandez said The Green Energy Act has established
setbacks (the distance between a proposed turbine location
and a specific feature) for people's hones, roads, wetlands,
watercourses, woodlots, parks and conservation areas, and a
variety of other landscape features to ensure that wind
projects are protective of people's health, livelihood and the
natural environment. "It is our responsibility during the REA
to ensure that we have a complete understanding of the local
environment and of the human landscape - the locations of
homes, businesst'S, schools and heritage resources. Our coill-
illutlrcation and consultation program has been established
specifically to seek assistance and knowledge from commu-
nity members to ensure that our understanding is correct."
"Many of the previous requirements of the Ontario
Planning Act and Environmental Assessment Act are incorpo-
rated into the REA process. The Ontario Ministry of
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the Environment will review all project
submissions for the REA. Other agen-
cies, including the Ministry of Natural
Resources, the Ministry of Transporta-
tion, the Ministry of Tourism and
Culture and local conservation authori-
ties provide input to the approval
She said the Jericho Wind Energy
Centre is expected to have a maximum
generating capacity of up to 230
tnegawatts. The maximum proposed
size is between 92 and 153 turbines
ranging in capacity from 1.6 -megawatts
to 2.3 -megawatts. A number of turbine
manu facturers and types are being
considered to ensure domestic content
requirements in Ontario, these include
GE and Siemens. The wind farm will be
located in the Municipality of Lambton
Shores, with potential electrical
interconnection extending into Warwick
and Brooke-Alvinston Townships in
Lambton County. At maximum capacity,
this project will provide energy for more
than 57,000 homes.
For more information on this and
other proposed wind energy centres in
Ontario, please visit the project website:
"We Can Help"
(:rand Bend Area
Community Health Centre
Saturday June 15, 2011
10:30 a.m.
Health ('entre Community Room
Applications tor
Ncw members are available at the
Community 1 icalth Centre.
69Main St. E.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Grand Bend Area
Community Health ('entre
P.O. Box 1269, Grand Bend,