HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-18, Page 1616 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 18, 2011
County to revisit tuck -eating bridge'
Choi', Heath
OM AQenty
Huron County's Warden is eager to get
the job done but Huron County Council-
lors are not yet sure.
In a pitch to fellow county councillors at
the May 11 committee -of -the -whole ses-
sion, Warden Neil Vincent (North Huron)
reports a local contractor is offering to
cover the county's costs associated with
moving a rehabilitation project up to this
year for the infamous "truck eating" bridge
on County Road 13, on the edge of
"It will be the will of council whether
they will be interested in moving it for-
ward," says Vincent.
In addressing the possibility of further
debating moving up the project, which the
county is slated to begin woridng on 2012,
Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East)
notes that public notice of the new motion
must first be given.
As such, councillors agreed to further
discuss Vincent's proposal at their May 18
committee -of -the -whole session.
Severance OK'd
After a several month wait. Bob and Jo-
Anne Vodden are earning a thumbs up by
county councillors in order to move for-
ward with their plan to erect a retirement
home on a section of farmland that the
county's planning department is advising
against because the move goes against the
Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
In speaking of favour of the request,
Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) says
the county should allow it because it
presents a little bit of a unique situation"
Specifically, says MacLellan, given that
the home will not negatively impact neigh-
bouring farmland and there has been " a
lot of public support,' making an exception
seems like a sound plan.
Coun. James Ginn (Central Huron)
notes the applicant's hone municipality
supports the request.
"To me, this makes perfect sense. We
need to Judge each planning application
on its own merits; adds Ginn.
In a recorded vote with 14 in support
and three councillors opposed, the Vod-
den Palmer application was given the
committee's approval. County council
must endorse it before the project can pro-
ceed. Three councillors were absent for the
The application proved so contentious
at the county level that administration was
directed to prepare an expansive report on
how many county properties could accom-
modate new homes if all farmlands were
opened up to the possibility.
Severance Approved
The planning department's recommen-
dation was again eschewed in the surplus
severance application for Dave and
Heather Beimes of Huron East.
Councillors learned the property in
question is on the northeast edge of Grey
Ward, and that one of the main barriers to
allowing the request is the Beimes do not
have another house so the severance can-
not be viewed as surplus.
In supporting the family's request,
Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron Hast)
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Servireerialiet 11812
reports a sale is being negoti-
ated between family members
with the son purchasing the
surrounding familand.
Ministry Eyes OP
Planning director Scott'Ibu-
saw reports the Ontario Minis-
try of Municipal Affairs and
Housing is seeking 43 tweaks
to the recent review process for
the Huron County Official
lbusaw notes the ministry
does not require council's
approval to make the
Moving Ahead
Councillors are giving the
thumbs up to a Central I luron
developer's plans to erect 10
Ebur -unit townhomes near
Beech Street in Clinton as part
of a 55 -plus years' retirement
Councillors learned the
2.12 -hectare development will
include a new road being built
by the builder, Langendoen
Holdings Inc., as well as a
The county's planning
department reports five peo-
ple, all of whorn had positive
comments, attended a public
meeting on the proposal in
Appearing on behalf of the
developer, Matt Langendoen
says construction is slated to
begin in June. He adds that
one-third of the units are
"already spoken for"
Contract Changes
A county perk that sees Sen-
ior Management 'ream (SMT)
members receive a free county
vehicle, along with gratis gas
and maintenance, underwent
some changes though not
every county councillor saw
merit in the plan.
As presented by Coun.
Bernie MacLellan (Huron
East), who is the driving force
behind the changes, SMT
members will now have several
options before thern, including
the free vehicle and mainte-
nance, with a limit of $1,000
worth of'personal' fuel costs as
opposed to the former situa-
tion where all personal mileage
fell under the county paid -for
umbrella. MacLellan says SMT
members could also opt to
either continue tracking their
When a death occurs...
No matter the time, notify us.
Even if someone else plans to call,
contact us as soon as possible.
county mileage on their own
vehicle, as is the case with
planning director Scott lbusaw
and retiring cultural services
director Beth Ross, or opt in for
a $200 per rnonth vehicle
allowance and mileage, which
would both be taxable.
In speaking against the pro-
posal, Coun. John Grace
Goderich) says it is unfair to
open up an agreement the
was created to entice the bes,
of the crop to the Senior Man-
agement Team and to retain
"1 don't understand how or
why we're even going down
this road, says Grace.
While MacLellan explains
the changes are designed to
address the "open endedness'
of the contract, Grace says he
doesn't like the idea of "reo-
pening dents."
County Warden Neil Vin-
cent's query as to whether the
original agreement means
SMT members could revert to
the original contract wherein
overtime hours could be
accrued was met with an
affirmative response though
Human Resources Director
Darcy Michaud adds it is
unlikely any of the SMT team
will do so.
1 think it is just wrong how
you approached it," adds Grace
in an address to MacLellan.
Grace also requested a
recorded vote on the change
that only impacts SMT mem-
bers atA not the entire county
staff that uses county vehicles.
Those supporting MacLel-
lan's motion were MacLellan,
Dave Frayne (South Huron),
Ben Van Dlepenbeek (ACW),
Bill Siemon (Huron East), Deb
Shewfelt (Goderich), Brian
Barnim (Central Huron), Joe
Steffler (Huron East), Neil Rin -
tout (ACW) and Paul Klopp
(Bluewater). Those opposing
the change were Grace, Vin-
cent, George Roberston (South
Huron), James Ginn (Central
Huron), Dave Riach (North
Huron), Art Versteeg (Howick)
and Tyler I lessel (Bluewater).
'three councillors, Jim Dietrich
(South Huron), Dave Jewitt
(Central Huron) and Paul
Gowing (Morris-Turnberry),
were absent.