HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-25, Page 2020 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Granny's ring box Rick Huntley Special to the Lakeshore Advance Local author, Rick Hundey, will be publishing a third work of fiction this summer. His first two were mystery novels revolving around Grand Bend private investigator, lack Beer. His latest, The Garnished Truth is a collection of short stories, many of which feature characters from those earlier lack Beer - ,.rte C,OPERICH 524 'SI 1 Fri & Sat 8:45 & 9:15 Sun - Thur 7:30 Sat & Sun Mat 1:30 eio oissmitow PG May 27 - June 02 *74116%- www.t»ovif"links (:;i FrIBSat 6:4589:15 Sun - Thur 7:30 Sat & Sun Mat 1:30 »" Neememeniso Ms Mayne CMOs.% PG 1-800-265-3438 Immaculate Heart of Mary/Sacred Heart Parish Mission At: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 337 Ontario Street Grand Bend, ON Rev. Eugene "Red" O'Reilly will be in our area bringing his preaching, story -telling and music that have brought many people's faith alive. The mission starts at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend on May 29th until June 1st. It begins at 7:30 pm each of the four evenings. Come out and bring a friend. 'TBESBAY, NOVEMBEI 1, 2011- 7'M NMI 111111INIIIL uIu Tickets at Biyth Festival Office, Blyth Legion, Ernie King Music (Goderich 8 Wingham) Credit Card Orders: 1-600-465-7829 books, Death at the Bend and Colling- wood Fakeout. The Lakeshore Advance is serializing one of the stories from The Garnished Truth for your summer reading enjoyment. For those who wish to buy an early copy of "Ihe Garnished Truth' (or Hun- dey's other two books) watch for the book launch at .., or contact the author online at u►u'u►.rickhuradery.f(euxpop, ti' or by email at rickhundey@faux- pop.ty. (Ilundey has pledged all royal- ties from the sale of the first one hun- dred books of his latest book will be donated to a local charity. By way of introduction to the first instalment of 'Granny's Ring Box,' the story took shape after Hundey's friend David Scott, a local playwright, sug- gested there had to be an intriguing mystery behind a Kijiji ad he came across. After you read the 'Granny's Kineto Theatre Forest "RIO" Rating: General May 27, 28, 29&Sist Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, George Lopez BRANCH 498, GRAND BEND BINGO Tuesday - 7pm MEAT DRAMS Friday - 5pm-7pm ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, May 28" 3-6pm "BOB FINLAY" Legion Golf Fun Day Fundraiser and Dinner Saturday, June 18th Bayview Golf Course • Shotgun Start Contact Legion for more information 238-2120 "You're only a stranger here once." EVERYONE WELCOME Aga of majority card r.guk.d. HALL RENTALS CaII: Sharon 518468-8845 Ring Box,' we think you will agree he was right. Granny's Ring Box The voice on the phone threw me back in time but I wasn't sure how far because I had no idea who it was. 1 guess it was Just the fact I picked up a familiar twang. Or the expectation in her voice. But, maybe my ears were playing tricks on me. "Is that Jack Beer?" she said. "Yeah. Who is this?" Ignoring nay question, she ploughed ahead, "I've been looking for Betty." "You have?" I said, hoping for a clue as to the topic. "Yeah and it's been years. 1)o you remember her, lack?" "Betty?" I thought about it and could recall no one by that name. "Come on, you have to remember her." "You got a full name for Betty? Or maybe one for yourself?" "This might jog your memory. She said you used to call her 'the town's most beautiful drunk.' Ringing any bells?" From the first time 1 ran away from foster care, l always had an affinity for drunks. I could talk to them and they empathized even if they weren't Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School Fish Fry & Silent Auction Saturday, May 28th aiV4:30-6:30 pm Tickets: $10 available by calling 519-237-3337 Includes: 2 pc fish, fresh -cut fries, cole- slaw & dinner roll. Hot Dogs, fries & drinks available for purchase. Penny Table, Face Painting & Bake Sale. Sponsored by hike Smith (' ,, ervationists and M,•('ann Redi•Afi.t Inr. Autlror Ride Mandel computing what they were hearing. And at the same time, 1 have always felt an appreciation for beautiful women. Put the two traits together and how could I not remember 11,. Washburn? Because, for sure, she was a fine looking woman, for a drunk. I met Liz on my second night as Police Chief of the Town of Grand Bend. Or maybe it was early on nay third morning. She'd been tossed out of all of the Town's watering holes for being too feisty. By the time I met up with her, she was directing traffic at the corner of Main and Provincial Ilighway 21, using a bottle of Rickards Red as a baton. She threw the empty at me as I approached and I fielded it cleanly. In the time it took to cajole CONTINUED > NEXT PAGE ■ Iakeshoreadvance.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Grand Bend and surrounding area HAPPY 60't' WEDDING AN N IVERSARY Cleve & Thagaet (tngetcn Y 1951-2011 m gout f amirfa?