HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-06-08, Page 181 : •, - , I classifiedextra.ca Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone: 1-888-786-7821 Online: lakeshoreadvance,classifiedextra.ca Miscellaneous 7 GABION Baskets with wire, $75.00 for all, 519-236.7133 Antiques & Art Collectibles ANTIQUES - Portable writing desk, original finish $100.; Pine dresser with mirror $75.; Canadian Eski- mo soapstone carvings Eskimo with certificate $120., Walrus with ivo- ry tusks $120., Jade bird $45. Antique square parlor table $45., Solid oak coffee table $300., Cotton ta- ble with removable glass tray top $50.,James A Colo numbered magazine stand $25, All in ex- cellent condition. Call Grand Bond 519.238.6946 after 6 p.m. Water Softening /Treatment A.C.E. WATER SOLU- TIONS. Crystal clear water. We offer a com- plete line of whole - house water treatment systems to solve every water problem and fit every budget. PO Box 493, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C7 Email: acewater011ve.ca Toll tree 1-855.223.9283 or 1.226.799.0149. Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM family home outside Bayfield, new furnace, bathroom and kitchen redone. $850 + utilities. Call 519-565-5547 Storage Space for Rent Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals VACATION Rentals, Grand Bend / Madeira Beach, Florida / Yuca- tan, Mexico. For information call 519.436.7229, 519.351.1008 or b abcockvacationron- tals.com Office/Commercia /Industrial for Ren OFFICE Space available Juno 1, 350 SF. Reasonable. Stor- age units also available 47 Ontario St. N. Call Larry at 519-709-8977 or email IarrybOhay.net Storage Space tor Rent STORAGE space with loading dock available In Thedlord. Low rates. Contact Ron Gilpin 519-476-0498. Office/Conunertial /Industrial for Rent GRAND BEND Com- mercial Office space for lease. Shared lob- by in busy building. Great highway expo- sure. $470.00 inclusive. Phone 519-871.8968 Storage Space for Rent STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square foot of stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and long term rates, pickup and delivery. Call TTK lYansport Inc. Goderich, Ontario. 519.524.4331 Storage Space for Rent STORAGE. BAY AVAILABLE in a Five Bay New Shed Currently in use by a small construction company. 30' x 32' Available June 1st $500.00/Month (incl. parking) Call: Leon 519-237-3471 House For Sale House For Sale ...444.4..,.." Apartments 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St., Dashwood. Newty decorated. Newly painted and hardwood floors $650.00 per month for 2bd. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage included. Call 519-237-3510 LARGE 1 bdrm. apt, 10 km. north of Grand Bond. Furnished. Utilities, Internet, washing facilities, gas fireplace, parking all in- cluded. $675.00 per month. Mature, female tenant preferred. Call 519.238.8116. Garage Sales Flea Markets EXETER Is ON SALE?! Saturday June 18, 7:00 am - ? Rain/Shine Over 100 yard Sales - Town Wide, 30 mins north of London on Hwy 4. www. oxoterisonsale.ca MULTI family garage sale, crafts, toys, dresser, exercise equipment, clothes, blankets etc. 10132 John St., Pinedale Sub. Grand Bend. 8 - 1 pm. Sat. June 11. Rain or Shine. Some- thing for everyone. LARGE Yard Salo, Saturday June 11, 8.1 pin. Colonial Hotel parking lot, Grand Bond. Horse Equipment RIDING Helmets, June 11"' only, 20°o off ap- proved IRH. Equine Scratchers 35°' off, Fly Masks 15°b off, Sil- ver Show Halters 15°o off. Caralot Country Clothier & Pot Sup- Rplies, 35619 Salem d, near Mt. Carmel 519-294-0494, 9:30 - 5:00. Auto for Sale 2007 Mercury Grand Marquis, excellent con- dition, low mileage, sunroof, light grey, all the extras. $15,500.00 certified. Phone: 519-238-8116 House For Sale Business Services STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson 519-296-4721. FABRIC Master Cleaning Systems • Spring Cleaning? Car- pet and Area Rugs and Upholstery Clean- ing. 24 hour Fire anti Flood Restoration. Convenient solutions for homeowners and businesses. Call 519-228-6051 or email fabricmaster0 execulink.corn "HONEY DO" property maintenance - Homo repairs, odd lobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 General Services Business Services BOOKKEEPING for Small Business. FREE up your valuable time.. Payroll, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Bank Reconciliations, Government Remit- tances. Contact Wendy Moffat 519-243-3492 Doors R Windows WINDOWS & DOORS Call for a tree esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Goderich, 524-1250, e- mail saiosrrDbiuowator- windows ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -Door (3667), e-mail bluewa- torsales 0 hay.net, www.bluewatorwin- dows.ca General Services Spring Is here! BOOK EARLY... LAWN ROLLING MR B"s RENOVATION & REPAIR "No Job Too Small, Siding - Soffit & Facia Windows - Rooting and More Cell: 519-282-6084 Office: 519-236-7074 4.01,0 eti60 0 y:t.0090 IN THE CLASSIFIEDS House For Sale WAAIK IlIrelwMr baht Me. Broiarepta GrendBendReallEstate.com 510.231-5700 Ow ME &Oat of lineal INN Palm s.,A. RN) Step Ups Your (5 Selling Power!. General Help Wanted EDIN Boutique, Bay- field, hiring F/T, PTT sales people. Will train. Experience an asset. Send resumes to Su- san at tbchalmersOhot mail.com Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Email: placeit.sun@classifiedextra.ca General Help Wanted J1GGY Clothing Store, Grand Bend, hiring F/T, P/T sales people. Will train. Experience an asset. Send re- sumes to Brian at tbchalmers 0 hot rnail.com GRAND BEND & AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is seeking energetic Icople for two inter- esting and challenging volunteer posi- tions.'This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to Grand Bend's success. Boc►kkeepinWTreasurer Simply Accounting experience preferred. Customer Service Staff Hours are flexible and it's a fun work environment. Call: 519-238-2001 Email: info&a'grandhendtourism.com With a little extra effort, recycling saves 81OUI One ton of recycled paper saves up to 17 trees. Recycling paper, plastic and metal saves tons of garbage from being put into local landfills. These are just a few of the many reasons to recycle and use recycled products. By cutting down on waste and using more eco -friendly products, we can keep our area and our planet a healthy, beautiful place to live. Sharin9a Heaer kris Fulure'or, paIMupamon 4+44,44444444444444141.414.014 General Help Wanted P.O.G. Inc. APPLY NOW! FOREMAN Seasonal position Shift work Leadership equali- ties and experi- ence an asset Apply in person with Resume Hwy. 81 East of Granit Bend Mon. -Fri. 8:(0am-•1:(X)pn1 EITRAIUI EITRAIUI CLAS$IHED VALID! yourrr<< momentsca General Help Wanted P.O.G. Inc. Sumner Positions on our Vegetable Processing Line APPLY NOW! no experience necessary (GENERAL. PRODUCTION Shite Work Apply in person I Iwy. 81, East of Grand Bend Mon. -Fri., 8:00am-4:(K)ptn Past En►pioees apply by June 10. 2011 Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e-rnair obituaries u yourlifemoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e•mr,ll: rnllestonos.sun a yourllfemoments.ca Obituaries In Memoriam Thanks Births Celebrations More Coming Events Coming Events STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER at Greenway United Church, Saturday June 11, 5-7 p.m. Adults $14.00, children under 12 $6.00, preschool free PANCAKE BREAKFAST Exeter Fire Fighters serving pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns and toast. Saturday, June 11 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Firehall on William St., Exeter. .)