HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-05-04, Page 5al,1; 11 n t,et l.l,l h ! t Zl t tt' 11 1�'>Rr �,r`,'akeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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wr a4Rnowirdsr the financial tuppurt of the
Government of Caned* thrnui{h the Canadian Periodical
hind (13`10 for our puhltthIna &etivigrt.
/' Member el Mit Canadian l�xrwnun ty
1Mtwt egos AttocitMon and Pm 0n1Ar o
Rxnmu sly M opptn AttoeiaMon
There needs to be an app for that
Another election and another
decline in youth voting.
Peter Loewen, a political
scientist from the University of
Toronto is quoted as saying "Young
people may not get that (voting) is
the most important part of the
election." Loewen, who coauthored
a recent study on declining youth
votes for Elections Canada did a
report on youth voting.
We believe that not to be true. The
kids get it. 'they want to vote but it
needs to be easier. And maybe
seniors are saying the sante thing.
As for the kids, elections always
seem to happen when they are
writing exams or papers - many of
therm are at school - away from
home and don't even have the time
to deal with the formula for voting
away from home. At many of the
advance polls on Easter weekend,
the Zine -ups were far too long. Some
left stating they would conte back.
Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
As hi the municipal elections - there
has to he an easier way for voters
to vote.
'she kids know the issues, they talk
about the parties, they want to vote -
and in manly cases they want to vote
for the guy at home -not the person
who is running in a community
where they are not from.
Loewen and other experts say the
decline in youth voting is close to
hitting 1)011001. Voter turnout should
increase in the decades to come, but
would increase faster if the country
experimented with political engage-
ment tools such as online voting.
And that folks Is the answer. We are
now in a technological world. When
it comes to youth voting -there
needs to be an app for that.
letters to the editor
Bayfield Festival of Song
/)ear lidttor,
'the Hayfield Festival of Song returns, lune
Pito Itme 12th!
Mozart famously said: "Melody Is the
essence of music" Huron County will he
melodious indeed ns Stephen galls and Bruce
t lhukata (artistic directors, 'the Aldeburgh
Connection) again enchant with the art of song
during the fifth annual Hayfield Festival
of Song.
As in other years, the concerts will be
performed by both established artists and
young artists on the brink of celebrity. Halls
and llbukata will accompany the young
singers at the coffee concerts and the Sunday
concerts (after which there will he a 'meet -the -
artists' reception). 'throughout the week, the
ensemble will again introduce about 2000
110ron County school children to the art of
song. 'Celebrity' concerts will be held an
Friday and Saturday evenings and the Mester
Class will provide a behind -the -scenes look at
the sensitive discipline of vocal 11aining, and
nnentoring, on'llhursday (lune 9th). After the
Master Class, the little Inn will be hosting u
bistro for the musicians and audience.
'Throughout the Festival, them will be the very
great pleasure of hearing Stephen Halls and
Bruce tlbukata, renowned pianists. All
concerts again take place at the Haytield'11nwn
11) order tickets: 519-565-2435 or 1-416.735-
7982, ggrantstcc.on.ca or bayfieldok
Gail Grant
Councilors should
l )car Editor,
'she mayor of Huewater should not allow
councilors that walk out of meetings to
return or participate in future meetings,
discussions or votes until they have
publicly apologized to the ratepayers and
the rest of council for their childish
After months of rangling, (to satisfy a few
immature councilors) committees have
finally been struck, (although some are
committees of the whole), now maybe
more important issues will be dealt
with- or will be still be deadlocked with
5-5 votes?
We believe it is financially irresponsible
to have committees of the whole re: titre
or four members on a committee. As we
see it, we the ratepayers will be doling out
committee pay to 10 councilors at probably
more than $100 a pop. Is that being
responsible with our tax dollars?
1 think not.
Jake Schroeder
Sands of Time
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Editor, Lakeshore Advance
Celebrating my
friend Joan this
Mother's Day
This Mother's Day I atm going to honour
a dear friend Joanie. She reminds me of
Illy 111o111 in so many ways and is just a
very cool person.
Close to a decade ago a friend
introduced his childhood friend's 01001,
loan, t0 Inc. Ile had been talking about
her for many years 1 thought 1 already
knew her, She was and is a wonderful
person. As time went 00, and I Met more
people from her small sutntner
community, I realized everyone who was
fortunate to know her had the same
opinion. She is like the matriarch of her
community and everyone's 01011, Joan
Floyd is passionate and understanding
and cares about the people she meets.
She celebrated her 80th birthday last year
and her presents were theatre tickets, and
dinners and some edgy gifts that showed
her friends know she is a fun person.
loathe listens and is very wise. A lot of my
friends have known her for decades and
when they say she is the real deal - they
know what they are talking about. She is a
mons and grandmother and a great
friend. Like my mom, she speaks her
mind and knows what she's talking about.
Mother's Day is my favourite special -
day. Many of my friends and acquaint-
ances have lost their Moms and my heart
goes out to you- my readers know how
important Illy 1110111 is to ale. Many more
learned this year they are going to he
first- time monis, mom -in-laws, aunts or
grandmothers. It gives ale huge friend-
ship- pride to celebrate their milestones.
1 appreciate how my friends honour
their mothers and we live in an area
where we share what we have -even our
010108. We are also fortunate to live in a
world of social networking where we see
our friend's family photos in real time.
tieing a mom is probably the most diffi-
cult job you will ever have, but by far the
most rewarding. Nappy Mothers 1)ay to
lay 1110111, to Joanne and to every OI1e who
is fortunate to wear that badge of honour.