HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-04, Page 31'MM1c• • lMMMMWMIb►4,4011 Network Classifieds. Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! AZ DRIVERS (2 years exp.) required for U.S. Cross Border & Domestic work. Competitive mileage rate, com- pany benefits, monthly idle bonus, bi- annual safety bonus, new dedicated equipment, paid orientation, Call BiII @ Toll -Free 1.800.265-8789 Ext. 299 or email me at willemk@travelers.ca, DRIVERS WANTED: Terrific career opportunity outstanding growth poten- tial to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation & benefits pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License High School Diploma or GED. Apply at www.sperryrail.com under careers, keyword Driver, DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE, DRIVERS REQUIRED within 50 mile radius of London - REQUIREMENTS: Clean abstract, U.S. Border Crossing, FAST Card, COMPANY OFFERS: Top wages & benefits, steady employ- ment, paid waiting time & border crossings. TOLL-FREE 1.800-567- 2609 Ext. 230, Fax: 519-644-9059, www.elginmotorfreight.com, MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943.6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gables,ca. GABIES AUTO SALES, 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, Toll -Free 1.888.474-88151519- 472.8815. 11111111111111111111111 TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. Invest 10 hrslwk and build a serious business. You guide and train - no sales, no inventory, no risk, Great income! www.fromgreen2green.com. WWW.PREMIERSOLARINC.COM "Your Long Term Solar Partners" - System Sales/Installations/ Financing/Dealership. Start Making Money with the 'MicroFIT Program' TODAY! Cali Now! Toll -Free 1-877- 255.9580. $$$ MAKE FAST CASH - Start Your Own Business - Driveway Sealing Systems, Possible payback in 2 weeks. Part-time, Full-time. CALL Today ToIFFree 1-800-465-0024. Visit: www.protectasphatt.com. HELP SAVE LIVES. Retail Service Routes Available. Small Investment. Work for yourself. Part/full time, set your own hours, uncapped eaming potential. www,medicaldynamicscana- da.com, email or 1-855-845-2557, BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877- 388-0123 ext, 229 or visit our website: www,dollarstores,com today. 1111111111111111111 CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton - based company seeks experienced concrete finishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; John©RaidersConcrete,com. Cell 780.660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. $500$ LOAN, NO CREDIT REFUSED. Fast, Easy and Secure, 1- 877-776-1660. www.money provider,com. DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduceleliminate interest, regardless of credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call: 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. FREE UNLIMITED LONG DISTANCE • Home Phone & Highspeed, You're Approved! No Deposits, No Credit Checks. CALL Talk Canada Home Phone Today! Visit www.talkcanada 1.com or Toll -Free 1-866-867-8293. DISCONNECTED PHONE? National Teleconnect Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! 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Call 1-888-611• 7660. www.spasuppliesonline,ca. CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal. 100% Free Information Booklet. 1 -8 -Now -Pardon (1-866-972-7366). Speak with a Specialist - No Obligation. www.PardonServicesCanada.com, A+BBB Rating. 20+ Yrs Experience. Confidential. Fast. Affordable. For more information contact Your local newspaper ■ 1111111111111111•1 FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME SALES AGENTS URGENTLY NEEDED - FREE government grants for RESP savers has led to EXPLOSIVE GROWTH in RESP investing. Heritage Education Funds is a leading provider of fixed-income RESP's, with over $1.8 billion in assets under man- agement. Excellent marketing sup- port, FREE training & a generous pro- gressive commission structure to drive your success. Car a must. CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-271-7377. HOMEWORKERS get paid daily! Now Accepting: Simple FuIVPart Time Data Entry & Online Computer Related Work is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start Today, www.ONWOC.com. $$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES - Tax Arrears, Renovations, Debt Consolidation, no CMHC fees. $50K you pay $208.33/month (OAC). No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! BETTER OPTION MORT- GAGES, CALL 1-800-282-1169, www.mortgageontario.com (LiC# 10969). ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUISES • World class cruising close to home. The hassle free way to travel. 2, 3, 5 or 6 nights in private Staterooms. Included: Shore excursions, great meals & nightly entertainment. TICO#2168740. 253 Ontario St., Kingston, 1-800-267-7868, www.StLawrenceCruiselines,com, WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIP- MENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond organs. Any condition, no floor model consoles. Call Toll -Free 1-800-947.03931519- 853-2157. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1.888.9-PARDC or 905-459.9669. ANOTHER LONELY SUMMER... We hope not! MISTY RIVER INTRODUC- TIONS can find you someone you love to spend your life with. Ontario's traditional matchmaker. CALL (519) 658-4204, www.mistyriverintros.com. DATING SERVICE. Long-term/short- term relationships, Free to try! 1-877- 297-9883. Intimate conversation, Call #4011 or 1-888-534-6984. Live 1 on 1 CaII 1-866-311-9640 or #4010. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+) TRUE ADVICE! True clarity! True Psychics! 1-877-478-4410 (18+) $3.19/minute 1-900-783-3800; truepsychics.ca. Do All Metal Fabricating in Estevan, Saskatchewan is currently hiring WELDERS - 1st, 2nd & 3rd year Apprentices, Joumeymen or those with equivalent experience! Positions available immediately! Competitive Wages, Benefits & Apprenticeship Opportunities. Apply by Email: jhoward@doallmetal.com or Fax: 306- 634-8389. .111111111111111111 BUILDING SALE... Canadian Manufacturer Direct. 25x40 $6,320. 30x40 $7,370. 35x50 $9,980. 40x80 $18,900. 47x100 $31,600. Ends optional. Many others. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers since 1980,1-800-668- 5422. DO-IT-YOURSELF STEEL BUILD- INGS PRICED TO CLEAR - Make a, offerl Ask about FREE DELIVERY, most areas. CALL FOR QUICK QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE -1- 800-668-5111 ext.170. • ft's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • it's Effective • One Bill Does it All • All Ontario $475 • National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org