Lakeshore Advance, 2011-05-25, Page 1( i; I �.1OO'1, MacLACHLAN INSURANCE BROKERS t.tD. Carrie Eybergen 519-238-2692 ;0 -til ('llt:tit'l \ 1 S 1. (1ll.k\I) !tl•.\I) .1> MaC19et a van Thanks to No Frills Grand Bend Thomas Paul Visits CI6 9.25 HST indudetd ashore Advance ladvance@bowesnet.com Wednesday, May 25, 2011 .v Carboa allt:6 Circle Newfoundland June 2011 - 12 Days Contact one of our Vacations Agents www.ettravei.com tyska lams -11.01.► Lakeshore Adana Our communities came alive last weekend with the first long weekend of the season. I 11 aulgtU'I, , 11. Sun Life Financial Beach moratorium lifted - Not So Pro and Rugby can proceed with applications Lynda Hillman -Replay Lakeshore Advance 'the final beach report came out at the May 16 regular council meeting chock full of recommendations. The beach use moratorium was lifted and Not So Pro was notified Tuesday that they could submit an application for this summer. Council accepted the report to be sent to the strategic plan process. Todd Brown from Montieth- Brown Planning consultants said the role of the Grand Bend Beach is to provide a clean and naturally beautiful environment within which residents and visitors alike can appreciate their natural surround- ings while safely partaking in a meaningful range of recreational activities and community events, while at the same time supporting Municipal economic development objectives and local businesses. Earlier this month, two councilors; Dave Maguire and Doug Bonesteel met with Larry Mason, lint Archibald and Peter Coleman _ rep- resenting a cross secion of the business and tourist section as well us Fluter, Sharon Vietze1 and Pat Henry- representing inunity Association, a citizens group (1.S(:A).'Ihe councilors felt this was a good get together and hopes to continue to have this type of diolouge with the group. ('Phis was not a meeting with a quorum of counilors, so 00 minutes came hack to council). It's a start • "It's a start," said Fluter of the report. Ile said they are not against Not So Pro in principle - they are against commercialization 00 any. of Grand Bend's bonitide beaches.' l "The study made recommenda- tions some good • some not so;, good but there needs to be more discussion, lots more discussion." Fluter feels there should he more deliberations and strict policies and guidelines. "Councilors should not be running out helter-skelter staking. recommendations," said Fluter adding they may be trying to CONTINUEDP> AGE 3