Lakeshore Advance, 2011-06-08, Page 9Wednesday, June 8, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
County `supports' moratorium on wind
Cheryl Heath
An issue that is said to pit rural
neighbours against one -another
proved to do the same to a few of
Huron County's councillors during
/, their June session in Goderich.
At issue was a motion, which ulti-
mately passed by a nine -to -six vote,
that will see the county firing off a let-
ter to the Province of Ontario, stating
the county supports a moratorium on
any more Industrial Wind 'Turbine
development until such time as more
conclusive health studies are
That motion came at the heels of a
presentation by Ashfield Colborne
Wawanosh resident Anita Frayne who
says extensive research has led her to
the conclusion that too much wind
development is coming on too fast.
"I am not an expert when it comes
to Industrial Wind 'Turbine develop-
ments and their environmental,
social, economic and/or health
impacts. Nor do 1 have a vested inter-
est or any ulterior motives," says
Frayne. "I simply care very deeply
about what happens here."
In referencing her research, Frayne
points to a number of concerns that
she suggests should lead the county
to lead the charge for more informa-
tion before moving forward with
more Industrial Wind Turbines.
As a prime example, says Frayne,
the county chose to strike up a Low
Frequency Noise committee in Feb-
ruary, which is entrusted to address
concerns with noise related to tur-
bines and other LEN emitters. Other
factors to consider, says Frayne, is the
province's own $1.5 million study on
renewable energy, as well as the fact
that 76 councils across Ontario have
passed resolutions, motions and
bylaws relating to turbines.
Further, says Frayne, the provincial
medial officer of health's recently
released report on the potential
health impacts of turbines shows
there are no widely accepted proto-
cols for measuring noise pollution
and that the ministry of environment
itself has hired a consultant to meas-
ure audible noise from wind
"I believe Huron County has an
opportunity, and, more importantly,
an obligation to get up close and per-
sonal about this," says Frayne. "It is
the job of county councillors to take
off their town and township hats and
present the best interests of the
zsgtunty as a whole. Our lower tier
councils could use your leadership
and support."
Frayne says while it is understood
some members of county council
argue wind turbine development is a
provincial issue, "Ultimately your
fundamental role is to take all steps
necessary to protect the health, safety
and well being of your residents. I am
therefore requesting that
you say no to any further
Industrial Wind Turbine
development in our county
at this tinge"
In urging councillors to
say no to any further indus-
trial wind turbines develop-
ment pending further
research, Frayne says "to do
anything less would be
In speaking in favour of
stepping up to meet
Frayne's request and by
noting councillors just
unanimously supported
writing letters of concern
with regard to perils of con-
suming caffeine -fuelled
energy drinks, Coun, Brian
Barnim (Central Huron)
first proposed an outright
moratorium on further tur-
bine development before
accepting an amendment,
suggested by county plan-
ning director Scott 'Tousaw,
that instead says Huron
County supports the idea of
a moratorium pending
more conclusive evidence
that turbine farms do not
negatively impact either the
health or wealth of their
host communities.
During a question period,
Coun. Paul Klopp (Bluewa-
ter) says he began to face
his own issues with tur-
bines after purchasing a
neighbouring farm that had
already signed off on wind
leases. One issue, he says, is
that there seems to be
ample roots to negotiate
where turbines are sited
once a property owner signs
a lease. And, says Klopp, it
is difficult to renegotiate a
signed contract.
"'There is a whole lot of red
tape," says Klopp to which
Frayne notes she has heard
stories from people who
signed leases and are now
"very upset that they did it."
In attempting to table
Barnim's motion, thereby
effectively ending discus-
sion on the matter, Court.
Deb Shewfelt (Goderich)
reiterated that turbine
development falls under
the Green Energy Act,
which is the province's
"I think we're playing
politics here today and we
have no authority," he says.
"'There is a provincial
While Cohn. George Rob-
ertson (South Huron) sec-
onded Shewfelt's motion, it
ultimately failed to puss but
did manage to stoke the
fires of debate between
Barnim says he doesn't see
the difference between ask-
ing for further studies and
expressing concerns about
energy drinks as earlier dis-
cussed at the session, Coun.
Hill Siemon (Huron East),
who seconded Barnim's
motion to support a morato-
rium, says, "This is a social
and determent issue to rural
Siemon also suggested
the issue might not hit
home as hard for Shewfelt
given the Town of Goderich
is not facing the prospect of
hosting turbines either
within the town limits or
out 111 the lake.
"Let's try and do some-
thing we can do to prevent
this social injustice from
happening," pleaded
Shewfelt says he considers
Siemon's comments " a low
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blow," and he argues urban centres "put
up with noise" all the time.
While Barnim notes the conflicting
opinions in the council chamber is
representative of what is going on
along rural concessions, Coun. Joe
Steffler (Huron East) says that, in the
end, the moratorium is about more
than health issues.
Those abstaining from the vote after
declaring conflicts on the issue were
Councillors lames Ginn (Central Huron),
Bernie MacLellan (1lumn East), Neil Rin-
toul (Ashfield Colborne Wawanosh) and
Ben Van Diepenbeek (ACW).
Council later agreed to further
discuss the idea of opening up the
LEN committee's purview to include
health impacts, at the behest of Coun.
Siemon, at the county's second com-
mittee -of -the -whole session slated for
lune 15, That discussion came after
an earlier debate 00 whether the com-
mittee should be disbanded since the
county is supporting a moratorium on
further wind development.
In arguing changing the mandate of
that committee would effectively
change what was agreed upon earlier,
Shewfelt noted, "1 guess you can bring
anything in and throw it on the
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PAR SPONSORS: Royal Canadian Legion: Lake Smith Conservationist — Ross Hay-
ter, Mr. ('ani Ivey, Jennison ('onstntction Ltd.
HOLE SPONSORS; Hoffman Patient Transfer, T. }tarry Hoffman & Sons Ltd., Salon
(SH. Oke Wo o dsmith, Grand Bend Sanitation, Ricco Foods Distributors, Riverhend
Bar t\ Grill- 'Tracey (kith -Windsor, Tile° Electric, TI) (;nada Trust, Piiia Place/Dairy
1)ip. Platinum Builders. Nick's Lawn & 1'rogx'rty Maintenance, Lakeside Lawns Prop-
erty Maintenance, R.J. Rau & Associates Financial Services, Kelly Gilmore, Brenda &
Jamie Eagleson, Turnbull Electric & Plumbing, Bob ('ase Heating & Plumbing Ltd.,
Stewart Webb fi Sons, Klondykr 'frailer Palk, Smith -Prat Roofing & Shat Metal, Pin-
ery }'lea Market, Southwest Marine Services, Marlen' 1)1etr01 Ins., N1r. & Mrs. Ter-
rance Sweeney, Jody & Dan Shaw, Re/Max Sarnia Realty, Bruce Elliott-www.grand-
DONATIONS: Bert Albertson, Martin Ward, Satah tz Steyr \'andent'erk, Salon . 1.
AUCTION GM'S DONA'I'F:l): Forest City National Golf Club, Pine Dale Motor Inn,
(fray Insurance Brokers, Oakwood (jolt Resort t\ Spa, Lab,ttt's Corporation, Ironwood
(jolt Club, Sea Jewels, Foxxhes, Subway's, Drum's Service ('entre, Salon (iBS, Illttr-
water Windows & Doors, Saverio Schirtlli Agencies, It's Thyme -Jackie Sten-
house, Sunrise Garden ('entre, Stephanie Overholt, The Colonial Hotel, Pi//a Delight,
Peckitl's Men's Wear, Widder Station Golf Club, Steve's Automotive Services, London
Golf Club, ('old Stream County Kennels, South 1 on Veterinary, Terry Rompht Fire
Arms Training, Grand Bend Motorplex, Jessica Wince- Dashwood .\rea Optimist,
McDonalds Restaurant, Aunt Gussies, Rona, Schoolhouse Restaurant, .I'll' Hudson Fleur
Design, Home Hardware, Barb McKellar, Blue Water Motel, Prosper's (image, Indian
Hills Golf ('hub, Kelders Mushroom Farm, Sharon GMAC Real Estate. County Market,
Sun Life Financial, Adventures On Wonderland, Sand Hills Golf Club, F.i.N.1:. Restau-
rant, Island Beach Co., Workout for Your Life, Garden Gate (iitts & Floral, Bob & Larry
l.aye Families, Hayters Turkey Proxducts, Lois Walls ('oldwell Banker & Appleby Real
Estate, Huron Motor Products, The Tuscan Greek, The Pet Stop, Nicole Gunn, Huron
Oaks Golf Club, Green Wood Golf Club, Schoolhouse Bakin, Grandpa Jimmy's Bak-
ery, Ilay Mutual ins., Hensall ('o -()p, Sand Hills Golf Resort, Grund Bend Produce,
Carol & Al Gledhill, Home Comfort Services, Fraser Asphalt Paving Inc .,The Flaywo od
Fainil,Tender Spot, Back in Time, I'm Starv'n Roadhouse, Mc('ann Brothers Concrete.
Special Thanks
Jim & Chris Masse - Bayview Golf ('lub
Luncheon: supplied by Sobeys Water & ('hips: supplied by Mac's
Emcee: Bryan Beattie Entertainment Brian Dale Grace by: Glenn Johnson