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20 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June 1, 2011
Lakeshore Advance
The Giant Book Sale committee shares a sample of their wares. (L -R): Nori Price, Sue Haines, Monica Carter,
absent from photo Carole Welch)
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Dive into a good book
Suzanne Tsuchida/HCPH
Lakeshore Advance
On Wednesday, May 25th , the 1 Iuron
Country Playhouse Guild held their
monthly meeting at Aunt Gussie's Res-
taurant. The menu was delicious and
the agenda was full.
Monica Carter urged all members to
get ready fora "Giant Book Sale': On
July 1st and 2nd, the Huron Country
Playhouse Guild will host a book sale as
a fundraising event. Monica Carter and
her committee, Sue [Mines, Nori Price
and Carole Welch have started the
enormous task of organizing and col-
lecting materials. If members of the
community have books, games, videos
to donate, they can call Monica at 519-
294-0109 or Sue at 519-238-6942. The
committee is Looking for books, maga-
zines (bundled), small children's toys,
puzzles, games, DVI)'s and CD's.
Monica noted that large events rely
on community assistance. We appreci-
ate the Grand Bend Legion's location to
host the sale and Foodies offer to store
materials. Our challenge is to gather
more than 8,000 items! Posters have
been distributed at various locutions in
the community advertising the sale.
More information will follow. 'This giant
sale will have something of interest for
everyone and will enable all to dive into
a good book this sununer!
Doreen Mcllarg advised members
that the ever popular Guild Gala has
been scheduled for May 17, 2012. Din-
ner for Eight tickets will also go on sale
this season at the Playhouse Theatre.
erfti *ION ir:
BINGO Tuesday - 7pm
Friday - 5pm-7pm
Saturday, June 4a 3 -bpm
Legion Golf Fun Day
Fundraiser and Dinner
Saturday, June 18th
' Bayview
ti Golf Course
J y�3 Shotgun Start
Contact Legion for more
Information 238-2120
-You're only a stranger here once. -
Ape of majority card requlrad,
Call: Sharon 816-338-6868
Look for information regarding these
events in the upcoming weeks.
Maxine Eveland introduced the guest
speaker, Kate Burdett Hough. Kate is a
professional counselor with Bereaved
Families of Ontario. Her topic, respond-
ing to those who are grieving, explored
effective action and communir: on
that can be used to assist and sui a
person in a titne of bereavement. ate
emphasized that no two people experi-
ence grief the same way. Examples of
what to say and not to say, as well as
what we can do to help those that are
grieving were suggested. Kate's presen-
tation gave Guild members an opportu-
nity to think about their own response
to friends and family members that
experience a loss. The presentation was
informative and will he remembered.
The next sleeting is Wednesday, June
22nd and will be held at Widder Station.
New members are always welcome.
The 1luron Country Playhouse Guild
offers the opportunity to get involved,
develop new friendships as well as
experience excellent presentations. We
thank the community for its continued
support. We value new tnembers and
would be delighted to meet you. Call
Marguerite at 519-238-2331 for further
The Aldeburgh Connection
(recipient of Huron Cultural Award)
The 5th Annual Bayfield
Festival of Song
June 3rd to June 12th,
Hayfield Town Hall
Celebrity Concerts:
June 3rd, 4th, 10th, l It'
Master Class: June 9th
Coffee Concerts: June 4th, 1 lth
Young Singers and Reception:
June Sth, 12th
(tickets: 519-565-2435
or ggrant(a)tcc.on.ca )