HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-25, Page 7Wednesday, May 25, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Lambton Shores will find their own patrol yard
Lynda HilIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Thanks but no thanks
During March Budget deliberations council
was verbally made aware that Huron County
411P -e currently reviewing the possibility of evict-
PI the Municipality of Lambton Shores from the
Grand Bend patrol yard located at the corner of
County Road 83 and Highway.
This lot has assisted the Municipality within
the North Area since amalgamation. The site
consists of a four bay garage, a salt dome and
accessory storage sheds.
Originally, the lease agreement was $1.00/year
and expired in 2007. The Municipality was
responsible for any smaller repairs, and
Huron County has now notified Lambton
Shores that they would be willing to finalize a
new lease agreement with the Municipality at a
cost of $42,000/year. This offer would allow the
Municipality to remain on the property how-
ever the salt dome, which is in need of a roof
repair, would not be available as the County is
unwilling to repair the roof. Therefore the
Municipality would still be required to travel to
Townsend Line to purchase sand and salt prod-
uct for the winter season.
It was noted that if the the Municipality opts
to vacate the site; Huron County will permit the
Community Services Department 60 days to
vacate the property. The Deptartment has been
discussing this situation and believes that with-
out the salt dome being included within the
agreement there is really no service benefit for
the Municipality of Lambton Shores to continue
operating from this area. Staff do have the abil-
ity to continue its level of service through oper-
ating from the Grand Bend PUC building and the
Because some
wishes can't wait
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Northville Depot.
Since this cost was not included within the
operating budget the Community Services
Department will notify Huron County the
municipality will not be accepting their lease
offer of $42,000.00 per year for leasing of the
Mayor Bill Weber said they should find a
location in their own municipality,
Playing around
The Community Services Department
completes monthly playground inspections of
all municipally owned playground equipment.
'Ihere are 14 play structures in total within
the Municipality. 'These inspections are a
visual inspection of items such as all compo-
nents are fastened securely, structures are free
of sharp edges, choking hazards, pinch points
and in general are in good repair.
'Ihere are two staff members who are trained
on visual inspection of playground equipment,
They both received certification in 2010, (:ertifi•
cation is a four day course in which the attend •
ees learn: space requirements, play space evalu
ation, hazard identification, corrective actions,
records keeping and inspection and
'Ihey are also informed about liability, due dil-
igience, risk management and own
As this was the first inspection of the season
each area does require some repair to the sur
faces such as additional sand, weed removal and
additional wood chips included.
'these are items which will be covered within
our operating budget,
Staff say there are two areas which do require
a total removal as the structures have
reached their life expectancy and do requite
na11.l1rM111 r ill
M.h! •M MyY, • New..
Monday May 30. 2011
Tuesday May 31, 2011
Wednesday Jure 1, 2011
Thursday June 2, 2011
Rural residents may drop off their largo
days 1n June
Acce0table Item!
• Fumiture (tables, chairs, sofas,
mattresses etc.)
• Flooring (linoleum/carpel, cut to 4 foot
lengths and tied)
• Appliances (stoves, washers, dryers)
•'• Fridges, freezers. air conditioners and
other Freon containing appliances must
be tagged Freon -free or they will not bo
picked up.
Zurich. Brucuflekl. Kgppen, ttlaku
Varna. Dashwood (N of I$w *AM
Hay A Stanley Lakeshore
(West of 'IAN $21)
items free of charge on all public drop off
Unacc.ntabte Itsmg
• Regular curbside pickup items (trash
bags, recyclabkes, etc 1
• Yard Waste
• Renovation anti 1h)111(41txrl 111ah11141P
(wotxl, drywall, concrete asphalt elr 1
• Tiros
• 880 Tanks
• Household hazardous waste'
• Eleet onlc Waste (IVs, computers,
phone.. printers, etc.)'•
Waste must be out by 7:OOam on the day of pick-up
No loads on trailers
Metal Items must be piled separately from the other largo Items
• Household hazardous waste must be dropped off at the Mid -Huron
•• Electronic wastes will no longer be picked up. They can be dropped oft at
Bluewater Recycling In Huron Park during business hours for no chary.
Alternatively, electronic wastes can be dropped off at the Mld•Huron
Landfill site.
replacement. 'these structures include
the hither Street Parkette located
behind the Either washrooms in Grand
Bend and the Legacy (:entre Parkette
located behind the legacy (.entre.
The Silber Parkette currently has a
teeter totter and a spinner located on
its premises.
The spinner has exposed hearings
and a portion of the brace is missing
along with missing hand grips. '1'he
teeter totter is also missing its hand
'l'he legacy ('entre parkette is a
wooden structure. Its footings are
exposed and the protective railing is
broken. The entire structure is also
Due to safety reasons the Commu-
nity Services Department will be
removing the structures from these
two areas. At the Either Parkette we
will be installing picnic tables for the
transient boaters who use this area.
The structure at the Legacy Centre will
he included for replacement within
the Capital Forecast for council
County of Lambton
Township of Brooko-Alvinston
County Rd #4 ALL
County Rd #8 - ALL
County Rd #79 - ALL
County Rd #80 -- Road 79
Township of Uawn•Euphonlitt
County Rd #2 - ALL
County Rd #8 - ALL
County Rd #15 - ALL
County Rd #21 - ALL
County Rd #26 - ALL
County Rd #79 • ALL
Township of Enniskillen
County Rd #4 - ALL
County Rd #8 - ALL
County Rd #14 - ALL
County Rd #21 - ALL
County Rd #26 - ALL
County Fid #80 -- ALL
Municipality of Lambton
County Rd #5 -_ ALL
County Rd #6 - ALL
County Rd # 9 - ALL
County Rd #12 - ALL
County Rd #18 - ALL
County Rd #79 -
City of Sarnia
County Rd #20
County Ftd #26
l lwy 402
Comity lid #31 ALL
Town of Plympton-Wyoming
County Rd #8 - ALL
County Rd #1 1 - ALL
County Rd #12 - ALL
County Rd. #14 -ALL
County Rd #21 - ALL
County Rd #26 - Hwy 402
County Rd #30 - ALL
Township of St. Clair
County Rd #1 -- Marshy
Creek - East to Hwy #40.
County Rd. #2 -- ALL
County Rd #4 -• Hwy #40
County Rd #20 - ALL
County Rd #26 - ALL
County Rd #28 - ALL
County Rd #31 - ALL
County Rd #36 - ALL
County Rd #80 - ALL
1 ownship of Wafwick
County Rd #8 -- ALL
County Rd #9 - ALL
County Rd #12 - ALL
County Rd # 39 -ALL
County Rd # 79 - ALL
1 ho Cotporation OF The County OF Lambton intends to control
noxious woods within its jurisdiction along its rural County roadsides
Using tho pesticide CLEARVIEW (Aminopyralid and Motsulfuron
Moths) PCP # 29752
Application will commence on May 30, 2011, weather pot milting, and
onding .luno 30, 2011.
For morn information call:
l AWN MED: 1-519-471-2620 or CoII: 519-852-1206
Collect calls will bo accepted
County of l ambton
Rob Stoigingn
Oporations Mlu1lt11el , Fioads
1 866 324 6912
519 845 0801