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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-06-08, Page 4
4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, June 8, 2011 opinlon www.lakeshoreadvance.com Rohn Alviui PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: Iadvance@bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager ncliffordObowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor ladvance@bowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales JUUE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable © www.lakeshoreadrancescom SUBSCRWTION RATES ADVANCE Regular $39.95 (38.05+1.90 GS1) Online subscriptions avallable--same rates Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELNERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.0.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519-238.5383 e-mail: ladvanceObowestiet.com Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (retum postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lakeshore Advance at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that In the event of a typographical erns, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada Member of the Gnaaan Community ApCna riswipsper Aaociseon and fie Ona rio Commurdty Newspapers Association letters to the editor Reader responds to Bluewater letter Reply to Dolores Scribe's letter to editor I too have attended many Bluewater Council Meetings, and was there when Councillor Irvin made his motion to approve the previous Grants if they were not requesting an increase. 1 have a dif- ferent view from yours. First, groups requesting Grants must fill out an application stating why they want the funds etc... If a grant is approved hills have to he submitted to the Treasurer of Bluewater for pay- ment. Any unused funds are lost. • Council has approved these grants in previous years and Councillor Becker has voted for some if not all these grants in previous years. It is my opin- ion that Councillor Irvin was only try- ing to move the Budget process along. The outcome would have been the same even if they went line by line. Dolores mentions "Does this group have a common cause that they feel is worth fighting for, or are they merely puppets in the hands of those people who do not like the way the elections turn out" Does this statement also ring true for the other five that vote as a block? Dolores goes on to state "that she would love to see these people (I am assuming she is referring to Gillespie, Wise, Palmer, and Irvin) represent those that that elected them not just a chosen few" This group represents 62.5% of the voters of Bluewater. They are representing the people who voted for them! With reference to Councillors leav- ing a meeting. 'this whole episode was caused by Mayor Dowson going back on his word. At a previous meeting the Mayor promised that there would be no discussion or votes on commit- tee's unless all Councillors were present. The meeting in question was a Special Meeting called to deal with the Sewage Treatment Plant. Atter the meeting was scheduled the agenda was changed and Committee Appointments Was added. The Mayor knew that George Irwin was away and it was felt that this is why the agenda was changed. Ile was reminded of his promise before the start of the meet- ing and would not amend the agenda because he knew he had the swing vote. 'Ihe Mayor's job is to lead Coun- cil not divide it. So far it appears the only member of Council who has not been doing his job to the hest of his ability is Mayor Dowson. I an) hoping that in future that the good Citizens of Bluewater who have a beef with their Councillor or the Council as a whole will refrain from writing the Editor and contact the municipality directly to vent the concerns. Previous letters from Mr. Fisher and the one from Mrs. Schilbe as well as my reply do nothing to improve the quality of life in Bluewater and only foster mistrust among the different wards. Keith Locking Haywest. St. Anne's Rugby team enters June with a bang Mikenna Lane Lakeshore Advance Congratulations St. Anne's we have made it to the last stretch of the school year! 'Ihe Girls Rugby team entered June with a bang as they did an excellent job at OFSAA this past week and made it to the consolation finals. Although they were defeated, the girls had another excellent season and St. Anne's is very proud! St. Anne's would like to also congratulate Grade Twelve student Sydney for being scouted for the all Ontario girls rugby team. Our tennis team competed in a tourna- ment that took place on Wednesday June 1st, our Junior Girls and Boys Soccer teams competed at the Huron -Perth champion- ship in Listowel and St. Mary's. St. Anne's is very proud of Grant who ventured to Sudbury for OFSAA Track and Field. St. Anne's Law students ventured to the courthouse in Goderich this past week in order to obtain a more thorough under- standing of how the Judicial system works. Our Co-op students presented all that they have done thus this far in the semester at the Co-op Fair. We thank all of our com- munity partners who guide our students in the placements. it really is a great opportu- nity to link our education with our future careers. Our Graduation Mass on Sunday was a huge success. Tomorrow we celebrate our faith at our annual, "Outside-a-palooza': This is the best day of the year for St. Anne's students as we celebrate Mass outside with Christian Rock Artist, Chris Bray. live than have a BBQ and outside games, just like the good ole church picnics. It's a great way to have fun and celebrate a great school year just before exams. Sands of Time Lynda Hillman -Ripley Ham, l.akoshot a Advancer My mom is like Houdin)-now you see her.... rad (:heves (:Kase as )tett the brother. 'that is what my screan )lay's headlines would scceittn. I think Katherine slates would play my mons and the (;olden (;iris would he het loyal friends from Exeter, 'the movie, would be called Missing in Action. A new weeks ago illy marl tell, she unfortunately tripped on the cord to her adding machine. A little ironic consider Ing her long career as an accountant. She later found out her should was broken in three places, That bring said, before she went to the hospital she had organization stuff to do for an upcoming dart banquet ;cid may have had 10 go for coffee \vitll her friends -those golden girls I spoke about, She then went to the hospital but got Impatient as she waited for an antbul;trace to take het' to London, So, she went home. Don't lose sight here that het' shoulder is broken. 'The next day she gets my brother Ben (being played by Chevy Chase) to take her to London. l.ow and behold there is a town wide yard sale in 1.ucan, Better stop there, says the brother, Mont gets to London and is told she has to come back in a few days to see a doctor, She gets home and gets ready for the dart banquet. While she was out doing her running around the hospital also tried to call her whh no luck so they called us to say her shoulder was broken and she needed to go for a ("l' scan the next morning. 'ihat is when she was told there was three breaks and she would never be able to lift her tn•nt over her head again. (I am quite so, 71 this part of the movie she will be upset because she needs to play darts and lift her arm for auction sales.) She would also need surgery in two days. We, as a family, feared her auction sale hand was now in danger. l called her to snake sure she was okay but -no answer, She bad to do some CONTINUED > PAGE 5