HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-18, Page 9Wednesday, May 18, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9 -
Municipal Affairs explain legislation
turn "dangerous". 1t was explained to
Dougall and Ryall that if they have a
discussion period (it is not manda-
tory) at the end of council, under the
is‘Act, if you do have this discussion
4t3erlod, it must consist only of mate-
rial discussed at that meeting.
Ryall said hard thing to do well.
"temptation is there and it is easy to
get away from original issues" said
Ryall, "It requires a firmer hand" He
asked if they have delegations. It was
explained people can contact the
clerk at least one week before they
want to come to council, to schedule
a delegation and they have ten min-
utes to delegate. A decision is not
always made at that point. When it
comes to discussion period, often
the decision is already made or it has
been deferred to another meeting in
anticipation of a report. He said this
is not unique to Lambton Shores -
but discussion is not useful if a deci-
sion has already been made. "I am
not suggesting it there is no value in
open discussion, just that it is a hard
thing to do welt," said Ryall. Coun-
cilor John Russell talked about after
two or three hours councilors are
tired and people have not spoken
for three hours -maybe this is some-
thing they should review. Dougall
said there is the ability in the proce-
dural by-law to review this practice.
Ryall said other rinunidpalities strug-
gle with how public can be heard
and the delegation process -allows
people to bring their issues to coun-
cil. Minutes are a means of commu-
nication to make sure even those
who do not attend council to be able
to see what has happened.
Bonesteel asked about a report
card stating if they waited until the
election, that "was a silly practice."
A decade of success for Grand Bend Community Foundation
Leaders of the Decade
To celebrate ten years, the GBCF will
celebrate those people who have made
exceptional contributions to the Grand
Bend community, enriching it through
his or her powerful leadership. This is a
once in a decade opportunity to say
thank -you to the people who snake
Grand Bend grand. Check out page 37
for all the details.
Political thanks
Mayor Bill Weber said Municipality
and the CACI: have enjoyed a remarka-
ble partnership over the past dec-
ade. "The Foundation has provided
ideas, energy and funding to support
some major projects in the community
and has provided leadership, bringing
partners together to make great things
Rotary president Roger Wallis liked
this group to the Rotary Four-way test.
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ourselves is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build
goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all
concerned? Our partnership with the GBCF meets the crite-
ria of the four-way test.
Barb Ferris, Executive Director of the Friends of the Pinery
also thanked this group as benefactors of many grants that
helped support Pinery -community projects.
Both Lambton Kent Middlesex MPP Maria VanBomtnel
and MP Bev Shipley have been great supporters of this Foun-
dation and insight into the future and attend the events such
as Aquafest. They congratulated the Foundation stating many
communities are in envy of what they have done with their
PUC funds.
For more information or to become a donor call Frieda at
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He said he would like to know annu-
ally. Dougall explained all Ontario
municipalities are required to
report Municipal Performance
Measurement Program (MPMP) effi-
ciency and effectiveness treasures
for services provided by their munic-
ipality. 'Service areas included
are drinking water, fire services, land
use planning, libraries, local govern-
ment, parks and recrea-
tion, police, roads, solid waste. The
measures are the same for everyone
and you can look on line to see them -
it is all public information. Dougall
did caution though to not compare
numbers as the demographics and
topography is different for all
Dougall suggested the " Top 10
'Legal' Things Every New Councillor.
Ought 'Ib Know (and ... What should
every new municipal councillor
know) by Leo Longo as reading
material for councils.
Municipal Atkin and Housing
This meeting was designed for a
staff orientation and if the public has
questions they can call Dougall at
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