HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-25, Page 3Wednesday, May 25, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3 Moratorium lifted for beach use in the Bend CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 appease everyone, and that doe not work. Cluter said he is pleased with this •.+rrJhoc group made up of businesses and residents "from all facets of the community". The report, he says should be a guide to set policy - but nothing should already be decided as they have not had a chance to digest the report. Archibald said this report is Definitely it was good to sit down and have discussions with fellow citizens about Beach use past present and future. We as a group of businesses are also residents as well and a big part of this issue is that we are trying to have events that create something to do. In a community lacking an arena the beach does become our 'Public Space' so to speak - and a place for these events. We are not asking to change the way things have been as there has been some level of beach use going on for the past 100 years. We just think that moderate use of the beach really does spur economic activity which is vital to this economy. To place the taxation burden on the backs of residents is unfair so we would like to see a thriving business community who can contribute significantly to this - as well as create jobs and create activity. The beach project we see as a catalyst and we would like to maintain this momentum. To use the beach a few weekends to accomplish this as well as to provide entertainment to residents and visi- tors seems common sense to us. We believe that council is heading in the right direction on beach use and want to thank there for allowing our input." "At the end of the day we are anx- ious to move forward and put the 'Grand' back in Grand Bend and we welcome the LSCA to help us in the regard. The meeting was just the start- ing point." From council Councilor Ruth Inman said she was pleased the report highlighted changes rom the March draft report, indicat- ing the consultants listened to concerns. In a list of changes, Illnlan said it recommends only two commercial- 3 day maximum events and not on long week- ends, north beach board walk extension,removing snow fence once dune grass has matured as well as signage for dune grass education, a balance to the beach grooming and the change from ocean front to world class lake front - specific to Lambton Shores. Brown said they (the consultants) were pleased there was a good range of responses; permanent residents, visi- tors, seasonal, business sector all helped the consultants understand what was needed for this community. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg asked if there would be an opportunity to see the outcome from the public con- sultation sessions and Brown said although they were small summaries, this was possible. Now what! There was discussion as to what happens with the report now. Some councilors were concerned as to whether this was now a policy document or a guideline like the Recrea- tion and Leisure report. Councilor Lorie Scott asked that this document go to the Strategic Plan for staff reference. Council will make decisions as it fits into council business. Bonesteel said he wants to see the report- as a line by line before they make decisions such as the board walk recommendation. "I am not happy with the board walk- that is a waste of money. " Councilor John Russell said he doe not feel this is a pol- icy document -but guidelines. Council agreed this would be received and deferred back to the Strategic Plan. To everyone in Huron - Bruce who participated in the 41st Canadian general election. You have delivered a clear mandate to continue making the Huron -Bruce to Ottawa connection work for you. It is an honour and privilege that I am truly humbled to accept. Again, I thank you, the voters of Huron -Bruce, for your continued trust and support. Sincerely, 42..ea ' Ben Lobb, MP 1'It ,i,i (/,it 111111 lie'/ll iif,f, ( 1)111 to /01 11)‘ 1110110111 i` 11C11Ilii ('t)i111(`( t1011 Moratorium lifted Bonesteel reminded council there was a moratorium put on beach use by the former council and that was pend- ing until this report cam e out. He asked that that be lifted for discussion. The original moratorium was in June 2010 and stated "CAO John Byrne summarized for council the current status of the nego- tiations with PVB Enterprises and Not So Pro for volleyball tournaments on the Grand Bend Beach. He noted that as Council has initiated the Recreation & Leisure Master Plan study to review which services should be provided and how the services should be provided, it may be prudent to place a morato- rium on all organized beach volleyball event on the beach," "A recommendation was passed that a moratorium be put on all organized Beach Volleyball events or programs on the Grand Bend Beach until such time as the Recreation and Leisure Master Plan and/or a consultation process is undertaken on the issue of events on the Grand Bend Beach be refused." That has now been lifted. Bonesteel said whatever applica- tions are made this council needs suf- ficient time to take it back to the com- munity. He said they have achieved trust, respect, confidence, within this new group of people ."Please give us ample time to take the application back to community the community," he said. Council should have some- thing back to them for the June 6 meeting. Iakeshoreadvance.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Grand Bend and surrounding area B EWATER 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER NOTi('E OF PROPOSED UNOPENED ROAD (LOSING AND SALE TV ABUTTING PROPERTY 9.116:0 NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Hluewater, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, the Municipality's ('losing and Sale of Municipal highways By-law and Disposition of Land By-law, is considering a by-law to close East Lane, an unopened road allowance, Plan 513, Elmwood Subdivision, Ward of Hay West. The 373.3 square metre road allowance is to be added to the abutting property to the west. The 13y -law will be considered at a meeting on June 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. The road allowance is described as: East Lane, Plan 513, Hay West Ward, Municipality of Bluewater, PIN 41454-0314 (LT). This property has been declared surplus to the needs of the ('orponttion. FURTHER INFORMATION may he obtained by contacting Arlene Parker, Planning ('o -Ordinator, Municipality of Bluewater at (519) 236-4351 235 or planntumfottitown,bluewatehensa or 14 Mill Ave. Bot 250, "Lunch, On NOM 2T0 A larger version of the plan can be viewed at www.town.hluewater.on.ca in "News" Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed closure and sale may do so by delivering their written comments to the Planning Co -Ordinator prior to June 13, 2011 or make representation at a meeting of Council on June 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 385948 Mill Road, west of Varna. KEY PLAN: