HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-25, Page 44 Lakeshore Memo • Wednesda , Ma 25, 2011 opinion www.lakoshoreadvance.com Mare Mvu PUBLISHED WEEKLY RO.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: IadvanceObowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/ Advertising Manager ndlfbrdebowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor IadvanceObowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MART( STEPHEN Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classlfleds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable www.Iskeshoreadvanoe.Cotn SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE Regular $39.95 (38 05+1.90 GST) Online subscriptions available—same rates Publications Mall Agreement No. 40084583 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.BOx 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM ITO For any non -deliveries or delivery concems: phone: 519.238-5383 e•maN: IadvanceObowesnet. com Changes of address, orders for subec iptions, and undelr erabie copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lakeshore *Mince at the address Indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condition that In the event of a typographical err, the portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical 1'und (CPI) for our publishing activities. Canada. *War or 1M scullCando d tea 1Nwsoaoer Assoclason.na ti,. stereo Community mengeosnAmociallon editorial Another election -be informed Grouchy voters cast their ballots against the people they blamed for the state of affairs in local communi- ties in last October's municipal elec- tion. It was clearly a vote of change. Stay tuned because we have another election coming up this October. A provincial election. The people in this province will think about their electric bills. They will think about the gas prices. They will think about their small business bottom line. 'They may think about Green Energy, their municipal leaders being left out of the loop and that may get them to thinking about wind farms and as one columnist asks , "Why the prov- ince didn't pick an uninhabited tract of land for installation of thousands of windmills with one transmission line out is anybody's guess. Might have resulted in less grumpy Ontari- ons. 'the accommodation reviews that have resulted in closing schools and longer bus rides is not going to endear a whole lot of local people to vote left. Are the taxes we pay lower- ing the deficit? You should have a lot of questions for those people vying for the title in your riding. This will be the 40th general elec- tion in Ontario. The last election, October 10, 2007 set a record for the lowest voter turnout in an Ontario provincial election; only 52.8% peo- ple who were eligible voted. This broke the previous record of 54.7% in the 1923 election. And there's the rub. It is our privilege to be able to decide who will be the leader of our province. If you are happy with the current government it is your right to cast your vote in that direction. If you want change- that too is your right. You have about five months to learn everything you can to make an informed decision. At the of the day - if you don't vote your right to com- plain becomes limited. /pith/ I!iIl? l4ll-IIaplE'I' letters to the editor Reader feels Bluewater council needs a mediator Dear Editor, l laving attended most of the meetings this year of the Bluewater coucil, what I witnessed last week was unprecedented. Councillor Irvine made a motion that eve- ryone who received grants in 2010, should automatically get the same grant this year, unless they wanted an increase, and then it would have to be discussed. This would happen regardless of what the money would be used for. Councillor Zimmerman requested more than once, that council be given the opportunity to discuss each and every grant that came to the municipality, so it could be Judged fairly, but since Councillor Becker was absent due to a funeral, the motion passed, 5 -4 in a recorded vote. When did our tax dollars become carte blanch for an association to get money without providing any informa- tion as to what that money would be used for? Maybe councillor Zimmerman, Roy, Klapp and Mayor Dawson should have got up and left the meeting, the way certain other councillors did a few weeks ago, when it became clear that they would not get their own way. They did not walk out, because they have integrity, and they all realized that walking out would not only be childish, but could also be considered as tendering their resignations as councillors, so they decided to stay and fight for the taxpayers, and more power to them for this. Why have the 4 councillors who did walk out a few weeks ago, not been asked to apologize to the rest of council and to the taxpayers themselves for their actions? As of this date, only one of them, Mr 1Iessel, has stated that he will not ask for his council pay for that meet- ing. Does this group have a common cause that they feel is worth fighting for, or are they merely puppets in the hands of those who did not like the way the election in October turned out? For once, l would love to see these people represent those who elected them, and not just a chosen few! From what 1 understand, there is going to be a mediator come in to show council how to get along with each other, and this will be another expense to the tax- payers, and will also be a closed meeting. What have we done to deserve this kind of representation in Bluewater? All we ask is that the council do their Jobs, and use their talents for the good of Bluewater, but In 5 instances, that seems to be a losing battle. You people were elected by the taxpayers - For goodness sake, represent thein! Dolores Schilbe Zurich ON Sands of Time Lynda Hillman-Rapley Editor, Lakeshore Advance Communities need progress not regress When I wrote an editorial in early this year regarding the new councils, one councilor said that was not fair- I should wait at least six months. So,here goes. When you send out e-mails to your constituents- there is a great chance the media is going to see that e-mail. When you don't do your homework regarding an issue that has been on the books for some years- it shows. When you are eating throughout a council session- more than a few people are going to notice. When you grandstand and the people in the gallery applaud- it shows lack of teamwork. When you have an opportunity to ask questions to staff before council meet- ings- do it. Not everything has to come to the table. When you tend to ramble it may be that you like the sound of your own voice. When you can't snake a decision- it shows lack of leadership. Remember you can't appease everyone- it does not work. When you question everything staff does- it shows mistrust. When you represent only a few your are shirking your responsibilities as a councilor of a municipality When you let the community snake your decisions- it shows weakness- 'lhere is a difference between comnui- nity consultation- and community run ning the show. Remember it was your name on the ballot. When you don't know how to conduct yourself -it shows lack of respect When you can't see past today- you lack vision for the future. When people voted in the 2010 elec- tion- it was clearly for change. Change usually means progress not regress.